Legal Encyclopedia. Yu letter, I


- Substances which, acting chemically or physico-chemically and introduced into the body in relatively small amounts, under certain conditions, cause health disorder or death.

Action Ya on the body depends on:

1) from the Ya - number, solubility, physical condition, J., synergism, concentration, storage time and stability Ya;

2) by the human body - the age, health, weight, sex addiction;

3) J. of routes of administration - the mouth, respiratory tract, rectum, vagina, by administration under the skin.

Classification I .:

1) poisons that cause tissue damage in the area of ​​impact - local (caustic);

2) poisons that exhibit toxic effects on the body when they are sucking the blood, -rezorbtivnye;

3) food poisons (food poisoning, mycotoxicoses).

Resorptive Ya depending on the mechanism of action cause certain clinical and morphological manifestations.

Types rezorbtivnyhYa .:

1) destructive, causing changes in the cells of internal organs, disrupting their structure and function with the development of dystrophy, -Mineral Ya, heavy metal salts, mercuric chloride and arsenic compounds;

2) blood - carbon monoxide bertoletova salt, nitrates, nitrites, nitrobenzene, snake venoms;

3) functionalities that do not cause morphological changes in the internal organs, but accompanied by a disturbance of enzymatic systems and cell functions of various internal organs:

a) heart - cardiac glycosides;

b) neurotropic - hypnotics, narcotics, stimulants, anti-depressants;

c) obschefunktsionalnye - hydrocyanic acid and its derivatives.