Modeluvannya ekonomiki - Vіtlіnskiy V.V.

2.2.5. Economic and mathematical modeling

Osnovnі Etap processes modelyuvannya rozglyadalisya vische. Zauvazhimo, scho in the red galzah know, zokrema in ekonomiki, stink nabuvayut specifichnih rice. Proanalizuemo poslidovnost і зміст етапів one cycle economical-mathematical modeling.

1. The formulation of economical problems of the āї yakіshniy analiz. Bunt here - chіtko sformulyuvati sutnіst problems (tsіlі doslіdzhennya), stewed, SSMSC priymayutsya, i Ti power, to win a SSMSC neobhіdno vіdpovіdі. Tse-etap includes viocremination of the most naked rice and power of the object, which is modeled, and abstracted from the other; vivchennya structuring ob'єkta i bunt fallow, scho yogo poєdnuyut Elements; Formulyuvannya gipotoz (hocha b sporodnih), scho explaining the behavior of the ives and the ob'ekt.

2. Pobudova mathematical models. Tse-etap formalizatsii ekonomichnoy problems, virazhennya її in vygljadі specific mathematical maturity and vidnoshen (function, рівнянь, нейівностей тощо). Spochatku zazvichay viznachaєtsya The basic konstruktsіya (type) matematichnoї modelі and potіm utochnyuyutsya detalі tsієї konstruktsії (specifically perelіk zmіnnih i parametrіv form zv'yazkіv). This is the rank, motivation model of the class of stadia. Incorrectly dumati, scho chim bіsche chinnikіv urahovuє model, tim krashche vona "pratsyue" i lіpshі dyo result. Those words can be said about the so-called characteristics of the folding model, yak vikoristovuvanni form mathematical maturity (linni ta nelinіyni), uroakhuvannya chinnikiv vipadkosty i neiznachensti tescho. Nadmirna raskannі і komplektsizovanіst modelі udrudnіє process of delivery. Requires not deprivation vrahovuvati realnі mozhlivostі іnformatsіynogo i ically mathematical zabezpechennya and second porіvnyuvati vitrati on modelyuvannya s oderzhuvanim efekt (Zi zrostannyam skladnostі modelі prirіst vitrat Mauger perevischiti prirіst efekta). Odnієyu s vazhlivih Especially ically mathematical models Je potentsіyna mozhlivіst їh vikoristannya for virіshennya rіznomanіtnih problems. Tom navіt zustrіchayuchis s ekonomіchnoyu by a new task, does not require namagatisya "vinahoditi" model; Spotchatka neobhіdno sprohibovati zastosuvati for rozv'yazannya tsієї tasks i vzhe vidomі model (adaptivi їh to problems).

In the process of the models of models, two systems of science know-hunters and mathematicians were created. Zvichayno, trebba pravnuti tochob model, yaka to nalezhit to goodness vivchenogo klasu mathematicheskih tasks. Often zepdaetsya zrobiti shlayom prokischenya vihіdnih posolen model, yakі not pokotvoyuyut suttivi risi modelovanogo ob'ekta. However, such situation is possible, if the formalization of economic problems leads to an earlier mathematical structure. Problems of science ekonomіchnoї i seredinі practice in the XX century. They were interested in rozvitkov's mathematical programming, theory of grids, functional analogy, and calculus of mathematics. Tsіlkomііmіnіrno, scho in the mаbbutnіо development of economics science, is becoming an important stimulus for the growth of new mozyksts of mathematics.

3. Mathematical model of the model. Metoyu tsogo Etap Je z'yasuvannya zagalnih vlastivostey modelі. Here often zastosovut mathematic priyomi doslenija. The most important point is to explain the situation in the modeled form (the theory of the sunset). Yakshto podalanit bring, but the mathematical problem is not the same, then the need for an upcoming robot for the first variant of the model is in the fall; Слід скоригувати чи statement of economical tasks, chi modifikuvati її mathematica formalizatsiyu. In analitichnomu doslozhenzhenny model can postati soi pittannya, yak, napriklad: chi vzagalі є ta chi єdine rishennya; Які змінні (невідомі) you can enter the site; Які будуть співвідношення між их; In some interstitial places і zalizhno vіd yakih vihіdnih wits vony zmіnіnitsya; yakimi Je tendentsії Tsikh toscho for Change. Analіtichne doslіdzhennya modelі porіvnyano s empіrichnim (numeric) Got the perevagu scho oderzhuvanі visnovki zberіgayut its strength for a specific value rіznomanіtnih zovnіshnіh i vnutrіshnіh parametrіv modelі. Knowing zagalnyh authorities in the model of the world is great, but often it is brought up in the subordinates of power, the admirers of the Holy See on the ideal of the initial model. The I still modelі folding ekonomіchnih ob'єktіv s great trudnoschami pіddayutsya analіtichnomu doslіdzhennyu. Quiet vipadki, if analitichnimi methods do not enter z'yasuvati zagalnі authorities, and proizhchennya model sprichinyaetsya to unacceptable (inadequate) results, pass to the number of methods in the doslie.

4. Preparation of information. Modelyuvannya visyuє zhorstkі vimogi before sistemi informatsii. Vodnochase realnі mozhlivostі obsession Informácie obmezhuyut vibіr models SSMSC proponuyutsya to practical vikoristannya. Together s note takes up uwagi not deprivation printsipova mozhlivіst pіdgotovki Informácie (for Pevnyi perіod), ale th vitrati on pіdgotovku vіdpovіdnih іnformatsіynih masivіv. Ці витрати не повинні перевищувати ефект від використання додаткової інформації.

