Westfield - Sturm

This article will deal with the Westfield card as a whole, as well as the Sturm mode.

So, the Westfield card has pleased a large number of WoT fans. The size of the map is 1000 by 1000 meters, the level of fighting is from 4 to 11. The colorful and bright terrain, executed at a decent level, is dotted with mountain ranges, hills and fields. The eastern part of the battlefield is crossed by a ruined aqueduct, and in the center a small town has found refuge.

We now turn to the game modes, the card supports 2 - standard combat and assault.

The standard battle turned out to be great and it gives players great pleasure, which can not be said about the assault.

The second mode changes the location of the bases of both sides, so the invaders are on the mountain, and the defenders are behind the village. This arrangement greatly complicates the task of attackers, but does not make it impossible. Unfortunately, statistics show that successful capture occurs much less often than successful defense.

Consider this situation in more detail, many players believe that it would be more correct to swap teams, which would make it easier for the attacker. This makes sense, since at the moment the matches do not look quite right, those who must attack go into a defensive defense, being subjected to shelling from all sides, which almost completely destroys the chances of winning, the strategy of the game for both sides is presented below.

How to play the art on Westfield.


The lines are ideal for attack - K and 0. Why them? The reason in the slope, which is perfect for a breakthrough, this way is usually chosen, CT and TT .

Another favorite place for attackers is the other side of the valley, ambushes that are organized there by PT , make it easy to destroy inaccurate defenders who were seen.


Defenders need to be provided with organized resistance, the main task will be to destroy the hidden PTs that pose a greater threat to the entire team.

It is necessary to organize defense of the flanks (Lines K and 0).

The artillery should take a comfortable position, prepare to destroy enemy PTs, which will be detected through work   LT .

Of course, such a development of events is quite rare, and most often even with this development of events, the attackers lose. However, it is possible that the developers have created a regime where for the victory in the capture it really will have to be wrestled, and the discontent of the players is just a weakness of character and unwillingness to give everything for the sake of victory.

Draw conclusions and do not forget that this is just a game!

IS-4 Westfield storm mode

How to defy in the assault on Westfield.

See also other maps: