Map Sandy River - Meeting engagement tactics WOT

The disparity map Sandy River has repeatedly raised questions of players associated with the introduction of the regime "meeting engagement" on this card. The size of the map in 1000 at 1000 meters, the level of fighting, from 4 to 11. patch by popular demand, this mode has been disabled, but with patch 0.8.0 is returned to the game and works to this day.

Let's see what kind of regime.

Starting positions.

As is well known "meeting engagement" mode implies confrontation without capture point belonging to one or another team. On the map, "Sandy River" The situation is complicated by the very close arrangement of the original opponents. Most of the equipment, with the exception of artillery starts for the first spawn a square C4, in the case of a second spawn to square D9. In fact, the enemy technique shared only inside the upper part of the card Sand River in the center of a huge dune. Artillery   It is in a more comfortable environment - both the lowlands near the balconies ensure the survival of the first stage. capture point is located in the square J5, partially capturing them, the largest city in the bottom of the card.


First respawn.

The first thing that catches the eye, as well as what and caused a huge number of complaints and disputes at the first stage - the proximity of the first spawn point to capture. The second important argument for the command is located on the first spawn - is to control the "Eastern" balcony, which, as in other game modes, is of great importance on this card. Possession allows you to control the entire eastern part of the upper half of the territory, to the extent of the "boundary of the dune," as well as the competent work of light, full control of the central rock, not allowing the enemy to occupy it.
In fact, the location of the first spawn virtually dictates the tactics to fight - to make every effort to quickly capture the base. Classical practice - light from the very start of the fight goes on "boundary Dune", where carefully, sticking out one commander's tower starts, moving along its entire length, to illuminate enemy positions. Usually a quick glare of artillery already allows to start work on heavy enemy tanks that are guaranteed to not have time to leave the respawn at a sufficient distance. It is important to understand that while the artillery is in virtually advance a certain place, which increases the danger of counter-artillery combat for tracers.
PT-ACS occupy key positions in the balcony, while the bulk of the art fast throw sent to the database. In the case of sluggishness enemy action this rush can lead to success. Obvious errors will be the absence of light in the central part of the map, leaving the balcony with inadequate number of techniques that can lead to shock in the rear.
However, should not be considered a panacea for this tactic, tanks are vulnerable to capture enough, even though the possibility of location of the technology behind the houses. The best option becomes a situation where ST is occupied circle, and, under cover of the houses are remote fire. At the same time heavy tanks without stopping, occupied by dunes in the "wilderness", not allowing the opponent to the near contact with the PT. From fire off a cliff ST in this case are protected by the city, and the enemy to gain a foothold on it does not give advice, preserving the east "balcony".

Basic errors

Attempts to cross the central dune directly - almost certain death.
Care in the "northern rock '- although many believe it is a good opportunity to" move to the flank "to the enemy, and to arrange it," defensive line "is actually translated to displays machinery from the main battlefield," ascent "and" descent "take a lot of time, effective fire there is almost impossible to maintain.
Attempts to attack "the cliff", or the movement of the center - machinery appears to be lighted, and the territory is almost free for artillery fire.
"Pressing the database" - if the opponent takes the dunes in the desert, he can easily fire, knocking the "capture", while being in a comfortable position.

An example of the game on the map Sandy River head battle mode.

second respawn

Starting from the second respawn nominally more complex, it becomes a huge plus breadth of possible actions. The opposing team is almost doomed to defense, and the defense to conduct she must compressed area map Sandy River. As a result, the main advantage for the team becomes a wide space to maneuver. The main task, right, to choose the direction for a strike - which is very important for the action of light tanks , which can determine the direction and composition of enemy groups. Often, you can take advantage of his mistake, and took key positions to take the enemy in a pincer movement.
A very important factor - employment dunes in the desert at the bottom of the card Sand River using ST. While there, good equipment is protected from the fire most of the artillery, which has not so much room for maneuver. Secondly, it can easily fire at the point of capture, in anticipation of the approach of heavy tanks, which are being covered with buildings, can provide a comfortable grip. However, if the opponent throws to seize all the power we can restrict active defense, and leaving CT CT throw to the north of the map where through the rocks to get around the enemy from the rear, and hit on the balcony. If the capture of the eastern "balcony" possible - a victory virtually assured.
Overall strategy boils down to probing the wings, and in case of detection of slack - immediate impact, using the advantage of flexibility.
Often the enemy and throws all his technique, someone tries to defend the central dune, someone climbs the mountain - in this case, leaving a modest force for protection, held a comfortable rush to capture the base.

Basic errors

Attempts to cross the central dune directly - almost certain death.
Slow development of the battle - remaining at the starting point technique is vulnerable to artillery - A will not take long.
Attempts to take the rock and the central part of the map is doomed to failure.
Promotion for "base" to the balcony - in this case the opponent takes advantage of the fire on the open ends.
Ignoring attempt to take the enemy base - if the main power of your equipment will be engaged in a shootout sluggish, there is a real opportunity to not have time to fight off the grip.

Overview video guide map Peschannaja river Meeting engagement World Tanks

How to survive in the Sandy River in counter-fight mode.

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