Map of South Beach WOT Tactics

This card came out after the update 0.7.3. The map is a way of collecting the southern Crimea (so it seems to me, at least). Ramer card is 1000 by 1000 meters, the level of fighting, from 4 to 11. By itself, it is very picturesque and it has something to admire: a beautiful sunset, a magnificent palace with a park, ancient ruins ... In short, everything you need for quality recreation.

Tactically, the card is very interesting. This labyrinth of narrow passages between the mountains and ravines. Present here and the city's building, but the terrain is very hilly and there standing behind the corner of the house and feeling secure, do not be surprised when you arrive God knows where. Basic directions of the attack on this card is not present. Yes, you can go the shortest way (by the way, it is, perhaps, the most secure). This is a line 8 for one and for the other team. The truth is hard to get there: how to first base and the second dolgovato go there and you can easily get lost in these descents and climbs.

The approximate positions of all types of equipment.

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1) Position (Priority) - center of the map, allows you to highlight the city and the mall (light and medium tanks). It is also quick access to the arts and the enemy pt.
2) Position - alley often used to rush the enemy. Defit approach to allies and attack (strands and Fri).
Use no flat terrain to hide.

Positions PT-ACS: G6, H0, C0, D7, A3;
Do not hurry to attack, watch for the enemy. Hit by a weak spot in the defense.

Bad position: lovers intestine so long. Pass the 2-3 line to the enemy base.
There they met bands and Fri, further slowing. Meanwhile, base attack and kill all rapidly.


Let's talk a little about tactics. Often ST trying to get to the enemy base through the flanks - along the line 0 and the beach. And very often it is quite possible. Through the center trying to get bands. To go to the city, it is in principle possible, but in this sense is not enough, as the two mountains in the center of the map gives an excellent overview. You can only hide under the opposite mountain. General map will be interesting PT-waters and the players on the strands. Although CT and arts here, too, there is a job of work. The task PT primarily on this map - to kill Artoo.
So, a little about the location of tanks and where to go.
Light tanks. Absolutely any way for you to open, but the approaches to the bases often are complicated, and you will be able to stop or even punished.
Medium tanks. The main positions of medium tanks are the flanks, and of the city with no exception gorge main act clearly and accurately.
Heavy tanks.   Typically bands attack through the city, but you can go and along the coast, or, in the valley but obviously not all.
Anti-ACS. Excellent position to Fri are rocky ridges, with shelters in the form of large stones. From there you can sweep polkarty.
Artillery. SAU quite well will be located on the base and shoot at the enemies here. Think about it, and you are safe, and art is counting on you.

It is not so difficult, given the fact that it is virtually powerless - hills, mountains and buildings, it is extremely difficult to her work. Therefore, to make PT Arta piece of cake. Something card reminds me of a mixture of Provinces (two sniper positions in the center) and Fisherman's Bay (a small town on the coast). Accordingly, choosing the most appropriate tactics for these cards. Basically, all the battles take place in the squares E8 and E5. It was there that faced opponents. The second team is better, of course, defend. The very terrain on their spawn dictates such conditions: it is closer to the hill, than the first team and, therefore, they occupy the first position. When the first team starts to take its place for the defense, the splash of flying enemy is already in full swing. So to attack from the first spawn is better to choose the right flank. So reliable.

Good luck on the battlefield!

The key point of the Southern coast.

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