Modeluvannya ekonomiki - Vіtlіnskiy V.V.


6.1. Current issues

Viyavlennya klyuchiovyh aspectiv shchodo otsynyuvannya will become one of the dynamics of the function of economical systems, one of the most urgent problems in economics practice. It is important for the warehousing problems to be solved by the system of economical systems.

At the time of the closure of a one-hour control of the large number of riznomannichnyh pokazniki in the financial-economical analisis of the sign-in-the-valley, the procedure for complex settlement has been enforced, and the rating is penalized by the assessment of the eco nomic system (EC). Pід rated розуміють a comprehensive description of the EU згідно з півівних scale, дезначення рейтинг - е цемент лінійно напііпопорядковаї множини.

In Ukraine, the ratings of the systems are starting to become more vichristous. At us, we can not fail to adequately address the requirements of the economy of economical systems, as well as the Dupont Chi model of the Altman Z-model, for example, for American pidpriemstvst 60th rock of the XX century.

In Ukraine, low methods, zokrema, schodo ratings of loans, mortgage loans, loans to foreigners, are subject to crumbling prior to the prompting of the methodological methodology of the rating analisys of citizenship, oddities of the state, water, water, water, and so on. Socially-economical bootie.

Until the end of the year, in return, you can:

1. Nesoriznost bilshosti igrtingovih methods of the EU assessment, vіsutnіst chіtkikh kriterіїv vikoristanna їh na praktitsi.

2. Spotvorennya ekonomichnogo sensu vyzakih otkaznikiv (scho і vihіdim materіalom dlya vychislenni rating) through nedoskonalist існуючої системи обліку й моніторингу.

3. Orієнтація розробників methods of assessing the ratings in the EU on the linear model of the interconnection of visions without obruvtuvannya minds, y yokih admit it їх застосування.

4. Intermediate and unrelated information base in the assessed ratings through the skyline of the country, it is possible that the latter will actively nadavati informatsii uchodnu EU.

5. The methodologies, as a rule, ignore the demonstrators, which characterize the dynamism of the functioning of the EU, but also the weakly formalized portrayals (in the case of storage of goods).

Ninі vіdbuvaetsya process of formulating methodological ambushes of practice of rating management.

Складність і гроіздкість розв'язання перелічених вище проблем, а и також зростаюча the role of informational technologies in the management of the management of the region is the actuality of the problems of the breakdown of the theory of rating management, and the decoupling of science in obtrusive techniques.