Legal encyclopedia. Letter Y, I


- materials containing or capable of reproducing fissile nuclear substances.

Radioactive waste - Ya. M. and radioactive substances, the further use of which is not foreseen.

Radioactive substances do not belong to Ya. M. and emit ionizing radiation.

To Ya. M. are:

1) depleted uranium - uranium, in which the uranium-235 isotope content is lower than in natural uranium;

2) irradiated Ya. M.-Ya. M., having, due to neutron irradiation, an equivalent radiation dose rate of more than 13 v / h (100 be / h) at a distance of 1 m without biological protection;

3) enriched uranium - in which the percentage of uranium isotope is higher than in natural uranium, etc.

Physical protection is designed for:

1) preventing unauthorized access;

2) delayed penetration of the intruder;

3) the detention of persons who are involved in the preparation or theft of Ya. M.

Physical protection is carried out at all stages of design, construction,

Operation and decommissioning of nuclear installations and storage facilities Ya. M.

Responsibility for ensuring physical protection of a nuclear hazardous facility is borne by its manager.

The import into the territory of the Russian Federation of radioactive waste and Ya. M. from foreign countries for the purpose of their storage or burial is prohibited.

The organization carrying out the treatment of Ya. M., once a year conducts a physical inventory of Ya.M.

Based on the results of the inventory, a report is compiled in each material balance area, which contains information on the actual quantity of Ya. M., the inventory difference and its error.

The person responsible for keeping records and control of Ya. M. in the material balance area immediately reports the occurrence of anomalous situations involving the account of Ya. M.

Verification in the organization and transport of radioactive substances and radioactive wastes are subject to:

1) the conformity of the real state of vehicles;

2) Availability:

A) Sanitary-epidemiological reports on vehicles;

B) instructions for eliminating the accident during transportation;

C) the driver's action plan in an emergency situation.

Ya. M. when moving across the customs border of the Russian Federation are subject to mandatory customs control and customs clearance in accordance with the established procedure.

The State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation quarterly submits to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Atomic Energy information on the movement of nuclear goods and technologies across the customs border.

The Ministry of Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation submits information on the export and import of nuclear and special non-nuclear materials to the IAEA, on the export of equipment and related technologies.

The export and import of Ya. M. is carried out in accordance with the international obligations of the Russian Federation on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of the use of atomic energy.