Fire arc - Counter encounter WOT Guide

Open rolling hills, divided by railway embankment. Groups of trees provide excellent shelter for anti-tank ACS. Attacking, watch the flanks. Defending yourself, attack the enemy's flanks. Artillery has freedom of action, but is extremely vulnerable to raids of high-speed light forces.

Огненная дуга встречный бой.png

The general tactic in the oncoming battle mode will be as follows: fireflies and PTs are needed on the alley on the left. One firefly should ply in the center, at the foot of a long hill, but do not go up. Weights must be traveled along the railroad tracks under the cover of trees. It's good if you manage to occupy the village. The battle for the mountain, that on the lower right, as a rule, does not give anything, but they are still fighting for the mountain. Protecting it is much easier than attacking. Arta, which is in the north, should fire at the T-shaped intersection in the lower left corner, there is almost always an enemy artillery in the bushes. Almost no fights for the center.

Tactics for each tank.

Light tanks (LT)

A fiery arc is an excellent map for an easy tank. A scout with a good overview can light up the whole team of the enemy already in the first seconds of the fight. Moreover, ravines and a hillock in the middle of the map can help to go to their whole. Experienced players with a lucky coincidence are able to maintain light on the center of the map throughout the battle. In addition, light tanks can ride a mountain or stand in a passive light on the mall. Also light tanks can safely stand on the capture base.

Medium tanks (CT)

One of the typical tactics of using medium tanks is the way through the mountain. Capturing a mountain is not always successful, but it can still help to achieve superiority in the eastern part of the map with a subsequent breakthrough to the enemy base.

Heavy tanks (TT)

Heavy tanks often move the embankment and go along it to the village, where the main battle for the base unfolds. No less popular path passes along the alley, where a long-standing confrontation is often tied.

Anti-tank Self Propelled Artillery Plants (PT-ACS)

The most typical use of PTs for actions on the alley between the points and at the railway crossings. In the first case, combining low visibility and high visibility, they realize their potential by 100%. The second tactic is more risky, since there are only train trains from the shelters, but a good view is opened on half of the map, and it is possible to do a sweep of the enemies that have flown to the base. In the case when in the battle there are no howitzer ACS, this is one of the most advantageous places for defense on any technique.

Self-propelled Artillery Systems (ACS)

The map is very favorable for artillery. Most often, ACS get up on the mall and near the railway embankment, less often they move the embankment. Individual players prefer to beat almost without leaving the respawn. Low-level artillery is characterized either by the support of the alley in the regime close to the FT, or by the distribution of bushes in the central ravines, which carries a certain risk.

An example of the game on the map A fiery arc in Counter Strike mode.
See also other maps:

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