Міжнародні розрахунки та валюні операції - Savluk M.І.

6.3. Loans to export

6.3.1. Short-tailed lender outfitters

Zavdanyonyam litsubtuvannya eksportu є nadannya u rozporyadzhenny exporter grooshov koshtiv for pokrtya yogo vitrat vid kachatku vibrobnitsvva goods і to otrimanya pay for nyogo. Export credit can be sighted yak:

  • Alternate credit for export (for the period before the vibrobitvta padding to the goods);
  • Pokeme lentuvannya eksportu (for period, scho hoplyuet hour transportuvannya i otrimanya payment).

Naichastishe form eksportnih korotkostrokovyh credit operatіy і advance payment під іnnazo, accredit with advance, takozh vikoristovuyut vrachuvannya that acceptance vekselіv. For above-mentioned banks, you can overdraft an overdraft both in national and in foreign currencies for the avoidance of trading transactions (see Figure 6.7).

Advance payment

Fig. 6.7

Accreditation in advance * 3 vikoristovuyot, yakshcho neobhimno lentuvati extender before vidvatazhennyam goods. In the aspirations of the accreditation, mia bouti is chitko chkotko, yaka part yogo zagalnoy sumi to make an advance. Yak rule, I do not transfer an advance to 85% of the summed up sum. In the case of a visa, in advance, an advance payment to the exporter is required to receive a letter from the zobovan of the tax on the imputation of the necessary documents. The wage is paid by the bank of the exporter, or by a guarantee to the bank, which shows an accreditation. Yakshcho exporter does not apply for the lines of documentation documents and do not repay the advance, the bank, which has seen, debits the rakhunok of the bank-issuer in the amount of advance payment that vest.

* 3: { Akreditiv with an advance call "akreditivom z chervonoiu I wash", oskilki pomitka about advance on nyomu robilasya chervonim chornilom, in order to podokuti respect. The traditional culture of the country was categorized as an accredita in the export of goods for the past, the application of the great horn of animals, the wool of Australians, the pilasters of the Scandinavian lands.}

The size of the advance payment of a deposit is to be collected from the balance of the financial position of the customer, the forcible transfer (the postal worker is transferred from the outpost to the bankruptcy creditor, the bank-creditor is entitled to pay for the documentary deposit to the bank), and from the economical to the political situation at the purchase . Call up the sum up to 75% up to 90% of the sum total sum.

At deliveries of goods on the instincts of нкаnkaso mozzlivo nadannya advance payment of the encirclement of the partnerships - an advance payment in advance of the advance payment of the transactions of the transfer, transferring to the country. If in the way of the "good" document, the bank wants to control the goods. Yakshto method іnnazo є "documentary against acceptance", then the bank is less than the acceptances of the promissory note (compile from the importer). It is very important for that arc to recite from the bazhanni and the mozhnostyi importer of the vikonati of the seizures for accepting bills of exchange and paying for line assignments.

Avansi pіd іnkaso є priinyatnim method of lending to export for taxes, sо bank-creditor виконає інкасування і що вексеі pідлягають оплаті у країні та в національній валюії експортера to the lending bank. Yaksho vekselі підлягають оплаті віноземній валюі та та за кордоном, доцільно здійснювати врахвання векселів, тобто придбання векселів, виписан експортером на покупця, які мають бути оплачені за кордоном. Urahuvannya vekselіv zdіysnjєyatsya before їх peresilannam importeru z discount.

Bank urahovuet vekselі lishe todi, if the bill of exchange does not exist. To those important elements - the financial supremacy of the importer, the sum of the bill, the trial to the hour before payment. In the case of payment to the acceptance of a bank, the right of regression to the exporter is not allowed. Векселі мають бути виписані у виільно конвертованійі валюі. For otrimannya dodatkovoi guaranty bank mozhe vimagati vіd klієnt formalized insurance for a loan against insolvency.

Yaksho exporter is postponed visually, checks that pay for the cordon, the bank can be loaned for a loan to the credit line on lines up to one rock. Відповідно до цієї умиі bank of cadets of the Urahovuvati vії vіselі, vіpisіі klієntom na іноземних покупців. By this rank, the client negatively rejects the payment (credit), the bank protests the right to regress in case of non-payment to non-acceptance by an importer.

One of the methods of the short-term credit of the exporter is the acceptance of credit lines. Acceptance of a credit line can be made sight of the yak, please, to the bank, in order to accept the promissory notes, written on a bill exporter, with the bills of exchange for comrades, to be exported. Zavdiak to the authority of a bank accepting a bill is immediately possible for vrachuvati for a low rate.

The acceptance of vekselіv not перевищує (або дорівнює) вартості торговельних веселів. In the case of an importer in payment or acceptance of a bill of exchange, the bank has the right to regress to the exporter.

Period, with a long stretch of yogo buti vichoristan, accepting a jute crediting, viznachaetsya umovami ugod mizh bank that klієntom. Takozh otlichnuyutsya lіmіt, at the boundaries of yakogo vypisuyutsya vekselі. Yak rule, the term korystuvannya accepting credit leneiєyu довший, ніж lines корстування overdraft.

Vikoristana accepting loans from the international practice - doshit more. Acting in vipadkas accepting dzherela є vnichnimi і nadayutsya not one bank, and bankovskimi syndicates. The reason for the wide acceptance of credit can be seen in the following way:

  • Acceptance loan can be seen from the middle stripe overdraft;
  • The acceptability of an acceptance loan may be lower, the interest rate for an overdraft with a bank loan, the rate of acceptance of bank notes on the market, the lower half.

Yaksho exporter is regularly on a large sum of money. Vekselі chekki vіd іноноземних партнерів, доцільніше використовувати факторинг та форфейтинг, ніж postійно звертатися у банк із проханням про врахвання чи акцепт векселів.