Інформаційно-комунікаційний менеджмент у глоному суспільстві - Bebik V.M.

Розділ 4 Глобалізація масових комунікацій у сучасному світі

4.1.Sutnist and the phenomenon of globalization

Termin " globalizatsiya " became one of the key words for success. (A. King and B. Schneider [97]), each of whom hears nakedness in the potential and real possibilities of the informational technological restructuring of the estate (H. Moulana [ 103]), treti uyvlyayut majbutnі svit v vyglyadі "global village", deinformatsiyne povidomlennya gliboko determinuetsya mass-mediya (M. Maklyuen [98, 99]).

On the duma of one of the authors of the "Encyclopedia of Postmodernism" V. Morera із The US Tsey terminik vinik in the 70th rock of the last table in Literature in Management and Biography for acquaintance with the new strategic directions of the virgin vibrobitvita and rozpodilu; In the science of sushi, vvazhaє tse author, vyn uvіyshov through geography and sociology, and in humane - through the anthropology that cultural accomplishment [23].

On the priority of its rights to the term "globalization" claim to be so economical, yakis zvernuli respect for the fact of the formation of the Іdinogo svitovoj rinku, zokrema American T. Leewitt, akin to the "Harvard Business Review" 1983 р. Nadrukuvav stati about the phenomenon of zlitty rinkyv okremih productov, sho vibrolyayutsya large transnational corporations (TNCs). Rozshiriv tse ponimattya japonets K. Ome, who has seen the economy in the context of vzemnogo vplyuv trioh silovyh tsentriv: ЄС, the United States and Japan, and takozh dominuvannya na svetovі ehonomichnyi arena "global firm" [105].

Problems globalizatsii (without vikoristannya chyogo termin) in the 60's of the XX century. Daslizhuvalisya nasampered at galuzi ekologii i tehnologicheshnikh disciplines. Zgodom protsi, povyazhany z globalizatsieyu, obkazyvalisya with such terms, such as "postmodernism", "postindustrial epa", "technoglobalism", "epoch of informational revolution" [31]. Приедналися до цієї of the problematics and sociology. One of the first works of the term is the American author R. Robertson, who has tackled the problems of the social and global culture in the context of globalization [108]. And to the people of the global social life they devoted respect, zokrema, British vichi B. Dikon, M. Khalsa P. Stabs [21].

Виокремлюють кілька підходів у дослідженні суті глобалізації. In some cases, emphasis is placed on economical aspects, in others - on the formative Ідиного інформаційного spaciousness, in third - on the problems of the culture, in the quarters - on the pittans, who turn out to be rozvitkom zagalnosvіtivіih standardі in usіх галузях суспільного життя тощо.

The Global ekonomіka harakterizuєtsya bearing-down transkordonnimi peresuvannyami fіnansіv i robochoї Sealy, rozvitkom transnatsіonalnih korporatsіy that bankіv, formuvannyam єdinogo rinkovogo Gospodarstwa Where Money Does vіdbuvaєtsya digit zrostannya masshtabіv virobnitstva, zabezpechuєtsya dinamіchne rozpovsyudzhennya tovarіv, poslug, resursіv, tehnologіy, іdey i realіzatsіya їh in nayspriyatlivіshih minds.

In the political sphere, the international context of globalization is explored in the name of changes in the circumstances and in the international relations between the powers-in-the-nation and one-hour countries, the influx of the international urns, unorganized and transnational organiza- tions.

Globalna komunikatsiya u vygljadі suutnikovogo telebachennya ta Іnternetu cardinally zmіnyu zmіst geografichnyh understand in the context of administratively-teritorialnogo arrange mіzhderavnyh cordons.

Радикальні зміни засобів ділового спілкування, обміну економічною, фінансовою, іншими виды інформації створююють умови для оперативного й eфективний вирішення виробічних, наукови-технічних і бізнесових feed як всередині країни, і за її межами.

