Politically economical - Krivenko K.T.

14.2.4. Orendna fee.

Land rent for the minds of the rink economy is in the form of rent payment and interest for mortgage loans.

Orendna fee includes rent, the interest on deposits by the landowner is capitals that are depreciated on the loan cap. In the case of the installation of a high-rise renting service, you can take part in the payment of the holiday.

Part of the land rent in the form of interest for mortgage loans is subject to banks, insurance companies, and other financial mortgages. Їh right, yak і the right of a landowner, on the return of a rent can be sold, і the land in its entirety nabuvaє form the goods.

14.2.5. Price of land.

Розглядаючи ціну землі, слід розрізняти ціну землі як product to the nature and product of nature. Ціна землі як продукту праці вклює витрати на обробіток ґрунту та його покращання, тобто nabuvaє novosti yavistі, vystupayuchi vzhe, z boku, yak product pratsі shirobora, and znіshogo - yak result of the function of such factors виробництва, як капітал та підприємницькі здібності. The price is for the product of nature - understand the country, the wreckage, the yak was designated, the land is not a product of people's rights. Vodnochaschas vona can vikoristovuvatis yak zasib vibrobnitsva that object pratsі i prishisati її vosnikovі dohіd u viglyadі renty. Economical forms of land-capitals represent the form of a point-by-point percentage, and land-materi- als are land rent.

Ціна землі .

Theoretically, the price of the land includes the grocery eqvivalent of the vratat's wage on Ії покращання і magnitude of the rent. Actually, the price of land is equal to the amount of income, the amount of rent, the norms of the percentage rate, the amount of food and food, the taxes, the regulation of the agrarian sector of the economy.