Tank Academy - issue 3

In this issue of the Tank Academy, we will talk about how to teach our company or clan a secret that distinguishes the invincible legions of Rome from savage barbarians. This secret is the ability to keep a system. It will allow you, as a knife through oil, to pass through scattered battle formations of random or weakly trained mouths and give you the opportunity to fight even with a very strong opponent. And do not think that the ability to keep the system is in a primitive construction in one line standing still. Those who think so much - only become victims of a more literate and trained enemy. And the ability to keep the system is the ability of the team to rebuild at any time, exposing the maximum number of trunks in the right direction. This is the ability to go to the designated place with a single fist, without losing an expensive half of the tanks because of a clash between themselves. It's the ability to work together in a group, going into an attack on the enemy because of the shelter or corner of a city street, not allowing him to stop your attack even by working in focus. This time we will begin our training with simple tips, which you can follow, even going into battle alone, without a platoon or company, and only then will we proceed to train the skills of group driving and rebuilding.

Tip 1: how to leave the start - while counting, scroll with the mouse wheel backwards, you need a more remote view that will help you see the surroundings around you completely. A little later, when the bulk of the tanks falter in their places and the threat of collision will not be so acute, you can change the look of the more familiar. Although this is not necessary, admiring the beauty in battle is not the most urgent need.

Tip 2: who to skip first and how to choose a route. Going into battle on a heavy tank, always try to give way to fireflies and artillery. If they do not get in the way, they will cause joint damage to the enemy even before your entry into the position. After the countdown, circle the tanks standing next to them either from behind, or at a distance of approximately the length of the tank hull in front. A soldier who has been loaded into a fight late can, without any intent, suddenly jump forward and will not have time to react if you pass very tightly to him. Remember, a collision always consumes more time than you try to save, cutting the way.

Tip 3: You can never prop up an ally or overtake him just to ride under his nose, cutting his way. Better slow down and without any interference turn to the side you need. Faced, you will spend more time to part.

Tip 4: If you still encounter, do not stupidly push the button forward in the hope that your combat vehicle will overpower the team's ally tank. It will be easier to disperse if you stop and try to slightly turn the tank body, and then divorce your comrade in misfortune in different directions.

We hope that you paid attention to the fact that all the actions considered in the previous editions of the Tank Academy were carried out in close combat order, when each tank of our team could rely on fire support or timely cover from the teammates. How to maintain this combat order during the battle, we now consider in stages.

For starters, we will learn how to correctly advance from a combat position and maintain the correct battle order in motion. In order to do this you need to remember a few simple things: in the world of tanks, the undead is catching up, and the overtaker is waiting; In the world of tanks, the score goes on for seconds and in most cases the fighter that bursts ahead expects a quick and ignominious death, it is impossible to catch up with him until he dashes himself or with the help of the opponent who hit him with caterpillars. In this dashing, but stupid assault aircraft himself gives opponents the ability to shoot him with impunity on the focal point. After breaking away from the main group of tanks, he deprived his comrades to support him with fire and to shield him from their shots with his machines, taking enemy damage for the whole group instead of one. You see how it happened now on the screen, in most cases this happens when the whole group starts moving simultaneously. Ahead of the standing tanks happily rush to attack towards death, forgetting to wait a few moments. As a result, the rear tanks are doomed behind their imprudent allies, standing in the most harmful useless order of the World of Tanks - in the column of the sink. The discharge column is when the stretched cars one at a time over the enemy and allow him to consistently destroy first the head cars, and then the stragglers, who came to the "dropping" and do not pose any danger because of their small number. In order to prevent the formation of a drain in a column, movements in a group of tanks must begin with the last car, the others must be pulled out as soon as it approaches the next tank, a little earlier to level the speed, otherwise the ones ahead will soon become themselves lagging behind and we will come To the same senseless construction, which they tried to avoid. The second reason for pulling into the drain column is a mixed construction of different types of tanks. In order for this not to happen, we must immediately indicate the distribution of groups, directing machines with the same dynamics in one group and indicating to them the order of motion. For example, right from the start, we sort all the T 110 into one company, indicating to them the route to the right or left of the fist of the IC 7, and the platoon of the IS 4 will be instructed to follow the IS 7s. All - equally with their speed, they will reach the gathering point before the fight only when their faster colleagues are already going crazy with impatience. And the third reason for building a draining column is the lack of collection points. In the heat of battle, part of our tanks will necessarily be knocked out, either through the fault of collisions or through the fault of downed caterpillars. And we just need to give them the opportunity to assemble in a single shock fist. To do this, we will assign our tanks a place of gathering, where it will be possible to linger, waiting for the stragglers and to reorganize, taking the battered tanks to the second echelon.

