Слоник ключових термінів з дисципліни «Маркетинг» - Grebnov M.G.


- Zbutova system for yakoї popit pokuptsya perekrivaє proponuvannya, and the seller Square od vimog market analysis to product viroblyaє yogo i without Especially dodatkovih vitrat i zusil prodaє. Such a zbutovoy system is effective for the "salesman's market", if the salesperson is in a good position to lie down in a hardworking business of the market, sell it.

Товари взаємозамінні

- a group of goods, I'm satisfied with the approximations of myself, the purchase of goods, to a whisker, which is a product of vibration. Butt vzaєmozamіnnih tovarіv shaping can Buti i satin cotton, tsukerki i Zukor, sir i sirnі Sirko i t. N. Yakscho znizhuєtsya Rate per іz vzaєmozamіnnih tovarіv, then, yak zvichayno, popit on Inshyj zmenshuєtsya, i navpaki.

Товари виробничого призначення

- Comrade, I shall be attached to private individuals by the organizers for a long-distance interruption of aboriginal citizenship in the governor's office.

Товари заставні

- Imported comrades, for the sake of paying tribute to mito; Zberigayutsya in zastavnomu warehouse, leave bude not mikethene mito chi їh not reeksportuyut.

Tovari impulsively popita

- Comrade, ryishennya about pribbannya yakih kokupets priymaє not zazdalegd, but in kramnitsi pid vlivom advertisements chi іnshogo імпульсу. Zvichajno so taki-namagayutsya prodavati vsdi, і spozhivachu not treba їх rozshukuvati. So, i nerіdko sіrniki tea in packs at prodovolchih kramnitsyah vikladayut close by s kasoyu in rozrahunku to those scho іnakshe pokupets Mauger i do not podumati about їhnє pridbannya.

Товари обов'язкові

- Comrade, scho obovvjazkovo - at velikіy kіlkostі at kramnitsy at pevnyj a season if it is sip on them especially great.

Tovari special drink

- a friend with a wide vestige of unicast characteristics of the brand name, win pribbannya some great part of the purchase is ready to report the dodatkovy dentition.

Tovari passive popito

- a friend of a wide vzhitku, about yakі spozhivach not know (do not know, do not zazvichay not zmislyuyutsya about їхню купівлю).

Товари покккденного попиту

- Comrade, yakі spozhivach coupe often, without rozdumіv і з мінімальними зусиллями на їхнє порівняння і саму купівлю.

The products of the alternate vibory

- Goods, scho їh spozhivach in protsesі Vibor i kupіvlі, yak hobnob, porіvnyuє mіzh sight for pokaznikami pridatnostі, of Quality, tsіni i zovnіshnogo clearance.

Tovari prestige

- Goods, scho pridbavayutsya mainly through їhnyu temple tsіnu, i volodіnnya yakimi dopomagaє stvoriti LUXURY іmіdzh (napriklad, koshtovnostі, avtomobіlі Pevnyi brands i, etc...).

Tovari trivago korostuvannya

- virobi, sho vitrimuyut bugatorazov vikoristannaya i zadovolnyayut consumer vlasnikov stretching bugatokh rockiv.

Tovari widget wide

"Comrade, I'll stick to the knitting for a special cormorant."

Tovari, I will deliver the satisfaction

- products, yakі roblyat spizivachevі great mittevu priemnіst, ale mozut i zavdati yomu klopotu v dovgostrokovіy perspectivy.

Commodity Nomenclature

- sukunnost syіs assortimentnyh groups of goods and merchandise, odo proponuyu kartitsyam concrete vendor.


- Grupa tovarіv, tіsno pov'yazanih mіzh him funktsіonuvannya similar principles, sales odnakovim pokuptsіv GROUP, marketing means prosuvannya on rinok abo nalezhnіstyu until the very dіapazonu tsіn.

The structure of the service of zbutu

- organisatsiya zabutu zhbutu, for the anchor trading agent specialize in the sale of goods and services, the product of yogo company, the product of products.