Management of special projects (abstract lecture NDPSU)

Концесійна інвестиційна діяльність in Ukraine

Skorochchennya obyagyіv state financial support, insignificant obnovy dovgostrokovogo kredituvannya bankivskim sector that small osvyagi nezemnegikh invincitsy in portovnyannі z ih demanded a wiklikalo neobhіdnіst beside rozrobtі ta vprovadzhennii novi mehanizmіv zaluchennya fіnansovikh resursiv in the real sector of economy, one iz yakih є mehanizm kontsesy.

Pravovi umovi for requesting the concession mechanism of law enforcement of the Law of Ukraine "On concession", which is adopted by the method of the enforcement of the national sovereignty of the communal mine and the consumption of goods from Ukraine (robots, servants).

Tsim By law, it is understood that the lawful ambush of the regulation of the concession of the state power of the communal lane, and that of the order of the earthquake.

Zgіdno zakischenogo Law of Ukraine "About concession" for 16 lipnya 1999 p., Concession є nadannya (on the payment of that row ambiguity) sub'ektov pidpriemnitskoy diyalnosti rights to the law (budivnitsutvo) ta (abo) management (ekspluotatsyu) ob'ektu kontsessії. Taka the right nada ovnovnovazheny body vikonavochoi vladi chi organ missevogo self-adherence, the state that the communal lane, and takozh vin viznacha umovi і order її zdіysnennya. In the law, the reorganization of the spheres of state duchy, depratyuyut derzhavnі pіdpriєmstva, yakі mozhna nadavati in kontsessiyu. Until then, the great list was introduced to the galusies of the Moscow infra structure.

Concessions are the transfer of ob'ektu kontsessії on umovah, viznacheniyah in konsessіnomu pacti, yak to be stacked on the lines not less than 10 rockies and not more than 50 rock. With ts'mu, umovi konsessіnogo agreement, і chinnimi on the whole lines of yogo dії, in that number in vipadkah, if the list of yogo ukladennya legislative acts, rules are established, which pogyrshuyut stanovische konscessionara.

The law establishes the spheres of the sovereign's deeds, the rights of the state and municipal authorities, which can be nadavaty at the concession, zokrema: budivnitsvotto ekspluotatsyya avtomobilnyh dorig, shlyahivov spoluchennya, vantazhnykh і pasazhirskih portiv, aeroports; Communal government; Transportuvannya and rozpodil natural gas; Виробництво та (або)) транспорттування електроенергії; Nadannya has served the Moscow Gromadskim transport; In the vital-exploitation area; In the sphere of cable television; Zv'yazku; Poshvihh has served; Ritualistic ambassadors; Servants, who are involved in post-accident heaters. For ob'ektiv rights komunalnoy vlasnosti mіscevivymi radami mozhut viznachatis takozh іnshі sferi godararskoї діяльності.

Until ob'ektiv kontsessії nalezhit Mayno pіdpriєmstv, yakі і tsіlіsnimi mаnіnovymi kompleksami, ob'ekti nezvushennogo budіvnitsvva takoservovannі ob'ekti, yakі mozhut bouti dobudovanі abno spetsialno zbudovanyі ob'ekti v metoi ikh vikoristannya nadannya ambassador for the zadovolennju gromadskikh needs. In addition, the Law of Ukraine "On concession" nada possible to otrimuvati in kontsessіy takozh right to provadzhennya okremih vidiv pidpriemnitskogo diyalnosty vishcheznachenichnym spheres gospodarskoi diyalnosti.

The rights of state power and communal authority can be transferred to the concession of a person on a competitive basis. For holding a contests competition, it is important to hold a competition, a yoka rozglyada is submitted by the applicants of the proposal of the scholastic concessions, viznachaete їх відповідність to the masters of the competition, готує visnovki schodo viznachennya krashchih minds zdіysnennya kontsessії, The result of the contest is to be confirmed by the protocol of the meeting, on the agenda of the event, on the meeting, on the event, on the draft, and on the contract for the draft agreement on the concession agreement for a dock.

