Golden Bolt Release 7

And did you know that by shooting a high-explosive fragmentation projectile it is sometimes more profitable to aim at the most armored part of a tank or to miss at all than to shoot at places that are usual for other types of ammunition?

High-explosive shells are available in the game for almost all guns, starting from the 37th caliber and above. They are both ordinary and premium. Previously, their difference was only in defeat, but after the release of the patch 0.8.1, the British at the senior levels had new premium high-explosive fragmentation with increased armor penetration. That's what they essentially increase the alpha-strike and, accordingly, the DPM, since they can really cause complete damage to any tank.

The features of premium shells will be considered a little later, and now let's talk about the usual non-strategic landmines. They have a number of features: they have the greatest potential damage relative to other ammunition and the smallest armor penetration, they do damage by explosion, they do not ricochet and their armor penetration does not decrease depending on the distance, unlike armor piercing shells, explode when collided with the first obstacle. Finally, high-explosive shells are not normalized, that is, they do not turn over when they collide with armor, making the corner of entry more blunt, which would facilitate the penetration.

In order to understand how the caliber of the high-explosive projectile affects the radius of fragmentation, it was necessary to study more than a hundred guns of all calibres represented in the game, and it turned out that time was spent knowingly, because it was possible to find a regularity: all unimaginable high-explosive shells of one caliber The same radius of fragmentation irrespective of the country of manufacture. That is, it does not matter whether you have a British tank or a Soviet one, if you have the same gun caliber, then the splash will be the same. Of all the instruments presented in the game, there was only one exception to this rule, and then absolutely insignificant.

Of course, the developers can expose any value splash, but it seems they stick to this rule, because everything is logical, the size depends on the caliber of how much explosive is in the shell. Of course, its number can be increased due to the length of the projectile, the thickness of the walls or the replacement of the explosive by a more powerful one, these modifications probably mean premium mines. Let us examine them in more detail.

Premium landmines are divided into two types: the first increased splesh, the second armor penetration.

Consider the first type with increased splash. It would seem that everything is simple: a high-explosive high-explosive shell can cause damage at a greater distance at the same potential damage. But few people think about the real benefits of gold shells. If you get exactly the difference in the tank between a conventional mine and the one with increased splash, you will not notice, but in case of a miss, the difference becomes obvious and the bigger the miss, the more significant this difference becomes. For example, take the top 150mm German gun GwPanther she has two types of high-explosive projectile (FPS) - conventional and premium, with increased splash. If, for example, the shell explodes a meter from the tank, the difference between a premium and a conventional projectile will be about 50 hp, and if the projectile ruptures 2.5 meters from the target with a minimum armor in the radius of fragmentation of the fragments of 50 mm, the difference in damage will be More than 2 times. To understand how this works, we will consider the formula for calculating the damage to the FFS. If the armor of the tank is broken, then the full damage plus or minus 25% of the average value is taken from it. If the armor is not broken or the shell explodes near the tank, the damage is immediately split in half, that is, half of the damage to the land mine is lost. Then there is the dropping factor, there are only three of them: the range, the thickness of the armor, the presence of an antiphonal rebuke. Let us consider them in more detail. For example, your fugasnitsy splash is equal to 3 m, and the projectile ripped in a meter from the enemy, which is 1/3 of the radius of splashing. This means that our already halved damage will lose another third, and the remaining damage will be subtracted from the thickness of the armor multiplied by 1.3, and the armor through which the greatest damage passes is taken into account. And in the case when an anti-fragment shoe is installed, the thickness of the armor is multiplied by 1.3 and multiplied by another factor. Not everyone correctly understands the description for the anti-fragmentation of the face, many think that with him the damage from landmines is reduced by 15%. But this is not so. The antiphonal rebound does not absorb 15% of the damage, but it increases the resistance of the armor to an explosion by 15%. But this is very important to understand, because it is effective to use a badge on well-armored vehicles, because the thicker the armor, the more the damage from landmines absorbs the anti-fragment shoe.

Premium Snoopy World of Tanks

It's time to make out the premium OFS with increased armor penetration. The main feature of these shells is that they are capable of penetrating thicker armor, which means they can realize all the potential damage from the explosion of the explosion. In all other respects they act like ordinary landmines and we must remember that these shells do not normalize, which means that they are more difficult to penetrate the armor at an acute angle than with the same armor-piercing gun with the same penetration. But, without even breaking through, they still do some damage, so it's safer to finish off the enemy with a small amount of strength just landmines. Also this type of bombs helps to finish off those opponents whose remaining strength is slightly higher than the average damage for a conventional projectile. If you plan to inflict maximum damage, do not shoot these shells through screens or tracks, as these shells explode at the first collision, which means no matter how thick the screen is. Fugas, who got into it, though not breaking through it, will explode all the same, without reaching the main armor and will lose a significant part of the damage that he could inflict.

