Politically economical - Krivenko K.T.

14.3.2. Formulation of the agro-industrial complex.

Vazhlivim directly agrarian reforms - the strictness of the effective agro-industrial complex (AIC).

Agropropyllonies complex s - sse sokupnist galleuz people's government, zanyatyh vibrobitvtvom, pererobkoyu, zberigannnyam that brought up spizhivacha sylskogospodarskoi products.

To the warehouse of the agro-industrial complex enter the basic sphere:

1) virbitnitsu vobrobnitvo zabotniv vibrobitvtva for sylskogo gosartarstva ya yogo vibrochnichogo obesgovovuvannya;

2) vlasne sіls state;

3) zberіgannia, zagotivlya, pererobka, transportuvannya sіl'skogoospodarskoї produkcii.

The agro-industrial complex is an important part of the national government. Yogi zavdanya - zabezpechiti populated food kharchuvannya, and promyslovist - sirovaniu. Tselmolno for the purpose of the effective robotics of all varnishes, but enter before the agro-industrial complex.

In the transition to the rinkovyh vpodnosin importance is important and not necessary - the state of regulation. The jodo of the Silesian government, then vobno guilty:

Postyne sposterezhennya for the ruin of rinkovyh tsin for the production of agro-industrial complex, for the pre-production of galuses and molds for vitrifite vitrits;

Відпрацювання механізму підтримання доходів сільськогосподарського товаровиробників shagomulyulyulyaniya mіnіmalnikh tsін, фінансування і кредитування;

Weathering tsіnovi і fіnansovo-kreditnoy polіtiki on the foodstuffs and resource rinks with the best kraїnami;

spriyannya rozvitku mіzhnarodnih zv'yazkіv, nasampered at the Branch tehnіki th tehnologії virobnitstva that pererobki sіlskogospodarskoї produktsії, organіzatsії agropromislovih formuvan;

maximum mozhlive stimulyuvannya s side powers zbіlshennya virobnitstva that pіdvischennya of Quality produktsії harchuvannya i sirovini s urahuvannyam dosvіdu іnshih kraїn that tsіn svіtovomu on market analysis.

Oskіlki in rіznih sotsіalno-ekonomіchnih systems Pete Wagga, Location i role rіznomanіtnih forms vlasnostі on the ground that INSHI zasobi virobnitstva in agropromislovomu kompleksі suttєvo vіdrіznyayutsya then agrarnі vіdnosini, pritamannі tіy chi іnshіy sistemі, harakterizuvatimut at Perche Cherga vіdnosini, zumovlenі panіvnimi forms vlasnostі on the ground , The core of these are private, state-owned, cooperative.

The agrarian reform is the process of economic development of investments and perspectives for all matters of sovereignty in the Silesian government. Oskіlki warehouses Chastain ekonomіchnih vіdnosin Je tehnіko-ekonomіchnі vіdnosini then materіalnoyu basis of Agrarian reform povinnі Buti nasampered zmіni in tehnologіchnomu sposobі virobnitstva: vprovadzhennya novoї tehnіki, culture virobnitstva, novі FORMS organіzatsії pratsі toscho.

Peretvorennya vіdnosin vlasnostі peredbachaє peredusіm zmіnu sub'єktіv vlasnostі, tobto rozderzhavlennya i privatizatsіyu zemelnoї vlasnostі, stvorennya real plyuralіzmu vlasnostі forms, in addition chislі Renaissance privatnoї vlasnostі.

In Ukraine, the meta agrarian reforms - the replenishment of the state monopoly on land, the formation of a daring ruler, the vicarities of statehood, the collegiality of private forms of government.

Agrarian Reforms mean zmіni in the land-fertile, earth-ridden, earthquake-ridden. Pід the hour of the land reform in Ukraine in the field is:

Viznachennya rights vlasnosti on land and the skin of a skinny member sylskogospodarskogo pidpriemstva;

Mozhnivіst formovannya z razpayovanih pіdpriєmstv privnotnoy vlasnosti na mayno;

rozporyadzhennya been approved, the right land, sent messages to the Collective vlasnіst, that nadannya land dіlyanok members of collectives, scho s pobazhayut viyti whether yakoї pravovoї FORMS Collective pіdpriєmstva.

In Ukraine, the problem of landownership is affected by the hurricanes of interests in the subordinated states on the earth: the powers, collectives of states and farmers. In other words, it is permissible for people to form land to land: private (for farmers, and for quiet, htoe vede pidbozhne gosdarstvo), it is collective (for collective statehood), powerful (for state property).