Until the instinctive minds of the concessive agreement, viznacheniyah the Law, lie fіnansovі umoviturnennya ob'ekta kontsessії; Put on the land of the land; Перелік видів діяльності, здійснення яких підлягає ліцензуванню; Minds that vstanovlennya zmіni tsіn; Strings of the agreement to the agreement of consec- tions, of the oblivion of the registration of the agreement of the concession, the order of compensation for designations; Umovi, rozmіrі і order of payment of payments; The order of vicarities of depreciation; Vidnovlennya ob'ekta kontsessії ta yovi yogo poverennya; Vidpovidalnist for vikonannya parties zobov'azan; Insurance of the concessionaire of the objects of concession that are taken from the concession; The procedure for procuring and resting a contract; Order virіshennia sporіv mіzh sides that інші.

Sered of the basic principles of dіyalnostі, поpаzяoї з надняням та отриманням концесії, є платне використання об'єкта концесії. The concession payment is to be paid by the concessionaire to the minds of the concession agreement, irresponsibly, to the satisfaction of the state dyadostnosti and to be paid to the state budget. At the same time, the concession is adhered to the Law, it is possible for nadavati concessionaires of ubiquitous and low-cost loans to consortia, to mogul importantly, social security, and payments to the concessionary payments, and so to the concession agreement, donation, compensation, that piłg.

The Law of Ukraine "About concessions" is devoted to the reestablishment of the arrangements of the concession agreements. Реєстр концесійних договорів веде Fund of the Lane of Ukraine.

The transfer of objects at the concession is due to the line і on the minds, viznacheniyah u konsessіnomu agreement, that does not accede to the rights of the power of the komunalnoy authorities. Mayno, strtrene on vikonannya minds konsessіnogo agreement, є ob'ektom rights soviet chi komunalnoy vlasnosti. The concessionaire is entitled to vidshkoduvannya vitrat, krublenyh zv'yazku polnipshennyam lane, otrimanoho in kontsessiyu, for rahunok otrimanoh pribudku, yakshcho no longer pobabacheno konsessіnim agreement.

Especially in the past few years, in the spheres of the gospodarstvo dіyalnostі mozut viznachatisya spetsialnim laws. So, osoblistostі nadannya kontsessіy na budivnitsutvo avtomobilnyh (pozamіskih) dorіg zagal'nogo koristustvannya ta ikh podal'shu ekspluatatsyyu viznachaє Law of Ukraine "About the concession to the emergency service of motor vehicles".

Difficulty of Mehanism concludes a number of transfers to the financed loans:

For the concession:

- Zberezhenna control of the object, we transfer the concession;

- zberezhennya ob'ektu kontsessії in the state power of the komunalnіy vlasnostі on perіod dії kontseсnyj to the contract;

- perevazhny vliv vlasnik on zagalnu strategi rozvitku ob'ekta kontsessії, formovaniya tsін і tariffs;

- it is possible to develop an agreement of concessions without receiving budgetary kostyiv;

- vibri kontsessionera, a kind of nykraschі umovi rozvitku ob'ekta kontsessії na konkurshnіy osnovi;

- отримання концесійних платів;

- zabezpechennia efektivnogo vichoristania state that communal lane.

For a concessionaire:

- the right otrimati dervevne ne opomnalne mayno on dovgostrokovy period terminom vid 10 to 50 rokiv;

- mozhnivost otrimati in kontsessiyu not minus lei, ali і rights to provadzhennya pivnikh vidiv pidpriemnitskoi diyalnosti, and Same: nadannya has served zv'yazku, poshovih, transport, zhitlovo - komunalnih ti іshih servant;

- Mozhlivіst zdіysnyuvati іnvestuvannya in realіzatsіyu dovgostrokovih іnvestitsіynih proektіv on ob'єktah right derzhavnoї that komunalnoї vlasnostі y viznachenih CIM law areas gospodarskoї dіyalnostі, zokrema, in areas such energopostachannya yak, i zhitlove communal Gospodarstwa, budіvnitstvo that ekspluatatsіya avtomobіlnih dorіg, transportuvannya gas toscho ;

- Stability of the minds of the concessive agreements on the whole line, the ability to be included in the contractual agreement, the limits of the intellectual minds, the imputations of the cyme by the Law, the minds of those positions in the interlocutors of the lawful legislation for the sake of the earth;

- the right of power to the pributok, otrimanii vіd upravlennya ob'ektom kontsessії, and takozh on product, otrimanu v result vikonannya minds contract;

- The right to vidshkoduvannya vitrat, krobrleny u zv'yazku polnipshennyam myna, otrimanoho kontsessiyu, for rahunok otrimanoh pribudku, yakshcho no longer pobabacheno konsessinyim agreement.