In the cultural and spiritual sphere, the svit is re-educated on a "global village", in a form of globalization, the global dumka is a global one, it is the gloomy dumpling, and the zapadki in the middle of the country, and all the more so with the help of the masovy komunikatsi all the more you begin to vlyavati on the derea of ​​the international institutions and zigdanyh vische.

Otzhe, within the framework of the concept of homogenization and socialization of the world, is to be carried out in the context of a global village, sebto global contract that "westernization".

I here varto zvernuti osoblyvu respect on the problems of navyazyvannya zahіdnih norms and values ​​in the face of globalization.

In the cultural and cultural spheres, zokrema, tse is manifested in the realistic concept of medi- atorism and that of cultural imperialism, which is critically explored by G. Schiller that yogi with colleges [112]. The geographic location of the komunikatsyna diyalnist, kerovana by the TNCs, is brought to negative systemic manifestations in the informational and cultural sphere at the scale of the world. The innocent point of the world is to reach J. Tomlinson, a clear confusion and a preoccupation with the ideological effects of medi- aty-imperialism [102]. ALE those, scho tsya problem існує, зaєється, вже не заперечує ніхто.

Okrim addition, varto zgadati і соціологічний чинник глобалізації, which is manifested through weakening the role of traditional, societal zv'yazіv, podlannya natsionalnoy obmezhenostі, scho sopriya mobinostnosti people in the teritory, spiritual and psychologic aspects, and realize zreshshuyu through mіzhurbannu mnogritsіyu.

Екологічний чинник детермінує об'єднання зусиль світового співтовариства, консолідацію ресурсів і координацію дій у областиі екології, problems anchor far beyond inter-national chains.

Tse, so bi-moviti, galuzevi pіdhod in дослідженні globalі-заційної problems. And from the point of view of the phantomphilosophical approach, formulated by the Frenchman B. Badi, the globalization is rozglyadayatsya: in a nutshell, yak postійний історичний proces, scho rozvivayetsya; In a different way, the process of homogenization of the univarsaliza svita; On-tretє, yak transkordondnyi processes in the process [63].

Заслуговує на увагу вивчення і аналіз проблем глобалізації в контексті розгляду її як останньої фази розвитку капіталізму. In the point of view of R. Harsche [66], capitalism, it is sufficient for an inter-institutional system, to be seen in the future as a globe. Kapitalizm і globalizacija in the world of the aspect of the world, the world of globalization, the surrounding of the world, the finesse of the form of the Holy Communion in the world.

Prote in the scientific means of mediocrity jazravo manifest ambiguity in the context of the globalization, zokrem in the context of the interdiction and її ллідків.

Z one side, globalization toruє shlyah to formovaniya єdinogo svitu at formi metaderavi zedinoyu svitovoju ekonomikoyu, kul'turoyju tochno. Do tsiomu vipadku globalizatsiya veda before vtaty bataotmanitnost svitu, pevnoy iznіlyatsії.

To the other side, the globalization is rooted in the form of the system of self-contained sub-elements of the social order, zv'yazki mizh yakimi-such, so vzaemno dopovnjut, and not ruinous sami sub'ecti - part of the system.

Napriklad, O. Weber characterizes the globalization of the yak "vtyaguvannya bilshoi part of the people in єdinu system of financial, economic, social and cultural and cultural zv'yazyv on the basis nayusaschannyh zaboinv informatics and telecomunication" [14].

Ґрурутуючись на дослідженні останніх підходів, російський вчений E. Azrojants вважає globalizatsiyu tsіlовою functцією історичного процесу, що розглядається як розвиток соціальної системи, спрямований на досягнення ії максимаї цілісності.

On the dumko of a czech viocese, the process of globalization in the course of a long period of time, characterized by the form of a kind, allows viocremiti taku typology of globalization: the homeland, the tribe, the ethnicity, the old man, the monarch, the colonial, the national and the international.