In the process of preparation of information, the methods of theory, theoretical and mathematical statistics are widely vikoristovuyutsya. The statistical economical-mathematical modeling of the information is vikoristvuvana in some models, є vihidnoyu for funktsionovannya інших models.

5. Numbers of rozvichny. Tsei etap includes a set of algorithms for numeric rozv'yazuvannya tasks, warehousing of the program on the IT and wirelessly conducted rozraunkiv. Труднощі цього etapu zoumovleni peredusim great rozmіrnistyu ekonomichnyh problems, neobhhodnisty opratsyuvannya znachnyh masivіv іnformatsії. Zvichayno rozrahunki on pіdstavі vikoristannya ekonomіko-matematichnoї modelі toil bagatovarіantny character. Zavdyaki vysokіy shvidkodії suaschastnyh EOM vdaetsya spend numerically "model" experiments, vischyuchi "povedinku" model at rіznih znachennыy active minds. Дослідження, які it is spent for допомогою number methodів, mozhut stati сутєвим доповненням to the resultів аналітичного дослідження. Significantly, the class of economic tasks, which can be rozv'yazuvati numerically, is significantly broader, but also a class of tasks that are accessible to analitic dossiers.

6. Analіz numeric rezultatіv that їh vikoristannya. At the end, the final stage, the cycle of the vicinities, the nutrition about the correctness and the outcome of the modeling, about the practical zastosuvannya ostannnyh.

Mathematical methods of revision can be vyyavlyati nekorektonnist pidhodu to the motivations of the model and the very sound of the class of potentiyno correct models. Informally analіz theoreticity visnovkіv i Numeric rezultatіv, SSMSC oderzhuyut for Relief modelі, zіstavlennya їh іz knowledge yakimi volodієmo, i facts dіysnostі takozh permit znahoditi nedolіki setting ekonomіchnoї zadachі, skonstruyovanoї matematichnoї modelі, її іnformatsіynogo i ically mathematical zabezpechennya.

Vzaimozvvyazki etapiv. Zvernimo respect for the ringing of the calls, and for the vicarious inheritance of the fact that in the process of the implementation of the process, the shortcomings of the alternatives are simulated.

Already etapі pobudovi modelі z'yasuvatisya Mauger, scho statement zadachі superechliva i generally produces up Nadto skladnoї matematichnoї modelі. It is advisable to formulate the economical and mathematical problems of the future. You can show the advanced mathematical model of the model (stage 3), but the modifica- tion of the formulation of problems is difficult, but the formal result is absent.

Nychastіshe neobhіdnіst poverennya up to transhodnih пapіv modelyuvannya vinikaє pіd hour of training підготовки вихідної інформації (stage 4). Mozhe vyayvitisya, scho neobhіdna іnformatsіya vіsutsya chi zaprosi na її підготовку занадто великі. Todі povertatisya brought before staging zadachі that її formalіzatsії, zmіnyuyuchi їh so dwellers pristosuvatisya to nayavnoї Informácie.

Oskіlki ekonomіko-matematichnі zadachі shaping can Buti folding for svoєyu structures mother Velika rozmіrnіst, it is often traplyaєtsya scho vіdomі algorithmic i prog for komp'yuterіv not dozvolyayut rozv'yazati task at pervіsnomu viglyadі. Yakscho nemozhlivo short termіn rozrobiti novі algorithmic i warming up, the statement vihіdnu zadachі that vіdpovіdnu model sproschuyut: znіmayut i ob'єdnuyut minds Quantity chinnikіv, Nonlinear spіvvіdnoshennya zamіnyuyut lіnіynimi toscho.

Недоліки, які не вдається виправити on promyzhnih etapah modulyuvannya, усувуться in oncoming cycles. Alle the result of the skin cycle to melt and to self-esteem. After you have accessed the message to the impulses of the simple model, you can svidko to get the results, and then go to the lineup of the new model, yak dopovnyuyutsya novymi umovami, kotryi otlichayut clarified mathematicheskie zalizhnosti.

W i rozvitkom uskladnennyam ekonomіko-ically mathematical modelyuvannya deyakі yogo Etap viokremlyuyutsya in spetsіalіzovanі spherical doslіdzhennya, pіdsilyuyutsya vіdmіnnostі mіzh theoretical analіtichnimi i applied models, models for vіdbuvaєtsya diferentsіatsіya rіvnyami abstraktsії that іdealіzatsії.

The theory of mathematical analysis of mathematical models of economics has evolved into a specialty of the mathematics of economics. Models, yakі vivchayutsya in the fields of mathematical economics, often vtrachayut bezposednyi zv'yazok z ekonomichnoy realnosti; the stench of toil cope s viklyuchno іdealіzovanimi ekonomіchnimi ob'єktami that situatsіyami. In such models pobudovі bunt principle Je not stіlki nablizhennya to realnostі, skіlki obsession yakomoga bіlshoї kіlkostі analіtichnih resursіv for Relief analіtichnih bringing. Tsіnnіst Tsikh models ekonomіchnoї teorії i polyagaє practices in the fact scho stink sluguyut theoreticity bazoyu for application type models.

Dosit samostіynimi Tsarina doslіdzhennya stayut pіdgotovka th opratsyuvannya ekonomіchnoї Informácie that rozrobka zabezpechennya ekonomіchnih ically mathematical tasks (stvorennya bases danih i bankіv Informácie, programs avtomatizovanoї pobudovi models i software for servіsu ekonomіstіv-koristuvachіv). In practical etapі vikoristannya provіdnu role models toil vіdіgravati fahіvtsі at the Branch vіdpovіdnіy ekonomіchnogo analіzu, planuvannya, upravlіnnya. The headline of the robotics of systematic analysises is the formulation of the formalization of economic problems and the synthesis of the process of economical and mathematical modeling.