Cтрахування - конкт лекцій


The French insurance market, having recognized znachnykh zmіn for the remaining 20 rockies - the contracted contracts for 30 billion French francs in 1970, up to 504 billion French francs from 1992 році. Tsya tendentsiya zorostannya bula especially in the sector of insurance of living and saving. Priknennenia in the national economy is out of the ordinary: for insurance contracts, France for 9 months, and for all sectors at once - for 12 months, yakshcho virazhati fears of contracting in the face to face GDP in the midst of rozvineny kraine Zajhod. Ninі sorshiryuyutsya novyі rinki: insurance of computer systems that measure, fears of vipadki in medical services. Poyva bankivskogo insured that in a variety of channels for insurance coverage led to the standardization of insurance services, especially in the insurance policy of the insured person. Зацікавленість insured by the sector zoumovlyuє that fact, but оnvestitsії in insured have become the main investments of French sіmei. For the remaining 10 rockiv investments in insurance coverage of 10% (for a zagalny otnagu) to 41% for 1990 rotsi na naivit to 59% in 1991 rotsi.

Rozvitka marketing insurance insurance in France has a great deal of problems: direct line, agency, agency, through small-scale non-significant agents, and such brokers, as well as in groups, are in great need of information. The wider the marketing is, the same is done through the bank's zloty zbutu ta інші фінансові мережі. In 1993, the French insurance industry had close to 211100 people, and it became approximately 1 in the area of ​​the patriotic population.

Frantsuzkі companії vzaimnogo strahuvannya (з більш жорстким відбором ризиків, нижіми цінами та таамими) have been assigned to a part of the market order by the naming agents of traditional companies, the part of the rink to become (in vestiges):

- 19.1 for new premiès;

- 12,1 of the new premiies of the insured person;

- 39,4 of the premiums in the other types of insurance;

- 50 new cars for motor vehicles;

- 40 від комбінованих контраків з власниками будівель.

Frantsuzky brokers zarestrostanov in Komertsitsionnogo regi yak lіderi, ale pіd nazvoyu: Strakhova brokerskaya dіyalnіst. At brokerskiy spravі take the fate of great kilkist company. Brokers can access private individuals, so і фірми. Від імені всіх клієнтів вони вибирають страховика та виступють у даному разі як радники. In 1993, behind the brokers, there were 7 securities in the insurance sector, and 18 in the sector of the private sector, insurance for private brokers, 4200 people. Portovanno z іnshіy kraїnami, frantsuz'kі brokery majut great piece of rinku. In the final Maybutnyu stench, I will continue to play the role of zavodyaki zmіnam at the structure, zlitty ta zmіnam u formavannіі kapital.

Strahovi agency for hiring stvoiyuyut real attendance on the market, znachaychis nearer to its own klієntіv. Vody nayaktivnishy in the sphere of indivisual insurance, not affected by the insecurity of the life, but also in the insured Maliha of those middle-class companies. З 1980-х років чисельність of insurance agencies почала значно зменшувась. Yaksho in the 1911-s roentgen agency for hiring rozpodiliali 855 insurance service, then in the 1990's - only 410. One stinks all the more zlisheayutsya lidery from the sale of insurance polisiv, yaki do not lie down to insure the life, and in the sphere of life insurance volodijut a piece of rink 17 Відсотків.