Politically economical - Krivenko K.T.

14.3. Розвиток підприємництва в сільському господарстві

Різноманітні the form of state darling. Formulation of the agro-industrial complex.

14.3.1. Різноманітні the form of state darling.

Здійснювана нині в Україні економічна реформа perebacha formavannya in sіlskom gospodarstvі bahatoukladnoї економіки. Nasampered neobhіdno povnistyu finish the folding і trivaly the process of reforming kolgospіі і радгоспів. Selyany povinni stati real masters of the earth zіobesіv vibrobitvtva, realizovati its own privacy, rozporyadzhatisya vyroblenuyu produktsiye those incomes.

At syl'skogospodarskih pіdpriemstvah neobhіdіnі to carry out glybokі peretvorennya on the basis of a wide vіcristіanіya підряд, оренди, акціонерних, cooperative and сімейно-індивідуальних forms. Docilno vikoristovuvati kolektivno-paiovi paivovi methods of the bezopoloznennogo priavlasnennya zadobiv і result vibrobitvtva. Їх are the essence of the field, in that the land of the most basic vibrofic funds is rozpodilyayutsya mіzh members of the labor collegium (z urauvuvannam labor vneshku) on the pai, yaki nahahovuyutsya part of the gained pribudku. Villagers harbor wagons, real masters of vobrobnitsva and yogo results, as much as possible in the final results of the pratsi.

In Ukraїnі stvorene legal zabezpechennya for funktsіonuvannya іnshih forms organіzatsії sіlskogospodarskogo virobnitstva, in addition chislі farms Selyanske Gospodarstwa, samostіynih kooperativіv i NKVD pіdsobnih virobnitstv. In the Law of Ukraine "About Vlasnist" pidkreslyuetsya, scho vsyi form vlasnostі є rіravnopravnimi, and the power stlyuyu umovi їx rozvitku ta zahistu.

Sіlskogospodarskim pіdpriєmstvam sogodnі potrіbne real ekonomіchne i Legal rozkrіpachennya (Zahist od admіnіstrativnogo svavіllya, materіalno-tehnіchna i fіnansova pіdtrimka, viznannya їh povnotsіnnimi sub'єktami rinkovih vіdnosin), i yak farmers, i Selyanske Gospodarstwa.

Whether yaky sub'єkt pіdpriєmnitstva in sіlskomu gospodarstvі guilty mother right samostіyno vibirati napryamok spetsіalіzatsії (s urahuvannyam minds danogo Gospodarstwa) viznachati perspective i ekonomіchno efektivnosti structure posіvnih Area that virobnitstva in tsіlomu, vklyuchayuchi rozvitok pіdsobnih of companies that obslugovuyuchih tsehіv. Potribna takozh freedom of the partner's vibor, the contractual obligations of the banks, the forms of the organization and the payment of the prac- tices. Without tsyogo nі privatno, nі kolektivnaya vlasnіst not to ripen the peasant with an equal ruler.

Formuvannya bagatoukladnoї Sistemi gospodaryuvannya in agricultural sektorі not slіd zdіysnyuvati Shlyakhov protistavlennya rіznih forms vlasnostі, provodyachi course for odnoukladnіst s bezrozdіlnim panuvannyam Private privlasnennya forms. The essence of the bagatougladnosti polagae in that, all the elements of the tisno povyazhany mizh themselves, dopovnoyut one and i svityayut rozvitku dermal. Without such systems, it is not real, but formal pluralism of forms of sovereignty and state dignity in uncompromising superpersonalities.

In Ukraine, the lowness of the law is praised, but for the sake of developing the forms of state dignity. So, the law "About the village" (farmer's) state "viznachaet ekonomichny, sotsial'nі i iravnyi osnovistriya diyalostі selyanskih (farmer) gospodarstv in Ukraine. Vin garantuete the right gromadyan on the goodwill of the state of the states, self-esteem, rivnist in the other forms of dowry. The law "About the collective syl'skogoospodarske pidpriemstvo" viznachaє legal, ekonomichny, sotsial'nyi organizatsiyni umovi dіyalnosti kolektivnyh sіl'kogospodarskih підприємств. Tsei law garantuє nepripustimіst vtruchannya powers in zdіysnennya gospodarskih funktsіy pіdpriєmstva, obmezhennya yogo rights that іnteresіv s side Vladi derzhavnoї that upravlіnnya, zabezpechuє rіvnі Minds Collective sіlskogospodarskim pіdpriєmstvam s Reigning, Selyanske (fermerskimi) Gospodarstwa. The law "About a payment for the ground" viznachae the order, rozmіri, lines of a raft of land payment that rentedi pay.

Perspective is such a structure of the organization of agrarian spheres , the yak is not protivostavlya, and the navpacks, organically, the rural areas, and the form of the state dacha. Optimumizatsiya takoi sistemi moe zdіysnyuvatysya postupovo, near the world of the material-technical basis, vibro-social and social infrastructure in the countryside. On cutaneous etapі toil Buti svoї kriterії tsієї optimіzatsії, slіd vibirati nadіyny gospodarsky mehanіzm rozv'yazannya superechnostey i uzgodzhennya ekonomіchnih іnteresіv fermerskih Gospodarstwa, orendnih kolektivіv, kooperativіv, pererobnih Promyslova of companies.

Perehіd to bagatoukladnoї sistemi perebacha vyshirennya private sector, ale formvaniya tsієї yakisno novoyi sistemy loan trivaly hour.

In this way, the Ukraine shall pass to the secession on the basis of the reform of the Syl'skospodarskih pidpriimstv of the new organizational and legal forms of the state dignitaries on ambushes of private ownership on the land. It is necessary to talk about the alignment of newcomers for their own zemstvo of collective and private governments.

Agrarnaya reform reform of the reform of the pricelist, obodotkuvannya, renting payments, tobet all the sukostnosti відносин власності в усіх сферы суспільного відтворення.