Politically economical - Krivenko K.T.

22.5.3. Історичні prospecti змішаної економіки.

Lіberalno-democratic character of the one-sotsіalno reformіstsky eg zmіshanoї Economy peredbachayut poєdnannya - vzaєmodіyu - Borotba rіznih ukladіv i sektorіv Economy, vlasnostі forms, market analysis planuvannya i, i detsentralіzatsії tsentralіzatsії in formі іndikativnogo planuvannya that programuvannya, pіdporyadkuvannya privacy grupovogo іnteresіv suspіlnim. We respect the process of social and economic development of the financial system and the peace with a democratic democratizing hat in the new post-socialist system, postindustrial civi- lization. Postane pitania about zarodzhennya new way (neosotsialisticheschnogo?) In the abovementioned zmishanoy ekonomichnoi sistemi, new forms of vlasnosti (kolektivnosti, aktsionernoi, municipalnoy, sovremennoi) and new economics in the interiors of the panuvannia cich forms of power.

Already in Sweden, the model of zymoshanie ekonomichnoy systems nazivayut Swedish socialism on the economic basis of private ownership and banking form of organization and state regulation in the sphere of roses and peredozpodilu.

Unsecured є кількісні та якісні зміни в соціально-економічних відносинах розвинутих країн світу, які сідччать about the evolution of the growth of the capitalist system and the transition of the іншу, більш прогресивну систему.

In our view, zmishana ekonomika є perehіdnim etapom, perehіdnoyu ekonomikoyu (sistemu) vіd perestavno kapіtalіistchnoї up to non-kapitalistic.

Terminological dictionary

Dupont monopoly - the market, on which I iodinomu sellers (monopolies) protistoe iodiniy kupetsets (monopsoniya).

The power sector is the sphere of state sovereignty on the basis of the panuviania of state power over the vibrobitvtva.

Derzhavno-monopolistic capitallism (for the Marxist concept) - in particular "the Gigants' capitalism with the gigantic force of power ..." (VI Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 32, p. 83), vizcha planirna Form of capitalism (There itself. - Т. 31. - С. 443-444).

Змішана економіка - a model of socially-economical rozvitku, that is, pobachacha podebannya privatnoї і sovereign forms of power, the plan і rinku, conducted інституціонально-соціальних reforms for the sake of progressive harmony.

Collective dogovir settle on the basis of legal regulations, hiring parties (hiring personnel and a bureaucrat abo yogo representative) zobov'azan with the method of regulating vibrotic, laborious and socially-economical vidosnon taugodzhennya intrestesiv workers, vlasnikiv and their bodies.

The economics sector is a part of the people's government, which can be used to economically and socially signify and can be based on one or the other socially-economical ways.

Sociologna oriєntatsіya ekonomiki - the policy of the state in the economy of economy, is built on the norm of the normal minds for the creation of people, irresolutely in the part of the virbitage and the income.

Соціальне partnership - теорія класового співробітництва та соціальної гармонії інтересів праці і капіталу, найманих робітників і капіталістів.

Suspilno-ekonomichniy way of life - a system of visions of economical invoices, which is based on the singing forms, types of power on the vibrobitvtva's zasobi.

Fіnansovo-promyslova grupa (FPG) - a complex of promises, trading, banking, transport, and інших companies.

Functionality in economics - vplivivi grupi, yakі in course of competition vidilyayutsya in riznomanitelnyh areas abo sectors of economy and take on important functions in ny.

Supervision of supply and naval operations

Name the basic signs of the economy.

Chi є різниця між змішаною економікою і bagаукладномю економікою?

In chomu, in your opinion, is the basic function of the power of the capitalistic economy?

Chi Mozhi Buti, on your dumka, economics zmishanoyu in the brains of panuvannya kapitalalistichnyh monopoly?

Nazvit, yakii zaprimіv rozvitku zmіshanoї ekonomiki є, on your view, virishalnym - sotsialistichesky, neoliberalny, conservative? Доведіть, чому саме.

In chomu polegayut revolutionary zmіni v trudovikh vydnosinakh v udovah kapitalistichnogo zmishanoy ehonomiki?

Yake your stavlennya before the bilateral monopoly on the market? Obruntuyte your positsiyu.

Chi існує експлуатація working in the minds of the capitalistic economy?

What type of finance in Ukraine and in Ukraine is your staple up to this?

Z'yasayte, chi tootozhny ponattya "socially oriennovana rinkova ekonomika" and "zmishana ekonomika."

Які prospect of development of a joint venture?