Budget-subattic policy - Kutsenko TF


"Budget-subatkova politya" nalezhit to spetsialnih navchalnikh discyclіn, poklikanyh zabezpechiti pіdgotovku фахівців з освітньо-кваліфікаційним рівнем "magistr" for the program "The management of economy". The base of knowledge is knowledge, the students of the fundamental economical disciplines "Macroeconomy" and "The rule of the economy". In addition, Won is charged with the disciplines of the financial crisis, such yak "Budget system", "Podatkov system in Ukraine" and that.

Discipline "Budget-Podaktova politya" is a theoretical and applied nature. In the theoretical aspect of the economy, students are granted ovolodity knowledge of the state budgetary system of the sub-state power, in the applied-nabuti base, the position of the methodology of budgetary taxation, Discipline of students in practical practice in the budgetary-submissive spheres of the state management, in the sphere of cooperation in the field of innovation of economy and finance, in the construction of retail outlets with macroeconomic problems of transformational economy of Ukraine.

When pіdgotovtsі danogo posіbnika Bulo vikoristano іsnuyuchі navchalnі, monografіchnі that perіodichnі dzherela s power budget i podatkіv provіdnih vіtchiznyanih that zarubіzhnih vchenih-ekonomіstіv, zdіysnena Persha sproba uzagalnennya that synthesis novіtnіh narobok s power budget and podatkovoї polіtiki s metoyu їh reports to studentskoї auditorії and takozh zastosovano metodichnі rekomendatsії NDEІ Mіnіsterstva Economy of Ukraine "Prognozuvannya i rozrobka program" for redaktsієyu VF Besєdіna, metodichnі materіali Kabіnetu Mіnіstrіv Ukraine "Procedure rozrahunku obsyagu mіzhbyudzhetnih transfertіv that normativіv vіdrahuvan od zagalnoderzhavnih podatkіv i zborіv Year 2001" analіtichnі materіali GROUP fіskalnogo analіzu At Комітеті Верховної For the sake of feeding the budget with the method of approaching the naive process to the real practice of budgetary-submissive regulation in Ukraine.