Map of the Arctic WOT tactics

The Arctic is probably one of the truly winter maps in the World of Tanks. She appeared relatively recently and immediately fell in love with the players. Somehow there was no such feeling that something was wrong on this map. The map dimensions are 1000 by 1000 meters, the level of combat is from 4 to 11.
Approximate ways of traveling all types of equipment.

Red dots are art.
Green points - PT or TT.
Red areas are hot spots, the main places of fighting.
Green arrows - shot through directions.
Yellow arrows - directions of attack CT.
The blue arrows indicate the direction of the TT attack.
Description and tactics.
The site is full of shelters, pillboxes, bends of the relief. There are no buildings here, but this is not very distressing. Probably the main highlight of the card is, that you never know where the "suitcase" will come from. Oh very unpredictable card. So historically, the "Arctic" is divided into two main sectors. It's a banana and a detour. It is here that the most heated and dramatic events of the battle unfold. And these are the key zones. Yes, there are a lot of small "holes" and shelters in which a well-hidden tank decides the outcome of the battle. But we are talking about global!

Rush on this map is not always a good idea and the team is not without reason that tactics on this map do not apply. But if they decided to, then it is best to destroy the road in the direction of the intersection, both from one and the other base. Tactically, the location is not very complicated, but it's really interesting. The options can be just a lot and, moreover, they can well, just incredible. But judging by the last battles in the random house, no one thought up a bicycle, and the forces of the warring parties at the beginning of the battle are as follows. Usually, tanks are divided into two groups and occupy positions in key directions. There is no tactical superiority in any of the teams. But there is one "zagagulina" in the arsenal of the first team.

Cheater's position in the Arctic.

About it a little later we'll talk. Often, heavy tanks converge with the enemy in the squares G9, F9 and there they make each other holes in the lower armored cars, simultaneously trying to pull the opponent under the "suitcases" of the art , which sits in the zone of the intersection slightly descending to the water. At the same time hysterical screaming in the chat "Save, help, hooligans view deprived!" By the end of the battle in these squares is always a cemetery of tanks. But somehow it happened that at the top of the map, the events are more dramatic and it is from here that trouble comes. But consider in more detail the attack from the first and second respa.

From the first respawn, TT is easier to reach the square G9, F9. It is better to take a defensive position and not to shove under the shots of the enemy TT, his art sitting at the northern base, and the PT usually located on a balcony located on a plateau. At this point, keeping the onslaught of the enemy is not so difficult if you do it wisely. It is better to send heavy Germans and IS-4. They better keep the onslaught. The main blow must be applied with massive forces at the top of the map. To use for this purpose the best maneuverable Frenchmen and Soviet medium tanks , and cover all this movement with the "Seven". The Soviet top TT is maneuverable and fast, it will help the CT to break through the defensive redoubts of the enemy. And here is the "Zagagulina" mentioned above. PTs that occupy the squares B5, A5 can easily shoot at the impudent opponents, who will climb the first base in the squares of F8, G7, thus covering the rear of the defending cords.

Now consider the attack option from the second turn. Here the situation is a bit more complicated. But there are also their highlights. It's good to fly on the squares in the square G9, but it's not very necessary. If you successfully take the defense in squares H4, J5, then you can safely shoot back from the attacking enemy, periodically pleasing him with "heavenly suitcases." The main shock wedge is directed to the top of the map. In this situation, the enemy, having found out that in the square G9 of your tanks there is no way to go to the base, thereby exposing himself to the attack of the art and covering the base of the tanks.

On this we will conclude. It is not necessary to criticize strongly, only the superficial tactical component of the "Arctic" is stipulated. Tactics are many, and mention all of them, probably, there is no sense. And such basics will be useful for everyone. Successful to all fights and may the power come with you!

How to play in the Arctic.

Convenient places for art in the Arctic.
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