Politically economical - Krivenko K.T.

21.3. Economical system of monopolistic capitalism

The essence of monopolistic capitalism. Законоірності виникнення монополій. Concentration and centralization of capital. Efekt scale. Accessionary partnerships (corporations). Problems of maximization of the monopilot's income.

21.3.1. The essence of monopolistic capitalism.

Monopolisticheskaya stadіya at rozvitku kapitalizmu skorіshe є teoreticheskuyu hypothesis in that sense, pure monopolistic capitallizmu nі yakіy krayїn kapіtalіistichnogo svitu not boolo. Prote is obvious, but the tendentious tendencies to this kind of special economic system of capitalist formations at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries; tse daє pіdstavi spetsіalno rozglyadati i vivchati Danian at Etap rozvitku kapіtalіzmu in rozvinutih kraїnah, Especially such yak USA, Canada, kraїnah Zahіdnoї Єvropi - Velikobritanії, Nіmechchinі, Frantsії, Іtalії that іn.

Monopolіstichny kapіtalіzm - tse ekonomіchny way іz system great i nadvelikih of companies, scho UCLA one s one rіznogo old lands Chi Union, i yak monopolії zaymayut panіvne encampment in ekonomіtsі that Rink nedoskonaloї konkurentsії; Стадія у розвитку капіталізму.

Vilna konkurentsіya mіzh tens of hundreds bіlsh i-Mensch rіvnotsіnnih kapіtalіstichnih of companies entered mіstsem panuvannyu nebagatoh hundreds of companies that rіznomanіtnih great їh ob'єdnan, soyuzіv chi land, SSMSC zoseredzhuyut in svoїh hands digit chastku suspіlnogo bagatstva i virobnichih resursіv.

For monopolistic stadії kapitalizmu zberіgaєtsya monopsonіya na rinku pračі, oskilki sub'єktі pratsі zalshayutsya neorgannіzovannuyu force і not zahischayutsya power.

21.3.2. Закономірності виникнення монополій.Концентрація і centralization of the capital.

It has been brought to the conclusion that competition is concentrated on the concentration of vibrobitvita, while concentrating on singing weddings to monopolies. Gonitva kapіtalіstіv for all bіlshim pributkom i is competitive Borotba mіzh them porodzhuyut kontsentratsіyu i tsentralіzatsіyu kapіtalu scho Veda to kontsentratsії virobnitstva that zrostannya rozmіrіv of companies. Pідприємецьь може розширити свій завод chi factory in the world, yak ідуть справи з виробництвом прибутку та його нагромадженням, що веде до збільшення розмірів main th turnaround. Concentration of the vibrobitvtva in its chervnyu tjagne for itself concentratio and centralization of capitals. Velikі підприємства переважають над дрібними і мають більшу конкурентоспроможність.

Concentration of capital in the hands of the great pіdprіmіtіvі szyshiruvala mozlovistі zastosuvannya v viribnitsіvі novatsіі і vіskonanalen, naynovіshih досягнень науки и техніки.

Trivali hour of concentration vibrobitvtva zdіysnyuvalas, head ranks, on the basis of concentration kapital. The method of centralization of capital is not a buzz of distributions. The centralization of capitalization is to reduce the burden of capitalizing the accumulation of economic resources into one great capital. Centralization of capitals can be both good and easy. The first is to settle on the basis of a goodwill agreement on capital accumulation in one capital at a time when it is legal and legal form. Other sposib - tse poglinannya in the process of competition bilsh great pidpriemstvaami mali і drіbnyh kapitalalisticheskikh pіdpriimstv.

Approximately through 25-35 rock in the promyslovogo coup in England kilkist accumulation of innovations and vdoskonalen led to the yakisnyh zmіn in the nature and rivnі tech. Ці зміни came in the other half of the ХІХ century, especially in the yogo, the rest of the thirds, if the number of suttiviks zrusen in the course of engineering.

Vazhlivimi tehnichnimi досягненнями були винахід бесемерівського конвертера (1865) и сіменс-мартенівської печі (1864), які have marked a revolution in the methods of meltdown; The domain of the domain with a 100% dovetail (kynets of the 70's); In the presence of steamy hammers of the sky; Застосування у виробництві і на транспорті двигунів внутриіішнього згорання; Виникнення і розвиток нових галузей виробництва - перефки нафти, електротехніки, автомобілебудування.

Technic and structural zrushennya in promislavosti zumovili zrostayuche znachennya great pidpriemstv. On the new etapі rozvitku tehnіki zrosli mіnіmalnі rozmіri kapіtalu, neobhіdnogo for funktsіonuvannya of companies on novіy tehnologії virobnitstva, i rozmіri of companies themselves, to deprivation of such minds zastosuvannya novoї tehnіki could Buti ekonomіchno efektivnosti. Frozen new ways of preparing products, napriklad, vyplavki became, on other types of devices, it was і technically inconsistent, and economically uneventful. Novі галузі і виробництва for its character could ssnuvati on the basis of great pіdpriimstv. Zoisredzhennia novyї tehniki, novih methodyv vibrobitvtva on great pidpriemstvaah gave him mozhnlivost oderzhuvati znachnі ekonomichnyi pributki, scho prikoryuvalo kapitsitsiyu kapitalu. Suttivity in the technical and in the structures of the promiscuous vibrobitveve pulled after themselves the sabotage of yogo concentrates.

Yakshche on the back of another half of the ХІХ century. Economy in Galuzo dіyali drіbnі that serednі for rozmіrom pіdpriєmstva, then ostannoї tretini cob tsogo stolіttya steel Shvydko z'yavlyatisya velikі i nadvelikі pіdpriєmstva that їh ob'єdnannya i Union. Tsei process priviv before, scho vzhe on the ear of the twentieth century. Sama velikі pіdpriєmstva pochali vysnachati risi basic khaluzey promyslovosty.

Thus, in 1909 the In the United States, 3,060 shares of sales were 268,491 shares (1.1%), 43.8% of the zagalas' promulgated products and services were sold, and 30.5% of the robots were sourced. Tse boole principally we introduce a new device for rozvitku galuzey vibrobitvtva, boo z'yvalis velikі pіdpriєmstva, yakі saw the means of the masi of the middle, mali і dribnih pіdpriemstv і could vlivati ​​і on the competition, and on the rink, the mechanism of yogo functionovannya.

At the singing stage, the high riven concentration of the vibrobitvita is subjective to the point where the main part of the yoga part is occupied by the small quantities of great pidpriemstv. Monopoly і олігополія to come on зміну вільній конкуренції, яка замінюється nedoskonaloyu rivalry.