Consider how the modules and crew members are damaged from the high-explosive explosion. When the armor is pierced the shell explodes inside the tank, at the point of penetration. Damage to the tank will not be halved, and also such damage-reducing factors as the thickness of the pierced armor and the anti-fragment shoe are no longer affected. But with the modules of things are different. From the point of explosion to all modules and crew members tracing rays are being built, which at first carry only half of the damage and, depending on the range of the modules and crew members, the corresponding strength will be removed from them by the formula familiar to you. The truth in calculating the damage is not damage to the tank, but damage by modulus. There is one more nuance that distinguishes the damage to landmines on the tank and on the module. If the distance to the armor through which the damage was taken is taken into account when calculating the damage to the tank, in the event of a hit the distance is zero, because the modules are located inside the tank, and the high-explosive shell, even if it penetrates into the tank, does not fly, but explodes at the point of penetration , Then the fragments need some distance to overcome to the modules. Here, the radius of the splash greatly influences, because the damage will necessarily be reduced. For example, if you have a 100 mm gun with a radius of 1.55 m splashing, and the module is deepened inside the tank for 1 m, even in case of breaking through the main armor, behind which this module is located it will only reach 37% of the halftone damage, that Will be 18.5% of the nominal damage, which means it is very difficult for small and medium-sized landmines to cause significant damage to the module. Since before the module even if it within a radius of splashing after all the decreasing factors, the real bits of damage come. And if the armor is not punched, then it is very difficult to inflict a tangible damage to the internal module. I will explain it with the example of the most powerful anti-tank gun of the 10th level JgPz E100. Fugas, released from this gun, has an impressive potential damage to the tank in the amount of 1400 hp, but the damage on the modulus is only 228 hp. And this is the biggest damage modulo among all his classmates. But since the damage modulo is calculated by the same formula as the damage to the tank, in case of a non-breaking, armor thickness of only 88 mm is capable of completely absorbing the damage modulo this most powerful bomb, and even if the module is immediately behind the armor, it is all the same Will not receive any damage. As for the crew, it is quite realistic to contuse it with a land mine, if there is enough radius of splashing and the armor through which the damage has passed, is small, since the number of hp in the tankmen is very small, only 25 points.

Now that we have thoroughly analyzed the mechanics of the damage from the FFS, it can be concluded that it is not advisable to try to heal the internal parts of the tank, try to set it on fire or detonate a bomb, as modules can restore their strength. And to set fire to a land mine, although the theory allows fuel tanks, it is practically possible only in the engine and it is incredibly difficult. It is much more important to focus on the damage.

Module Damage

Let's analyze one more interesting point. It also happens that during the explosion of the OPS in the radius of fragmentation there are two similar modules, for example, two ammunition like that of Batatch in the tower, it is easy to pierce armor there, it is only 15 mm and it would seem that we can take both hp from them, Between them only 90 cm, and if you shoot in the center, about a distance to each of them will be only about 50 cm. The same type of modules have a common strength and with such a shot we could take more hp, but that's not it! The mechanics of the game are made in such a way that if one module is damaged, all similar ones are excluded from calculation and damage can not be obtained. That is, for a single shot, you can damage the combat pack or any other module only once.

It's time to learn how to do the maximum damage to the tank. In the beginning, we analyzed in detail the formula for the damage from the OFS. But how to make practical use of this knowledge? For this, there are a few tips. It's very simple, if your high-explosive projectile is not capable of penetrating the enemy's armor, as in the vast majority of cases, it does not make sense to heal the places that are habitual for penetrating armor-piercing shells. From the formula, we know that the thinner the armor, the greater the damage from the high-explosive explosion, and the thinnest armor on the tank is the top sheet and the bottom of the hull, so you need to aim at the points closest to these weakly armored places. To inflict maximum damage through the top sheet of the shell, you need to shoot at the base of the tower, and to inflict damage through the bottom, you need to shoot under the tank, between the tracks. The truth in this case is of great importance for the tank's clearance and the splash of the projectile, since the surface is at a certain distance from the bottom of the shell. If you want to inflict heavy damage on a mine, do not shoot through screens or tracks that will reduce damage and increase the distance to the hull.

Secrets of FUSES

Now a few secrets about landmines, which few people know. All types of projectiles have a spread in the damage plus or minus 25% of the mean value, randomly turns on when the projectile hits the tank, it is at this point that the damage is determined, but the high-explosive shell can cause damage and not get into the tank. Question: when is it included by random to calculate the damage? Never! Random simply does not turn on, and the average damage value is taken and then calculated according to the formula known to you. Thus, by shooting intentionally past the tank, you are shooting not an accidental, but quite predictable damage, that will help you surely finish the tanks with great strength and calculate the number of shots to destroy them. Knowing this secret, you certainly can finish off enemies, not relying on the will of chance.

The second secret is that such elements of the environment as buildings, water, walls, land for the fragments of land mines are not an obstacle and if enough splash you can cause damage to the enemy, even if it is on the other side of the house or inside a dilapidated hangar.

Well, the last most shocking secret of landmines. Ironically, it contradicts the previous secret, where we inflicted damage through buildings. If a land mine falls into the skeleton of a destroyed tank and pierces it, the splash is completely neutralized.

See also: