Map of Himmelsdorf WOT tactics

This is the very first card in the game. It appeared on September 18, 2009. It's true that now she looks completely different from what she looked like before. The size of the map is 600 by 800 meters, the level of fighting from 1 to 11. It represents a German town with labyrinths of streets and squares. The card is very convenient for playing on CT and TT. Fri-ham, too, should like it, which can not be said about the art workers. Although I still remember the times when I went to the "Khimki" at my 212 site and peteshil in the city. But it was a long time ago, and I already do not have it. The map is also remarkable for the fact that I have not seen the same battles on it - every time everything is different. Of course, there is a general tactic for everyone. This card is most loved to play with strings. It's understandable - do not stand somewhere in the bushes and pray "If only they did not notice! If only the artillery was killed! ". Here TT   I feel like a fish in the water. Yes, there is a risk that a miracle will roll out of the corner and put a couple of shells into your favorite tank. Anyway. There are no priority zones here. Of course, the most important strategic point is the hill. The fountain perfectly fleshes out from it and, if there is at least one allied tank on the piece of iron, then you can shmalnut. In general, the capture of the hill provides for a detour of the opponent in the gut from the rear, the destruction of the artifact (but, she did not do anything to anyone?) And the subsequent capture of the base.

Approximate ways of traveling for all types of equipment.


Green points are strands or PT.
Yellow dots are the points of light.
Red dots are art.
Red areas are hot spots, the main places of fighting.
Green arrows - shot through directions.
Yellow arrows - directions of attack CT.
The blue arrows indicate the direction of the TT attack.

I will not disassemble attacks from different sources in this article. There is no special meaning in this, since Hymelsdorf gives complete freedom of action. Directions of attacks from both one and the other bases are completely identical. Middle tanks need to take a hill. Now more often there began to ride strands of the IS-3 type, the French there began to frequent. And this gives the fight some kind of peppercorn. In the gut, the old-timers of the game Fri and the crochet collide with old memory: there banging the bones, an old good mouse or old and terrible T-95 crawls. Usually in the gut dies half of the tanks of both teams. The other half is dying on the hill. And only scattered tanks pull the fight. On the piece of iron is best to go 1-2 ST. They, in general, will reach the enemy base without encountering much resistance. Of course, you have to sweat, but not very much. Often, the piece of iron protects several tanks and a couple of PTs, and even art . It happens, of course, that all the crowd of the enemy are pouring in there, but this rarely happens in a random house. Just saw a couple of times as the hill went to the art along with the CT. Surprise it then of course win. But do not surprise as much ?! On the one hand, it's a good thing. Such fast artifacts as "givi" and "Hum" will get there without problems, and it's a pleasure to shoot from there. Such a move can only be taken from the first base. With the second to go there for a long time and do not need (although there were such things).
That's probably all. Good luck on the streets of the glorious city of Khimelsdorf and its nychkah.

Complete guide to the Himmelsdorf map.

See also other maps:

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