Widepark WOT Map

In this article we will talk about Widpark.
The map is a large cluster of dilapidated buildings, factory quarters and commodity trains. The size of the map is 600 by 600 meters, the level of combat is from 4 to 6. A feature of the location is that it is very small in size. That's why you have to be careful, because contact with the enemy will happen in a few seconds of the fight. It's good or bad - who knows. Already had one such card, the "Province" is called, and it was sent to the sandbox. Maybe this MAPA is waiting. But enough about the sad, let's talk a little about the tactics and strategy on the Widpark.
Approximate ways of traveling for all types of equipment.
Light tanks (LT):
As with other maps, on Vaidpark for light tanks, the priority task is to track the movements of the enemy and, if possible, to detect his artillery. As a rule, artillery starts fighting in uncomfortable positions for it and has to move. In this case, to detect large ACS can be at the very beginning of the battle. Further, light tanks are engaged in reconnaissance, periodically calling at the railway embankment, but not crossing it. At the key moment of the battle, they can take a rapid throw through the eastern railway or through the center of the map if they discover gaps in the enemy's defense.

Medium tanks (CT):
Medium tanks can concentrate and deal a swift blow to the railway in the east. After it is taken, the enemy's artillery will be easily destroyed, but this will attract the attention of enemy tanks guarding the base from a sudden invasion from the mound. Medium tanks with precise weapons can cover allies from long distances, while short-range combat CTs can distract the enemy's attention with maneuvers in the center of the map, threatening to cross the embankment and pass into the rear as soon as possible.

Heavy tanks (TT):
Heavy tanks occupy positions under the embankment, as it provides reliable protection against artillery fire. The traditional place of collision of heavy tanks is the arch. In some cases, heavy tanks can pass along the eastern railway.

Anti-tank Self-propelled Artillery Systems (PT-ACS):
For anti-tank ACS without a tower, it is difficult to fight in the embankment area. They can not control several directions and often get a projectile aft from the maneuvering tanks, quickly entering the embankment and having time to move out before the self-propelled gun can turn around. Usually PT-ACU take positions along the avenue (for example, near the church), in shelters at the base, at the entrance to the eastern railway and on the hill.

Self-propelled Artillery Units (ART-ACS):
ART-SAU start the fight on uncomfortable positions and are forced to move. At this point, they can be detected by light enemy tanks. Heavy tanks usually hide behind the embankment and they can be obtained only by changing their positions, which is fraught with risk. Artillery can also fire on tanks and self-propelled guns on the avenue, on the hill, on the eastern railway, on the square near the monument. There are not many positions for ART-ACS in this location, so experienced players often hunt for enemy artillery.
Tactics .
In connection with the fact that the card belongs to a mixed type of cards, then it is necessary to play on it accordingly. Some classes of tanks will feel more comfortable on it, others less comfortable. For example, heavy tanks should be liked here, because to hide from their main enemies - artillery - on Vaidpark will be where. The benefits of buildings and a variety of shelters suffice. But the very "God of War" here is a little tight. Yes, there are places that art shoots without problems, but the terrain dictates its rules. So, let's look at the main tactics of different classes of technology.
If you went to fight on LT , then your task is unchanged - to shine, shine and once again shine, as the leader of the world proletariat said. Shining is along the piece of iron, sometimes stopping at it. Good light is the key to success. Especially the art of cutting on this map is a pleasure.
Once on Wyidpark on ST , break through the main road. Of course, the terrain is very specific and it will be difficult to walk out on ST here, but it is still possible.
That's someone to whom, and TT here will feel at ease. The main thing to remember is that getting out for a railway embankment to one's own is more expensive. The enemy will disassemble you and will not notice. It is better to keep the defense in its half and continue to act on the circumstances. It is worth recalling that the main directions of the strike for both teams are two - this is the main road along the line 2 and the railway along the line 0. Accordingly, it is necessary to cover these directions.
PT   On this location will also be very comfortable. Having occupied a competent location on the main tracks, you can safely restrain the onslaught of the enemy.
Art on the "Weidpark" should act as in reality: seeing the enemy's column we beat the first and the last, and then we finish off the stopped enemy. After all, the terrain allows, since the main directions of strikes, are narrow corridors in which it is very difficult to maneuver tanks.
That's kind of all I wanted to say.

Guide to the Wyidpark map.

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