Managing human resources - Krasnoshapka V.V.


3.1. Suit of staffing plan

The concept of dovgoterminovy, oriennovanoi na majbutnє, kadrovoї polity, scho vrahovuyu all the aspects of the daily pіdhodіv up to the management of cadre potential, it is possible to realize for the additional cadre planning. The goal is to help people who are in need, but also in the field of robotics, as well as in the private sector.

Planunuvannya lyudskikh resursіv - tse analiz i vivchennja eksperiment in personnel for zabezpechennya досягнення цілей оргаізації. This is the rank, the daily life of the cadre planning of the field in the secular minds for the disregard of the organisations at the time of the hour, and in the same hour, people are left to the robot, who are satisfied with the needs and the nahilam that are satisfied with the consumer.

Кадрове планування (КП) повинне дати відповіді на наступні питання:

1. Skilki pratsіvnikіv, kakoy kvalіfіkacії, kolії і de budet neobhіdnі?

2. You can easily pick up a certain number of non-staff personnel, do you want to speed up the over-the-top, without the sotstvyh social zbits?

3. Yak is more abruptly використовувати the personnel at відповідності з його здббностями?

4. By a kind of order to secure the rozvitok staff for vikonannya new visiv robot, and takozh zabezpechiti pidtrimku know the staff at the expense of demanding organisation?

5. How many vitracies do you need to get paid?

Кадрове планування поділяється на :

1. Strategically (globally, dovgoterminov, innovation).

2. Operatively (administristrivne, korotkoterminov).

The strategy of the ULR is to build on the fundamentals of the strategy of the development of the organization and the priorities of the strategy, objectives, tasks and visits (Fig. 3.1). In the process of personnel planning, it is necessary to physically attack the factory:

І. Внутрішньо-организаізаційні:

1. The value of the organization.

2. Ruh personnel (tobto zvilnennya, vihid pensiiu, decretnyi vidpustki, timchasova nepratsezdatnst).

3. Finansovi stan organizatsii.

4. Corporate culture.

ІІ. Calling:

1. Stan economics.

2. Technicians of technology and technology.

3. Power in the sphere of employment.

4. Competition and rinkova dynamika.

Vzajmozvyazok strategika і cadre planning