Map Pearl River WOT Tactics

Pearl River map appeared in the range of World of Tanks relatively recently, so have not really run-and frequent errors on it became commonplace for players. The size of the map in 1000 at 1000 meters, the level of fighting, from 4 to 11. The map is open enough and designed for active actions of the players. Already in the Pearl River World of Tanks can be sorted out in the most favorable position for a successful game.

Exemplary ways to sidetrack for all types of equipment.

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Exemplary positions and attack vectors for both the rep, periodically subject to change and revision of the tactics.


Map Pearl River art will not feel quite freely, it is necessary to take into account, in spite of everything, the card is opened, it will be very helpful to choose favorable positions. So, for the upper spawn the most advantageous position is the point A7, it allows great sweep valley (upper card area), but it is worth remembering that this position is not protected by the bushes, and you can easily kill, so it takes this point, only the suppression of enemy forces allies. As for the rest, it is better to take positions that are on the square E1 and E2, as well as F1 and F2. From there, you can always just shoot through the center and Zelenka (lower area map), hiding behind thickets of shrubs. With regard to the lower base, it is recommended to hold E0 and F0 position. From there you can perfectly control all the areas on the map.

If to take into account the light tanks , you are advised to take a central position on the map, and from there you can perfectly keep glare of the central and lower areas of the map. You can also take a position on H5, it allows illuminates the center. This tactic is perfect for players lower base. As for the top, it is recommended to take a similarly central position, trying to educate the gorge and survive, and the rest choose the least protected the flank, in order to break through to the base.

Guide map Pearl River.

Medium tanks and fast TT is best to hold Zelenka. But to go on it should be strictly according to K, so it will be smaller than the line you just light the possibilities. The best place is the G3 position, there is a mound that can hide you from artillery and from which you can fire at the center, and the enemy base. It instructed the lower base of the players with regard to the upper spawn, then there should be a similar way to capture Zelenka. The best position is the square of the H2, there can be great deter enemy tanks.

PT-ACS and thick TT , which have a strong frontal armor, ordered the gorge, there is a major battle powerful and strong combat units. But remember, it is best to stick to the left edge of the gorge of the center, so you will not damage the artillery. And so try to break through the enemy base. This tactic is prescribed to lower spawn. As for the upper base, the gorge is recommended to go the same combat units, but some of the PT-ACS may take positions D2 and the E2, so that will shoot through the center and on the approaches zelenke, while remaining unnoticed.

For the Pearl River Hyde, as described above, should be the key for you, because with it you will know how to act early in the fight and keep up to bring a significant contribution to the victory.

Pearl River was excellent card, it has a lot of tactical possibilities and both spawn on it are in the same position on the benefits. Developers are in the right direction in terms of mapping, if they will stick with this concept, all subsequent cards can also get excellent.

Nychka on the Pearl River

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