Global trading system: rozvitok іnstitutіv, rules іnstrumentіv COT - Tsigankova TM

4.3.5. PERSPECTIVE regulyuvannya ekologіchnih power in COT

On chetvertіy Konferentsії Mіnіstrіv in m.Doha (Qatar, 9-14 leaf fall 2001 p.) S metoyu pogliblennya vzaєmozv'yazku mіzh torgіvleyu ta Zahist navkolishnogo seredovischa Bulo priynyato rіshennya about cob bagatostoronnіh peregovorіv troh in the following areas:

1. Vzaєmozv'yazok mіzh іsnuyuchimi rules COT i have specific zobov'yazannyami sferі torgіvlі, kotrі obumovlyuyutsya in bagatostoronnіh lands Zahist dovkіllya (MEAS - multilateral environmental agreements).

2. The procedure regularly obmіnu іnformatsієyu mіzh sekretarіatami MEAS she vіdpovіdnimi komіtetami COT that kriterії otrimannya sposterіgacha status.

3. Zmenshennya one Yakscho mozhlivo, i usunennya tariff, non-tariff bar'єrіv for ekologіchnih tovarіv i poslug.

In Deklaratsії Konferentsії Mіnіstrіv zaznacheno Bulo, scho s Komіtet torgіvlі i navkolishnogo seredovischa in maybutnomu guilty zoserediti uwagi on:

vplivі zahodіv receptionists dovkіllya access to rinkіv, Especially for vіdnoshennyu to kraїn scho rozvivayutsya i naymensh rozvinenih kraїn;

vіdpovіdnih position of lands torgovelnі about aspects of the right іntelektualnoї vlasnostі;

vimogi markuvannya for tsіley receptionists dovkіllya (ekologіchne markuvannya).

Krіm of Komіtet s torgіvlі that navkolishnogo seredovischa guilty vivchiti power schodo neobhіdnostі i dotsіlnostі "clarify the rules vіdpovіdnih COT" i dopovіsti svoї rekomendatsії on nastupnіy (p'yatіy) Konferentsії Mіnіstrіv, vklyuchayuchi "bazhanіst peregovorіv".

Konferentsіya Mіnіstrіv viznala vazhlivіst tehnіchnoї Relief in sferі torgіvlі that receptionists navkolishnogo seredovischa, Especially scho kraїnam rozvivayutsya that naymensh rozvinenim kraїnam and takozh Vislova pіdtrimku praktitsі eksportnoї Relief kraїnam scho bazhayut exchange glances his natsіonalnu ekologіchnu polіtiku. W Tsikh power Komіtet s torgіvlі i navkolishnogo seredovischa takozh guilty pіdgotuvati zvіt P'yatіy Sesії Konferentsії Mіnіstrіv.


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