Politically economical - Krivenko K.T.


22.1. Sutnist і znaki zmishanoy ekonomiki

Sutnist zmishanoy ekonomiki. Умови виникнення змішаної економіки. Causes виникнення змішаної економіки. National special enterprises. Укиди і сектори змішаної економіки.

22.1.1. Sutnist zmishanoy ekonomiki.

"Our economical system," P. Samuelson wrote, "the system of financial support for private enterprises, the economic control of which is secured in the first place, both private and private institutions" (div .: Samuelson P. Economics: Introduction course: Translated from English - M., 1964. - P. 53). About those, the so-called daytime capitalism, is a system of economical economics, written by K. McConnell, S. Bru, S. Fischer, R. Dornbusch, R. Shmelenzi.

Rozriznyayut three basic varianti zmishanoy economy : 1) conservative, 2) liberal, 3) sociological reform. Кожен з них має певніі відмінності. Thus, the conservative variant of the economy is visually attractive for the vtruchaniya of the power in the macroeconomic processes with the method of securing the minds for the development of the private sector and the self-regulation of self-regulation. Ліберальний варіант perebacha carried out important інституціональних і соціальних reforms, раціональну взаємодію private and state sector economics, впровадження systems of national planning, здійснення послепової соціалізації капіталістичної економіки. Naivazhlivimimi predstavnikami tsієї modelі є vіdomі ameriyskі ekonomisti J. Galbraith and R. Heilbronner.

Social reforms are the most effective way to ensure decentralization and central planning, planning and rynka, indivisual and collective forms of power for post-soviet transformations in the system of democratic socialism.

On the duma of the Ukrainian economist S.Mocherny, the economy is a model of socially-economical development, but it is pogobacha podegnannya private and state forms of power, the plan and the rink, carried out the institutional and social reforms for the sake of progressive harmony.

Mi vvazhaetmo, scho svidomiy process of formulating capitalism in a zemishanoyu economy, pocavsya in zahіdnih kraїnah, in the United States on the eve of deyu reformisticheskie polozhenie, zapachatkovanih "New course" American President F. Roosevelt in 1933 p. Theoretically, the specificity of a particular mechanism of functioning of a capitalistic economy is given in the English economist D. Keynes "The legal theory of occupation, interest and pennies" (1936).

22.1.2. Умови виникнення змішаної економіки.

Історичною передумовою виникнення змішаної економіки і посилення і розширення державно втручання в економічну діяльність, розвиток державної власності і державно секконом економіки. P. Samuelson stverzhuyє, scho z kінця ХІХ ст. Mayzhe in ushh kraynah vidbuvalo rozshirennya ekonomichnih functions of the power. It is possible to get involved in a contradictory, private, private, and secular sectors, to develop a state-corporate power and monopoly capitalism, which is a new form of state dignity. Tomu vychik vto ototozhnyut zmishanu ekonomiku zdalno-korporativnym obolevno-monopolisticheskim kapitalizmom, and viniknnnia datuyut kinets the nineteenth pothole of the twentieth century.

In the first ten years of the twentieth century. Neobhidnost svernogo vtruchannia v ekonomiku u formuli regularuvania i navіt planyuvannya ob'runtovuyut osobennosti vsheni Dzh.Djuї, U. K. Mitchell, J. M. Clarke and especially J. M. Keynes. Thus, U. Mitchell, having respected for the need for special powers to the organ of an objective planning, bring you to the establishment of a sovereign economy in the United States, and J. Clarke, after which I have envied a vision of the economy of the great companies in the role of the ranks.

Інший підхід до розуміння змішаної економіки base on the priorities, principles of the organization and government of two systems: capitalistic self-regulation with the principles of planarity, social and political control of social security. American training S. Chase naprikintsi 30-bp. Zaponuvav at the bottom of "Tiraniya sliv" zmist to understand "capitalism" and "socialism" to introduce the concept "zmishana ekonomika" (div .: Cheese S. The Tyranny of Words .- NY, 1938. - P. 280).

Після Друї світової війни цю теорію розвивають E. Hansen, L. Kharris, P. Samuelson та ін. In all prattsyah mova yde about the devolution of systems, basing on private and suspicious authorities, "pure" capitalism and socialism.

Відомо, що private vlasnіst realize zavdyaki rinkііm competitive forms of organіzіzіі sspіlnogo виробництва, and суспільна - завяки плаірній оргаізації виробництва. Ale rozvitok sushpilnogo vibrobitvtva pid vplyvom NTP viznacha evolyutsіy privetnosnosti viasnostі і, відповідно, ринкої форма оргаізації. The vigorous competition of the markets is conducive to the establishment of great enterprises, corporations, monopolies and oligopolies. Vinikayut organizatsiya і planuvannya on rіvnі pervinnih lanok (teorіya "organizovannogo" and "planned kapitalіzmu") that can reguljuvannya rinkovyh vidosinon monopolyami. Corporate eco-economics vimagaє at its own cherry, the strengthening of the sovereign power in economics, the coordination, the regulation, the inclusive plan of the suspilny virbitnitsva. Organizatsiya saspilnogo vibrobitvtva stae "zmishanoyu" competitively-planirnoyu.

Necessarily zveruti respect for those who are vlasnist yak ekonomichnaya basis i viznachalnyy element ekonomichnoi sistemi not zavzhdi viznachaet vіdpovdnu form organizatsii. Slid pidkresliti, scho "command economy", abo "authoritarian", is not total "planirno-organizovaniy ekonomiki", it is possible for an authoritarian government to be behind it as a form of authority.