For the success of E. Azroants, globalization - meta-historical process; Інтеграція і дезінтеграція - тренції, які визначають її динаміку; Інтернаціоналізація - сучасний етап глобалізації [1].

A І. Petrov vvazhaє, scho globalization does not mean vyiknennya homogeneous sistovogo sispіlstva, and є process, a kind of stvoiє transnationalist zvyazyki і spaciousness і vodnochas nadaє new znachennya local cultures. Locally rozglyadayetsya him yak nayvazhlivshy aspect of the global, and globalizatsiya - yak "informatsionna stikovka, z'єdnannya, synthesis, tisnі zv'yazki riznikh kul'turny, їhnya vzaemna toleerantnist" [43].

Semyotichnyi pіdtekst v globalіzatsії vbachaє S. Udovіk, a certain rozumіі pіd globalіzatsіyu stanovlenya i garmonizatsiyu bagatіrіnogo i bаvatorіvnevogo svіtu, a kind of interplay in some vimіra and heterogeneous in the others [61].

On the past, the American ambassador G. Nye viznachaet globalizatsyu dosyat stylo, yak "zrostannya svitovikh mnezh vzemozalezhnosti" [104].

Нігерієць Claude Eyck, napriklad, having looked at the globalization of the processes, practices and structures in the space, especially in the national, to global scales. The main phenomenon of globalization, the yogo dumku, polygata in the non-negotiable capitalist expansions, in the conquest of the past and in the future, and in the hegemony of the values ​​on the scale scale.

L. Smorgunov rozumіє pіd globalіzatsіyu trаtsііy ekonomichnogo, sotsіal'nogo, polіtichnogo i kul'turny роз rozvitku, yaka vinikaє na peretinі such protsessiv, yak "amerizatіzіya", kontrkolonіzіya, екологізація, космізація та інформатизація. Ostanya, before the speech, rozglyadayetsya him in the context of the cleverness of the political and scientific and technical authority in the daily life [57].

Characteristic є takozh vyslovyvannya macedonian doshlіdnitsy B. Vankovs'ko, yaka sidіchit, scho в її країні globalization - one more name for the process of securing the "new svitovuyu order," in which I take the fate of Macedonia. The goal became a dogma, a new ideology, a yaki, a dumka of tameshnogo pravlyachoi eliti, not a guilty piddavati sumnynu ... "Globalization, yak, yak perebachalosya, spovіstit about kynets' powers, has changed to vihvallyannya odnієї power.To bagatokh analitikiv globalizatsya - tse simply інший термін On the knowledge of hegemony in the United States of America ... For such minds, globalization nabuvaє nayvulgarnіshih forms, zokrema, ostanov nav'yazanyu homogenization on the international river [12].

Otzhe, mi z you peresvidchilsya, sho problemy і process globalizatsii duzhe stringo and ambiguously otsynyutsya doslnikov. Tse, its own chergo, to put before zakasnoyu science zavdannya podalshoshoi klassifikatsii її etapiv that yakіshnikh parametrs, scho characterize the globalization of the globalities in the realms of suspilny Zhitty.

On our duma, globalization poztibno rozglyadati yak istorichnyi protsedi vid hour of the state secrecy of such postures by the spacious and hourly interstices, and not the phenomenon viklychno kincya XX - the ear of the XXI century.

І here you can wait with the russia's dossier A. Utkin, yaky vvazhaє, scho persha revsitsyna (ale not the Persha vzagalі) hvilya globalizatcii flooded the svit at the turn of XIX and XX century. Внаслідок бухливого розвитку міжнародної торгівлі і зальдяки появі пароплава, телефон і конвеєра. Theorists першої хвилі глобалізації R. Cobden, J. Bright, N. Ejnjel bullets perekonanі, scho vіlna tenders stimuljuvatime vsesvіtnє ekonomіchnost zrostannia i vzajmozalezhnіst kraїn. Stop, svoєyu Cherga, unemozhlivit konflіkti mіzh kraїnami and guarantor pershoї hvilі globalіzatsії Got vistupati Great Britanіya, yak on the hour zdіysnyuvala fіzichny control morskimi komunіkatsіyami i zabezpechuvala stabіlnіst mіzhnarodnih fіnansovih rozrahunkіv pound through sterlіngіv i Anglіysky Bank.

