Міжнародні фінанси - Petrashko LP



1. Borinets S. Ya. Міжнародні валютно-фиінансові відносини: Підручник. - 2-he kind., Perfume. Th dopov. - К .: Знання: КОО, 1999. - 305 with.

2. Maximo V. Eng, Francis A. Fox, Lawrence J. Mauer. World finance: Per from English. - Moscow: OOO Izd.-konsalt. Comp. "Deca", 1998. - 768 p.

3. International monetary and financial relations: Textbook / Ed. L. N. Krasavina. - 2 nd ed., Pererab. And additional. - Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 2000. - 608 p .: ill.

4. Мишкін, Фредерік С. The economy of groschen, bankівської справіі фінансових ринків / Пер. З англ. S. Panchishin, A. Stasishin, G. Steble. - К .: Основи, 1999. - 963 с.

5. Roger Leroy Miller, David D. Van Huz. Modern money and banking: Trans. With the English. - Moscow: INFRA-M, 2000. - 856 p.

6. Fundamentals of international monetary and financial relations: Textbook / Scientific. Ed. Dr. econ. Sciences, prof. V. V. Kruglov. - Moscow: INFRA-M, 2000. - 432 p.


1. Bilorus OG, Luk'yanenko DG t.in. Global Transformation Strategies: The Monograph. - к .: .: VIPOP, 1998.

2. Bunkina MK, Semenov AM Bases of currency relations: Proc. Allowance. - Moscow: Yurayt, 1998. -192 p.

3. Currency market and currency regulation. Textbook. Allowance / Ed. I. N. Platonova. - Moscow: BEK, 1996. - 475 p.

4. Domenik Salvatore. International Economics: Trans. With the English. / Ed. Prof. G. N. Kotova. - Moscow, 1998. - 714 p.

5. Daniels John D., Radeba Lee X. International business: the external environment and business operations: Trans. With the English. - 6 th ed. - M .: Case, 1998. - 784 p., 16 inc.

6. Lindert P. Economics of world economic relations: Per. With the English. / General. Ed. And pre. O. V. Ivanova. - Moscow: Progress, 1992. - 520 p.

7. World Economy: Textbook / Ed. Prof. A. S. Bulatov. - M .: Jurist, 2000. - 734 p. - (Series «Homo faber»).

8. Noskova I. Ya. Currency and financial operations: Textbook for high schools. -2 th ed., Pererab. And additional. - Moscow: Finance: UNITY, 1998. - 334 p.

9. Perb M. International economic, monetary and financial relations: Per. With fr. / General. Ed. N. S. Babintseva. - Moscow: Progress: Universe, 1994. - 496 p.

10. Perar J. Management of international cash flows. - Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 1998. - 208 p .: ill.

11. Petrashko L.P. Currency exchange operations: Nav. Посіб. - К .: КНЕУ, 2001. - 204 with.

12. Ray Kristina I. The bond market. Trade and risk management: Trans. With the English. - Moscow: The Case, 1999. - 600 p. - (Series "Foreign economic textbook").

13. Ryazanova NS The International Finance: The Navy Method. Posobnik for the samost. Vivch. Dis. - К .: КНЕУ, 2001. - 119 with.

14. Saks JD, Larren FB Macroeconomics. Global approach: Trans. With the English. - Moscow: The Case, 1999. - 848 p. p>

15. Sarkisyants AG System of international debts. - Moscow: OOO Izd.-konsalt. Comp. "Deca", 1999. - 720 p.

16. Strategi ekonomichnogo rozvitku v umovah globalizatsii: Monograph / For Ed. Prof. D. G. Lukyanenko. - К .: КНЕУ, 2001. - 538 with.

17. Tatarenko N. O., Poruchnik AM Theory and innovation: Nav. Посіб. - К .: КНЕУ, 2000. - 160 with.

18. Todaro M. P. Economic development: Textbook: Trans. With the English. Ed. SM Yakovlev, LZ Zevin. - M .: Ekon. Faculty of Moscow State University: UNITI, 1997. - 671 p.

19. Tulles R., Bradley E., Tulles T. Stock market: Trans. With the English. - 6 th ed. M .: INFRA-M, 2000. - 648 p.

20. Sharp U., Alexander G., Bailey J. Investments: Trans. With the English. - Moscow: INFRA-M, 1999. - 1028 p.

21. Shemet TS. International Finance: Підручник / За заг. Т. С. Міжнародні фінанси: Підручник / За заг. Ed. A. A. Mazarak. - К .: Київ. Nat. Trade-econ. University, 2000. - 336 p.