Marketing: navchalno-methodical posobnik - Pavlenko AF


Theme 1. The essence of marketing is the yogo concept

Practically busy 1 (2 years)

1. The essence of marketing is the yogi's walk.

2. Evolutionary concept marketing.

3. Marketing triad (consumer, price, drinking).

4. The essence of marketing is visible.

Practically busy 2 (2 years)

1. Marketingov rozumnіnja to the goods (iggi). Класифікація товарів і послуг.

2. Vartіst ta zadovolennya yak marketingovyі category.

3. Marketing and communication.

4. Marketing rozpodil.

5. Rinok yak marketingov kategori.

Theme 2. System and characteristics of marketing

Practically busy 1 (2 years)

1. Principles of marketing.

2. Zavdannya that functional marketing.

3. Marketing of goods in a spoiled drink that is vibrochno-technichnogo gratitude.

4. Business marketing.

5. Strategic, tactical and operational marketing.

Practically busy 2 (2 years)

1. See marketing in the middle of the valley.

2. Integration and non-marketing.

3. Commercial and non-commercial marketing.

4. Marketing services.

5. Global marketing and marketing.

Practically busy 3 (2 years)

1. Micro-marketing.

2. Intrinsic marketing.

3. Socially-etichny marketing.

4. International Marketing.

5. System marketing.

6. Nakolishnye medium of marketing.

Theme 3. Marketing Product Policies

Practically busy 1 (2 years)

1. The essence of the structure of marketing commodity goods.

2. Marketing concept goods.

3. The competitiveness of products and methods.

Practically busy 2 (2 years)

1. The essence of the concept of "new goods".

2. Ways that rivnі strenennya new product.

3. Algorithm for the distribution of new products.

Practically busy 3 (2 years)

1. Concept of the life cycle of the product.

2. Marketing dії on різних етапах житєвого a cycle of the goods.

3. Commodity assortment and commodity nomenclature, їх диференціація та диверсифікація.

4. Criteria and methods for the production of products.

5. Organizational management of product management.

Theme 4. Marketing center of philosophy

Practically busy 1 (2 years)

1. Sutnist that role of marketing tsinovoi polity.

2. The algorithm of marketing rozraunuku tsin.

3. Methods of rozraunku tsin on ambush vitrate.

4. Rozraunok tsin on ambush syprinyattya spizivachami.

Practically busy 2 (2 years)

1. Establishment of a center for ambushes of competitive minds.

2. Rozhraunok tsin within the framework of commodity nomenclature.

3. Established tsin for geographical signs.

4. Rozraunok tsin on the ambush of typical typological minds.

5. Indirectly pruning.

Practically busy 3 (2 years)

1. The values ​​of the high-quality tsin tin tsin penetration.

2. Differential price.

3. Політика іластичних та стабільних цін.

4. The polity of prestige tsin ts tn on the comrade, yakі znjato z vibrobnitsva.

Topic 5. Marketing Policies of Communications

Practically busy 1 (2 years)

1. The essence of the basic elements of the complex marketing komunikatsiy.

2. Algorithm for formulating a complex of marketing comunications.

3. Advertising (sutnist, visible).

4. Algorithm priinyattya rіshen 'z of advertising goods (obedient).

Practically busy 2 (2 years)

1. Propaganda (sutnist, see).

2. Stimulyuvannya zbutu (sutnist, naprymki that method).

3. The essence of the process of personal sale.

Topic 6. Marketing Policies of Rospodil

Practically busy 1 (2 years)

1. Sutnist, zavdannya ta funktsii marketingovykh polistiki rozpodilu.

2. Sutnist, see the characteristics of the canal of roses.

3. Functional channels of roses.

4. Algorithm for formulating channels in rods.

Practically busy 2 (2 years)

1. Factors, how to build on the optimal structure of the canal rozpodil.

2. Sutnist that principle of the middle of the day in the canals of the Rospod.

3. The main view of the postsecondary organizations is that organization.

Practically busy 3 (2 years)

1. The main aspects of the management of canals rozpodilu.

2. Confliktivy in the channels of the rospodilu ta teh ikh lіkvіdatії.

3. Оцінка каналів розподілу.

4. Marketing polity of roses and logistics.