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Preparations for the prevention and treatment of radiation sickness

For the prevention of radiation injuries and the treatment of different forms, stages and
Manifestations of radiation sickness a large number of different
Preventive drugs are united under the general name K "radio-
Protectors. "They are used in the face of radiation injuries, radiation therapy
Cancer patients, work with radioactive substances.
Some drugs have a common (systemic) effect. Other
Locally for the prevention and treatment of skin lesions and adjacent
As general radioprotectors, used, as a rule,
Inside, sulfur-containing compounds are used (see Cystamine)
Serotonin (see Mexamine), glycerol esters (see Batilol), etc. For
Protection of the thyroid gland from lesions with radioactive iodine, use
K potassium iodide (see). When radioactive compounds enter the stomach
Apply enteral sorbents (activated carbon, etc.); various
Kompleksons (see Pentacin, Ferrocin, etc.).
For the treatment of general manifestations of radiation sickness (lesions of nervous, ser-
Cardiovascular systems, vomiting, violations of hemopoiesis, etc.) apply le-
Medicinal products of the corresponding pharmacological profile (see so-
Leukogen, Suspension zimosan, Actovegin.).
For the prevention and treatment of cutaneous radiation injuries, a number of
Ointments, linimentations and other medicinal forms (see Liniment of Tezana, Ointment
Parmidin, Diethon Ointment, etc.).

Subgroup Preparations for the prevention and treatment of radiation sickness include drugs: