Politically economical - Krivenko K.T.

18.2. Theories and models of economic growth

Models of economical zrostannia. Pokazniki ekonomichnogo zhostan'ya.

18.2.1. Models of economical zrostannia.

Science interests before the problems of economical zarostannya especially posilivsya sredstav posadvnikin in neoclassic schools in the 50's. XX century. Zokrema, economists have been asked to clarify and clarify the Keynesian situation in order to solve the problems of the crises in the model of economic growth. * 2. Takі models were talking about the method of optimizing the optimality of sleeping with the factors of viroblnitsva, viznachennya of minds, yakis zabezpechuyut bazhany tempi stabilnist ekonomichnogo rozvitku, dosleniya nayvazhlivshih proportions, the number of people nagromadzhennyam і spozhivannyam tochno.

* 2: {Danyu pitannii keynsіanskaya teoriiya vyhodit z oo, scho vospitalivu role vіdіgraє spіvvіdnoshnya zaoschadzhen S S Інвестицій І. Zrostania zaoshchadzhen in the economical rozumnіnny meaning reordering koshtiv from the purchase of objects on a private investment (investment). Rivnost S ta I - one of the obovvyazykovyh minds of the old economical zrostannya. For the name of perevischennya S over the I factor of virobnitsvva vikoristovuyatsya nepovnistyu. If, however, the investment will be vipereredzhya rozmіri zaoschadzhen, then you can nastavati "peregryv ekonomiki", zrostosti інфляція тощо.}

One-factor model of zostannia . In the economical literature, the model of Harrod-Domar * 3 . I do not have the authority to criticize the Yedin factor of economical zarostaniya, but it is a one-factor model. Vihіdnoyu umovoyu takoї posilki є te, scho kapital (yak factor) nache "vboraet" in itself the potential solutions of the vibrotic factors.

* 3: {The name of the model is similar to the collection of two authors - the English economist RF Harrod, the American economist. D. Domar, yaki rasprobili his own war models of viznachennya tempiv zrostannya. Aly tsi varianti buli duzhe szhozhі, to that in literary vony distali name yak model of Harrod-Domar.}

The model is based on a number of absurdities (abstractions). So, forehead, all the factors of the vibrobitva, zberihayatsya rivnivaga popita і proponuvannya ta rіvnі їхніх ростінів, заслашаю postійними співвідношення між заощадженнями S та інвестиціями І. In practice, it is far from being so.

The Harrod-Domar model serves as an additional tool for the problems of economic development in the dovgostrokovomu periodi, the role of viyavi character in the relations between the dynamical and pro-ural development.

The formula (рівняння) of Harrod-Domar is such a vigil:

G = S / C , no G / C = S ,

De G - the rate of economic growth; C - відношення капіталу до випуску продукції (національного доходу), тобто коефіцієнт капіталомісткості; S - part of the invasion of the national income.

At the induced vizhe rivnyanni author model to wake up, but S = I ; G / S - a part of the net investment from national income.

In this way, knowing the basic economical parameters (the national capital, the national income, the savings, the growth of clean investments), it is possible to forecast the approximate pace of the economy for the future. Prote real tempi mozyut vidriznyatis vid rashrahovogo srednjogo pokazanik, oskilki vonyi zalajat vid strokturi іnvestitsіy, vikoristanya tehnichnyh dosyagnen, phasis of an economical cycle of those інших змінних factorів, які впливають на економічну кон'юнктуру.

Model vibrochnichii functions. Econochnost zrostannya mozhe bouti zabezpecheno for rahunok paralelnih contribution to the discount factor, sho rob ig bilsh vysokoproduktivnimi. So, razіonalne spіvvidnoshennya mizh pratseyu i kapitalom u razii zmіni rozrahovuyutsya dopomogo vibrohnichoi funktsii, in the fundamentals yakoy - nayrakchy variant marginal productivities of the skin i zarulenich factor. Tse virazhaetsya such a formula:

Q = F ( L , K , N ),

De Q - the vigilance of the products (national income); L - сукупні витрати праці; K - contributions of capital; N - land resources.

This formula characterizes the extensive type of economical zrostania.

The intensive type of territory can be described by such a rank:

Інтенсивний тип зростання

On the basis of the vibronic functions, the American economist P. Douglas and the mathematician H. Cobb indulged in a two-factor model of the economy economy, demonstrated the direct accumulation of the viz. (Result) of the vibrobit and the magnitude of the vibrotic vitrates.

Model Cobb-Douglas virazhaetsya such a formula:

Q = F ( L , K ).

Zgіdno z danoyu formula at zbіlshennі costs pravіі і kapitalu na x % of the product (national income) growth rate takozh x %.

Багатофакторні моделі зростання. At the podschomu buli there are pre-requisites and models, yaki vrachovuvali umovi, scho vplyivayut na stemіn vzajmozamyuunostіnosti factor in this differentiation, and takozh on ekonomichne zrostannya directly that is mediated, tobto bahatofaktorny model (napriklad, rozraunki factor in the economical economy of the American economist E. Denison).

The value of low models is motivated by the accrued rivnyannya popita і proponuvannya ta dinamichnomu їh zbalansuvannі, de ostalnene viznachaetsya dinamikoyu kapitalnyh vozduzhdenie, yakі utzvoryayut novy potouzhnosti ta novy come. Suitnosti bugatokh z cich models to be created before, sho інвестиції мають perebachi dinamiku popzhivchogo popita. A oskilki ekonomichna rivnivaga for takoe conception duzhe nestyka, then є neobhіdnіst at majestic vtruchani through fіnansovo-kreditnu polity.

It is important to curse each other's і on the universal model of V. Leontyev , yaka distal name "vitrati-vypusk". Її author proanalizuvav system of interdependence in economics yak iodinogo tsilogo on the basis of the table mizhgaluzevogo balance. In the tables, the intermodal countermeasures between the "vitrats" (in stovptsyah) and "vipuskom", the abused products (by rows), the permitting of z'yasuvati, the yaku kilkіst odnієї produktsії potrybno vikoristy for vibrobnitsva іnshїї.

The theoretical model "vitrati-vypusk" became the basis for the motivations of the US economy model of the economy, and it nabula widened in the other regions, that number in the quantitative SRSR. In 1973 the For the "vitrati-vypusk" method, that yoga practitioner is being squandered. V. Leont'ev boule was awarded the Nobel Prize of economics.

The concept of zero zrostania . On the cob of the 70's. In the external literature, the boule is so hung up with the concept of a zero-cost economy. The essence of the problems of the field is the fact that in the past ten years the negative side of the shvidkogo ekonomichnogo zostannya has suffered, the wreck of the vicious world has been dealt with and the devaluation of the silk resources of the syringes. Syrovina became defective, and the consumer in noiselessly zrostayut. For існуючих тренцій залучення природних ресурсів у виробництво человек незабаром дійде до межі, for yaku yomu zagrozhuє global catastrophe: виснаження природних ресурсів, екологічні катастроти та погішшання якості життя в цілому. At zv'yazku zim potrybno svidomo obnedovati tempi ekonomichnogo rozvitku.

Z poghilnikami conception of zero zostannya important to wait. Ajsam sama dinamichne ekonomichne zrostania vystupa yak golovna peredumova pom'yakshennya superechnosti mizh zrostaschimi bytami ta obmezhenimi resourses. Yak has already been designated, the scientific and technological revolution is leading to the negative factors in the factors of economical zhostaniya. Vaughn can be returned more product in the smaller vitrates, the number has to be replaced by the vitrage of energetic and traditional mineral resources.

18.2.2. Pokazniki ekonomichnogo zhostan'ya.

Naiibilsh is concentrated and complexly characterizes the economy of the country, demonstrates the productiveness of the sushpilnoi prači , čo viznachaetsya yak vidnoshennya (at groshovіy formi) product vypuski (in the scale of the krainy - national income) to the costs of living. Zvorotny pokaznik productivity in practice - tse laboromistkist praci. Він показує, скільки необхідно суспільству затратити праці, щоб виготовити одницю продукції. Closer to them, a demonstrator інтенсивності праці, який характерє затрати праці за одницю часу.

Відношення (у грошовій формі) the product's oath to the main capitals viznacha productive kapitalu, abo ynoyomii us otpaznik kapitalovddachi . The prototype of yo- yo-yo- yo-yo - a product of production . Наскільки раціонально, productively використовуться обмежені природні ресурси, характерє показник матеріаломісткості - відношення витрат використаних ресурсів (у грошовій формаі) до виготовленої продукції.

The points of the march of the marginal pidhodu to the analisis of the borderline displays are important - the showers of the marginal productivities of the vibrobitvtva. Wongs characterize the extent of the growth of the national income to the growth of the natural resource, capital, natural resources. Hocha upskonaloi techniques such rozraunkiv shche nemye, ale zahіdnі ekonomisti vvazhayut, sho parts of the given factors in the amount of the national income are as follows: zabobitnoi plati (pratsi) - 75-80%; Surplus і percent - 15-18; Of natural resources - 5-7%.

This rank, zabezpechuchi ekonomichnoe zrostannia, people obvinnі vdaskonaljuvati ekonomichnyi protsi, yak characterize zagadі pokazniki. Usi voni napreshi-reshit "focus" in the product portrayal pravtsi, a comprehensive factor zrostaniya yakogo є NTP.