Розіщення продуктивних сил України - Дорогунцов С.І.


In the science of literature, a number of criterias and principles of an economical district are to be enforced and vikorostvuyutsya .

Up to the main of them lie like this:

zagalny (іntegralny, mіzhgaluzevy) ekonomіchny region Got Booty great ekonomіchno tsіlnoyu teritorієyu on yakіy Je znachnі prirodnі resources neobhіdnі for viznachennya yogo gospodarskoї spetsіalіzatsії i zabezpechennya Suchasnyj i rozvitku perspective;

rozmіri teritorіy great ekonomіchnih rayonіv povinnі vіdpovіdati vimogam skorochennya transported Masov vantazhіv furrows in the area to ekonomіchno dotsіlnih vіdstaney, nablizhatisya to їh odnomasshtabnostі and magnitude ekonomіchnih potentsіalіv rayonіv povinnі Buti blizkimi mіzh him * 1;

* 1: {Ekonomіchny potentsіal area Mauger viznachatisya chiselnіstyu population rozmіrami vnutrіshnogo gross product valovoї produktsії promislovostі i sіlskogo Gospodarstwa, vartіstyu mainly virobnichih fondіv, pokaznikami per capita on tisyach cholovіk that іn.}

ekonomіchny area yavlyati him guilty virobnicho-ekonomіchnu teritorіalnu Yednist, yak stvoryuєtsya rozvinenimi vnutrіshnіmi virobnichimi zv'yazkami, i mother spetsіalіzatsіyu Gospodarstwa have masshtabі Kraina;

on teritorії іntegralnogo ekonomіchnogo district guilty Buti preformed dostatno bearing-down narodnogospodarsky complex foundation yakogo stanovlyat teritorіalnі virobnichі Complex galuzevoyu s with such a structure:

  • Profiluyuchi galuzi (galuzi spetsializatsii the district in the scale of the territory), yaki include up to its warehouse the kilometer of the promises of the pro-Soviet and Silesian state;
  • the Branch, SSMSC rozvivayutsya yak sumіzhnі s Galuzo poperednoї groupies i zabezpechuyut kombіnovanu pererobku sirovini and the Branch takozh, scho obslugovuyut require Galuzo spetsіalіzatsії area (i dobuvannya zbagachennya sirovini, virobnitstva napіvfabrikatіv, obladnannya repair obladnannya, virobnitstvo budіvelnih materіalіv toscho);
  • Галузі, які забезпечуть consumption of the population of the region by promises and food products, unskilled material;

At the view of the economically viable district, it is guilty of physically disinvesting the economy and geography of the location of tourism and yoga in order to specialize that specialization of the productive forces;

Vrahuvannya vidilenni ekonomichnogo rayonu principle of economical severnynya, tobto neobhіdnostі included in the yogo interi basic teroritorialnoy part otobo і svієї zony, formuyuchogo vplyivu yogo head regional center;

To the warehouse of the great economical districts in which they are to be turned on, including territorial administrations, territories, autonomous republics without interference.