Managing human resources - Krasnoshapka V.V.

8.2. Management of the criminal case

If yak kar'єra mеіrі own rushіynі motivі, yakі voprodyzh hour mozut zmіnuvatysya. Before them vidnosyat:

1. Autonomy (in people, œ pragnennya before nezalezhnostі і mozhilostі robiti pevnі rechі na svy rozud., In inter-organizatsii tse mozhe mozhe zadovolniti pevna posada, authority, status sered spivobitnikiv).

2. Functional competence (the breadth of the people of Prague is high-visibility and special in their own hands, and in the world of problems.) For the enchantment of the motive, the pricessor can be ordained in the profession of zoroi, and the career is proscribed to hide the prism of the professional zostaniya.

3. Bezpeka і стабільність (діяльністю працівників керує прагнення зберегти свій status в оргаізації та матеріальний стан, внаслідок цього вони to rule the return song to the land, but to put it on the guarantee).

4. Managerial competence (active people keruє pragnennya before vladi, liderstva ta uspіhu, scho asotsyyuyutsya z vysokoi posadoyu, zvannyam, the status of him as a symbol, important and in a kind of robot, a high payment for pricies, privilei, and takozh shvidkim karkerni zrostannyam).

5. Pідприємницька креативність (pevniyu kategirієyu people keruє bazhannya stnovovati schos nove, zaymatisya creativity diyalnistyu, for them the main motive of kar'єri є nabuttya neobhіdnії for the whole of the power and freedom, but it is possible to realize its ideas).

6. Consuming in literature (singing the category of people prague zrobiti kar'eru zaprudi that, shobo budi first and obiity svoych colleges).

7. Materialny kindness (people pragut otrimati pevnu posadu, oskilki vona perebacha vysokіy riven to pay pračí abo іnshі vіnya vinigorodi).

8. Zabezpechennia healthy minds pratsi (prazivniki mozut keruvatisya pragnenny otrimati pevnu posadu, sho dyo zmogu pratsyuvati i vikonuvati otvyvobi obovvozyki in comforting minds).

In the process of managing the business, you need to understand two things:

1. Service-profesionnoe prosuvannya - tse oplogonovana organizatsiyu poslidovnist riznyh posad, yakі pravtsivnik potomitsyno mozhe obyymati vprodovzh zhitogo zhittya,

2. Car'era - tse actual poslidovnist posad, yakі loaned pracitsivnik vprokudzh zhitovogo zhittya.

Uparvіlyannya діловою Кар'єрою

The system of service and proficiency of the linen kerivnik is stored in the main stages of the preparation of the prac- tices:

1. The robot is used by students of senior courses to be sent to practice in an organi- zation. Priceworks of the cadre service with the kersivnikami of the educational institutions to conduct pidbir of the students' sights, and vyyavlyayut naybіlsh skilnih up to the management diyalnosti. Such candidates are encouraged to review the characteristics of the recommendation for feces in the pidrozdil organizatsii.

2. Robot with young specialists, yakі прийняті в оргаізацію. We are young specials to be recognized as a viprobuvniy terminus for up to 2 people, so that a young specialty of goiterings can pass a course of nauchannya for young spetsialistiv. Tse perebacha stazhuvannya in pivnich pіdrozdіl organіzіcії for the management of the management of the naive. On the basis of the analysis of the robotics of a young specialist in the sale of a viprobuval term, and the same as giving internships, the initial admission of special services for zarahuvannya in the cadre reserve for kerivnyi posadi.

3. Prosovannya candidates for the personnel reserve for kerіvnі sit in the lower lanсі managніння. On the basis of the project, you will have to enter into the future prospects in the reserve for hiring the vacant posad in the middle of the management board. Predbachaetsya pogodzhennya pevnikh kursіv pіvіschennya kvalіfіkacіі і стажування в ролі дублера на відповідній посаді середньої ланки управління. For the results of this process, postpone the remainder of the candidates for the busy period in the middle of the management board.

4. Robot z kerivnikami serednyyї ланки управління, що budetється na снові індивідуальних планів, для керівників середньої ланки управління може прикріплюватися наставник з вищої ланки.

5. Appointment kerivnika vichoї ланки управління з staff reserve.