The maneuver of turning and rebuilding. Our goal is to be able at any time to concentrate the fire of the maximum possible number of tanks at the first appearing goal and be able to hide our podrankov in the depths of the system.

The general rule is that the tank always follows the outer arc of the turn, otherwise the tank goes furthest from the center of the turn, that is, the tank farthest from the enemy. What is the reason for this, and what is the point of this maneuver? Carefully look at the scene of the battle, in which the enemy team is trying to get out of cover. The error is visible to the naked eye. As soon as the closest enemy tank comes out from behind the shelter, it is hit by a caterpillar, there is no one to cover it, and in addition to this, a battered tank blocks the sector of shelling the remaining members of the attacking group. Now, let's compare what we saw with the correct version of the team's actions. As you can see, the tank going along the outer arc, is ahead of the rest of everything - only half the body, by and large it has the task to take the damage from the first shot, after which it will be immediately covered by the rest of the cars, and the rest will not cost exactly Effort, they will simply continue to move consistently, stepping around the corner and covering the first tank in a perfectly natural way. Even if the enemy continues to fire, the damage from him will be spread in the same natural way throughout the group. But only on the condition that all the elements of this maneuver will be executed correctly and each successive car, leaving behind the turn, will lag behind the previous one - only half a body. And first of all we will learn how to properly perform turns in the composition of groups of two or three tanks. As you already knew, this skill is most often needed when you exit from behind a corner or a shelter. We will create a training session on one of the city maps. Divide our team into platoons of three people and send them to the streets. They will have to work out every turn, every corner, leaving it right because of it, as we just told. As soon as all platoons have mastered the correct order of overcoming the turns, and the exit from the shelter will complicate the task and send the entire team immediately along the route they just completed separately. In the vast majority of cases, even the closest passes among the city quarters allow three tanks to pass simultaneously. But it is not always possible to do this quickly, since a narrow passage has to be overcome much more carefully to avoid a collision. We can afford to do this in a calm environment, but at the slightest threat of enemy opposition such turns and close passes must be overcome at full speed. In order to do this, we will have to resort to rebuilding, as we will see in the example of Himmelsdorf. The obstructions from the ruined houses are often forced here to squeeze in pairs, reducing the number of trunks of the first line to two guns. As you remember, one of the purposes of our lesson is the ability to work out the system and the team's ability to rebuild at any time, exposing the maximum number of trunks in the right direction. To do this, remember a simple rule: the first to overcome the narrowing of the steam, going at the highest speed. On the one hand, they will quickly slip through the dangerous area, and quickly disperse to the sides, freeing the way for the remaining ones, on the other hand those tanks that are slower will have the chance to make an accurate shot, since they will need less time to stop, thereby they can Cover their more rapid comrades with fire. As you remember, we touched on this issue in part in the last issue of the Tank Academy, when we practiced wave movement. As soon as the tanks overcome the narrowing, they should immediately and without delay disperse into the sides, freeing the passage to the remaining tanks and leveling the system. Pay attention that, despite the fact that our tanks changed places, the system did not change from it at all. Thus, after a few seconds, we will again put the maximum possible number of tank guns in the right direction, which will seriously upset our enemy and upset him, thus, until our victory.

This concludes our lesson at the Tank Academy, but if our work on explaining the principles of group driving of tanks is completed, then yours is just beginning. Therefore, once regular training, the repetition of the material passed and the verification of knowledge in real combat can benefit. Diligent performance of training exercises is the key to success for you and your fighters. We wish you success on the battlefields of the World of Tanks and to a new meeting in our next lesson, in which we will talk about such an important element of combat as group driving or group driving of tanks in different conditions.

See also: