Розіщення продуктивних сил України - Дорогунцов С.І.


On the form of economical districts, vpivayut riznі faktory: prirodnі, економічні та історичні. The main thing is that they are economical.

The head region is the same as the factor in the skin of the territory, the susceptible terri- torial sub-plane, which is the result of a spacious manifestation of the evil economic law of the subsaline subsoil.

Tetitorialny podil pratzі evidenced in gospodarchkiy spetsializatsii in parts of the terriotії kraїni on rіznih vidy vіrobnichoї діяльності відповідно до їх natural minds і nаявних трудових та інших ресурсів. Yogo rozvitok vіdkrivaє Way to the maximum, naybіlsh efektivnosti vikoristannya spriyatlivih for virobnitstva minds kozhnoї teritorії, vigіdnogo geografіchnogo provisions digit zapasіv mіneralnih (Especially palivnih i energetichnih) resursіv, kombіnuvannya virobnitstv scho їh vikoristovuyut and takozh vikoristannya navichok that virobnichogo dosvіdu population SSMSC zdobutі By the length of the first historical period.

Another important factor is the regional factor, which is the current for the teritory sub-unit, the teritorial vibrochnichi complex (TCE). Teritorialny podil pratsie vede formvannya galuzey spetsializatsii uprom teritory, yaki, in his chervgom, obmovlyuyut warehouse galusey, scho ikh oblugovuyot i dopovnjut. Tse lead up to the Vinnicenna TCE.

Yak warehouses part to the TVC enter elekmentarny tehniko-ekonomichnyi kompleksi (pervinnye ланки енерговиробничих cyclesів). In the fundamentals of the complex, there are significant differences in the relationships between the recipes of the placers. Їх зв'язки визначені технологією і економікою виробництва. The stock of such elementary complexes can be made with milk processing plants, roztashovani in the silkworm area, in tsukrovi zavody sirovinimnymi zonyami i vzaimopovyazanim zi tvarinnitsvom, yak vikoristvu vidyod chich vibrobitvtv. Elementary complex in і різних галузях промисловості.

Sukubnist odnorіdnih abo tisno zv'yazhnih mezh zhoryu riznyh Elementary tehniko-ekonomichnyh kompleks, roztashovanyh on the compact teritorii, utvoryo teritorialno-vibrochnichy complex , a kind of eager part of the economical area. In the interconnections of one great economical district, Mozhobi bouti one abolishly tisno of the TCEs.

Prior to the main raionotvoryuyuchih factors, nalezhat takozh i naybіlshі misty kraїni - velikі регіональні індустріальні центри із zones of economical heaviness to them periferousnyh teritorii. Kozhny misto yak ekonomichny center vplyivє on nakkolishnyu severyuchu up to a new estate, and nyibishe misto ob'ednuє its zone zoneduyu raionoformmuyu vplyu vse menshі mista. So zbezpechuyutsya zv'yazok kernels і periferazii ekonomichnogo raion.

Zone raionoformmuyu vplyvu great regionalnogo center hoplyuet tsіlu group of administrative areas. In Ukraine, such centers are Kharkiv, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa, Lviv. Naybilshu zone raionoformuyugo vpluvu m. M. Kiev, yak, krim an exaggerated regional center, the capital of the state.

Vazhliv raionutnovlyuyuchyu meaning wanders osoblivosti ekonomiko-geograficheskogo polozheniya teritoriї district. Pouring a vague world into the form of specialization of yogo gospodarstva. So, for example, the vikhid Pivdennogo ekonomichnogo district of Ukraine to the coast of the Black Sea obomoviv znachniy rozvitok y yogo narodnosposdarskom complex sea transport, port-promyslovy tsentr, shipbuilding and ship repair, resort and tourist complex, ribolovstva i riboperebrobnoi promyslovosty.

At the site of the economical district, a great influx of natural resources and resources . Naturally, vzagali, especially the natural resources, are the basis for the development and specialization of the Silesian state, that promiscuous region. Wants to flaunt the meaningful splash into the form of the galusian structure of teritory vibrotic complexes, the rosette and the rozmyschennya of the energy, water, labor and other vibrots, and takozh to the specialization of the Guluz specialty of the Silesian state. The presence of the great genera and pools of the palyno-energeticheskih, ore and non-ore resources Struvoye peredumovi for viznachennya spetsializatsii ekohicichnyh raions on the quieter promyshlennyh galleys promyslovosty.

Rayonoutvoryuyuche values toil takozh osnovnі FORMS teritorіalnoї organіzatsії virobnitstva - promislovі center, promislovі vuzli (zoseredzhenі in one mіstі chi rozoseredzhenі in blizko roztashovanih mіstah i Selishchev mіskogo type) odnogaluzevі i bagatogaluzevі promislovі area, lokalnі, rayonnі i oblasnі agropromislovі complexes SSMSC time s transport Complex and infrastructure to enter the national park complex of the economical district. The important role in the form of economically efficient transport is in the transport sector. Nayavnіst rozvinutoї transportnymi izhezhi na pevnіy teritorії vplyiv'e at the pace of formulating the economical area, zabezpechuyu zdіysnennya wide mіzhrayonnikh ekonomichnyh zv'yazyv, seize the form of zones of economical gravity periferousnyh teritorii to ehhnogo ekonomichnogo nucleus. Znachny vplyv on formvaniya ekonomichnyh raionіv maє natsional'no-polichnichnyi ustriі ta adminіstrivativno-teritorialnyi podil kraїni. In the minds of the transitional economy, if the number of promises of concessions is impregnable, the power of the state must be absorbed, and in cooperative statehood, cooperative sociopolitical assistance, administrative areas are littered with the governorship of one's government. At the end of the month, the functionalities of the territorial and collective farms, the main warehouses, the parts of the local economy, the complex of the great economical district.

The administrative centers of the lower regions and oblasts, as a rule, are becoming important economic centers, creating their own zones on the level of the territory and in the world, in Ідине ціле.