Persha svitova vaina brought the foresight of such rozraunkiv, zafiksuvavshi primacy of geopolitics and fear of interdependence over the globalization gains.

The 30-th rock of the XX century. Processes globalization почав набирати обертів. Uspikhi kapitalizmu povyazuyutsya z teoriyeju J. Keynes, yaka robila stake on the building of the power regulyuvati ekonomichny and sotsialnyi protsessy v kraynakh svitu. W posilennyam globalіzatsії Keynesian economics zdaє pozitsії lіberalno-monetaristskіy modelі M Frіdmena, oskіlki at Dumka Y. Pakhomov, "globalnі chinniki dedalі viraznіshe perevazhali vnutrіshnі, nasampered sotsіalnі scho іstotno obmezhuvalo spromozhnіst powers kontrolyuvati vnutrіshnyu situatsіyu [41, p. 141].

To a friend відродження глобалізації відбулося наприкінці 70-х років XX ст на fundamentі кардильних змін в інформатиці, телекомунікаціях і дигіталізації, які fostered an economical zrostannyu. Kapital vyhodit vyhoditi p pod control natsionalnykh uyryіv, and transnational corporations (TNK) and transnational banks (TNB) z legkistyu have ridden the cordon's shade and nave'yazuvati its will populate the little-wore edge.

Zvichayno, od tsogo i poterpayut visokorozvinenі Kraina Sunset, ale oskіlki TNK bazuyutsya sama them, "_ spravzhnіmi victims varіantu globalіzatsії Economy stayut Kraina without competitive perevag, tobto malorozvinenі Kraina [41, p. 143].

Yakshto the basis of the first hourly stage of the globalization was the global British Empire, then the US American dollar became another dominant factor in the other stage of globalization.

Ale Varto not obmezhuvatisya analіzom deprivation ekonomіchnoї spherical suspіlstva, oskіlki obmіn sotsіokulturnimi that іnshimi tsіnnostyami, sotsіalnim dosvіdom Je not Mensch vazhlivim for suspіlnogo Progreso, nіzh dosvіd gospodaryuvannya.

Zagalom NAUKOVO-tehnіchny progressive, Especially in the Branch komunіkatsіy, postіyno spriyaє zrostannyu globalіzatsії, vzaєmozalezhnostі svitu, stvoryuє pіdґruntya for formuvannya єdinoї svіtovoї Sistemi ekonomіchnih, polіtichnih, sotsіokulturnih zv'yazkіv. In the course of the hour, the processes were enriched by the burgeoning development of informational and communal technologies.

Pіdsumovuyuchi, Musim zaznachiti, scho i genesis phenomenon globalіzatsії slit not zovsіm zrozumіlі peresіchnim gromadyanam ni, ni naukovtsyam, ni fahіvtsyam s pablіk relations, Yakima dorucheno qiu globalіzatsіyu "rozkruchuvati" in mass-medіa.

One side, globalization - the world, the first world, the virtual phenomenon (economical, political, literary), and the other - realism, the objective historical process.

One can easily declare: globalization became the most important trend of the day, and the foundation of the integration of information systems into the édin svitovu system. Інформаційна глобалізація is necessary for formulating the Іdinogo svitovoj rinku, a kind of reguljby reguljuvati ehonomichnimi, polichichnimi manipulyativnimi by methods.

Відтак дослідження інформаційно-комунікаційних problems суспільства, що глобалізується, набувають особливої ​​актуальності і забыбуть розробки particular methods of managing the global, regional and national national telecom models.