Management - Vikhansky OS

3.5. Model of socio-technical systems

Model of socio-technical systems, emphasizing the importance of the role of technology in the design and redesign of work, in contrast to the characteristics of the enrichment operation model, focuses on group work (hence its prefix - "socio"). Down interdependence in this case refers to the group level, rather than the type of work within the group, as it was typical for model enrichment work performance. The model is based on the delegation of authority to the working group as a whole, rather than each individual separately.

Socio-technical model is aimed at the design of the work in such a way as to optimize the relationship between technical and social systems. For existing industrial use of this model, and it is difficult and expensive, since it is associated with the holding of a fairly radical change. Effectiveness, this model can be applied in the design of all the works to create a company. There are success using this model in the "General Food" company plants, "General Motors", "Volvo" and others.

Fig. 6.10 shows the socio-technical model consisting of three elements: the social system, technological systems and moderators.

The social system as part of the model includes the elements of the "human factor" in the organization, which affect both the individual and the group, and their attitude to work and to the organization. Elements of the social system, shown in Fig. 6.10, constitute an important part of the design process to work as a whole. For example, if your organization psychological climate characterized by mistrust, factionalism and rudeness, the creation of such an organization self-autonomous working groups are not just hard, but also contraindicated. Without the formation of a certain level of trust and cooperation regarding the implementation of socio-technical systems in this organization is not possible.

Model socio-technical system design work

Fig. 6.10. Model socio-technical system design work

Technological system as part of the model provides the analysis of the three variables in the operation of technology: when and where the work should be done, how the work should be carried out, the relationship with the performance of work. Since these three process variables depend on the type of manufacturing process, it must be different approaches to the design work.

The physical work environment (lighting, temperature, noise, pollution, remote, purity) determine the difficulty of the job. The complexity of the manufacturing process limits the completeness of the work. The increasing complexity of the production process leads to increased uncertainty as to when and where the work is to be performed, as well as the impact on the expansion of sequential interdependence in the work. Significant impact and other technical characteristics.

Moderators balance social and technological part of the system. Roles for the implementation of the work set of expected behavior patterns for each employee, to help improve relations between the people performing the work and the means that are used at the same time. Goals help to combine the desire of people with technical capabilities. It is known that avtonomnal team on car assembly plant because of technical limitations can collect no more than a certain number of cars. Until the goal is to fit into these constraints, the crew can operate autonomously. It can somehow build the work, as long as the goal was achieved.

Skills and abilities closely connected with the development of the country as a whole and, therefore, if there are no workers with the required qualities, the change process and simplification of work are inevitable.