Business plan: the technology of the box is that obgruntuvannya - Pokropivny SF


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Methodical guide for developing a business plan for an investment project. - Rostov-on-Don: Rostov Regional Information and Consulting Center "Info-Consult", 1996. - 86 p.

My Small Enterprise: The Basics of Successful Entrepreneurship // IV Zhilyaev, VR Kostyuk, Yu. A. Klochko, SN Sobol, AV Shchur-K .: Venture. - 1995. - 136 p.

Petkoski J., Dmitriev R. Methodical note: How to draw up a business plan. Ser. By exercise. Enterprise in the process of its restructuring and privatization. - The World Bank, 1992. - 48 pp.

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Skvortsov N.N. How to develop a business plan for the enterprise? A practical guide for businessmen. - К: PCR "Prometheus", 1994. - 96 p.

Sobol S.N. Entrepreneurship (start of business). - К .: Venture, 1994. - 176 with.

Sokolov V.G. Business plan: experience and problems of implementation / / ECO, 1994. - № 12. - P. 64 - 68.

Modern Business: Textbook. In two volumes. / D.J. Regmen, M.H. Meskon, K. L. Bowi, J.V. Till; Trans. With the English. - M .: Republic, 1995. - 431 p.

Hizrich R., Peters M. Entrepreneurship, or how to start your own business and succeed: Вып. 2: The creation and development of a new enterprise / Trans. From the English; General. Ed. V.S. Zagashvili. - Moscow: Progress, 1992. - 256 p.

Hezrich R., Peters M. Entrepreneurship, or how to start a business and succeed: Issue. 3: Financing of a new enterprise / Trans. From the English; General. Ed. V.S. Zagashvili. - Moscow: Progress, 1993. - 192 with.

Hizrich R., Peters M. Entrepreneurship, or how to start a business and succeed. Issue. 5: Tips for a beginner entrepreneur / Trans. From the English; General. Ed. V.S. Zagashvili. - Moscow: Progress, 1992. - 192 with.

Shudra VF, Belichko A.N. How to prepare a successful business plan. - K .: 1994. - 106 p.

Encyclopedia of small business, or how to start a business / Ed. Sluk A.T .; Trans. With the English. - Moscow: 1994. - 288 p.

Eric S. Siegel, Lauren A. Schultz, Bryan R. Ford, David C. Carney . Benefit ERNST and YANG. Drawing up a business plan / Trans. With the English. - 2 nd ed. - Moscow: John Wiley & Sons, 1994. - 224 p.

The legal reference book of the businessman / Ruk. Aut. Call. Yu. S. Shemshuchenko. - K .: Perlit Production Ltd., 1992. - 636 p.

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Nicholas C. Siropolis . Small Business Management: A Guide to Entrepreneurship. - Boston. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1990.

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