Krіm of kontsesіoneram zbitkovih that nizkorentabelnih ob'єktіv kontsesії, SSMSC toil vazhlive sotsіalne value mozhut nadavatis pіlgi schodo kontsesіynih platezhіv and takozh i dotatsії kompensatsії. In the private finance of such objects, the fate of the power of an organ of a mosquito self-admission is parsed.

W metoyu realіzatsії provisions of the Law of Ukraine "About kontsesії" rozrobleno regulatory framework, neobhіdnu for zaprovadzhennya tsogo mehanіzmu, yaky dozvolyaє zaluchiti Costa vіtchiznyanih that іnozemnih іnvestorіv on kontsesіynih ambushes:

Poslozhnya about the holding of a concessive competition and the completion of concession agreements on the rights of state power and communal property, yakі nadayuyutsya kontsessіyu (Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for 12th of October 2000 No. 642);

Tipovy kontsessіnny dogovіr (Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 12th of October 2000 No. 643);

Methods of retailing of concessionary payments (Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for 12th Quarter of 2000, No. 639 dated July 26, 2001, No. 868.

Положиня about реєстр концесійних договоів (decrees to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 18.січня 2000р. № 72).

Procedure viznachennya ob'єktіv kontsesії, kontsesіoneram yakih mozhut nadavatisya pіlgi schodo kontsesіynih platezhіv, dotatsії, kompensatsії she minds їh nadannya (Holds Kabіnetu Mіnіstrіv Ukraine od 2000 roku 13 Lipnya number 1114).

Zaznachenі document and stvoryuyut neobhіdnі minds schodo zaprovadzhennya mehanіzmu kontsesіynoї dіyalnostі, yaky dozvolyaє zaluchiti Costa vіtchiznyanih that іnozemnih іnvestorіv to fіnansuvannya, budіvnitstva, rekonstruktsії that tehnіchnogo retooling ob'єktіv virobnichoї i sotsіalnoї sphere on kontsesіynih ambushes.

Purshia іnvestitsіyny project scho realіzuєtsya in Ukraїnі the principle kontsesії - budіvnitstvo that ekspluatatsіya novoї platnoї avtomobіlnoї road Lviv - Krakovets protyazhnіstyu 83.4 km furrows mіzhnarodnogo transport corridor № 3 (Berlіn -Drezden - Wroclaw - Krakіv - Lviv - Kyiv).

Концесієдавець - Мінтранс

Concessional - consortium "Concessions of transport"

The concession agreement on the right of the citizenship, the line of payment of the volodnia and the exploitation of the new highway Lviv-Krakovec is registered by the order of the Fund of the State Lane of Ukraine dated 14.11.2000r. No. 2370

Termin concessions - 45 rockies (23 infants 1999 - 23 infants, 2044 rubles)

Фінансування будівництва of the road to increase the rate for the races of the concessionaire by 60% and for the rajuna of the koshtiv powers by 40%

Introduced in the exploitation of the road - 2006 рік.


  1. 1. The Law of Ukraine "About concessions" dated 14th of October 1999 N 1286-ХІУ
  2. About vporyadkuvannya zaluchennya i vikoristannya іnozemnih kreditіv, Povernennya yakih garantuєtsya Kabіnetom Mіnіstrіv Ukraine, vdoskonalennya Sistemi zaluchennya zovnіshnіh fіnansovih resursіv that obslugovuvannya zavnіshnogo sovereign Borg. - Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України since 5 травня 1997 р. N, 414.
  3. Investment design: a practical guide to the economic justification of investment projects. Ed. Shumilina. - Moscow: Financeinform, JSC, 1995. 240 p.
  4. Shapiro V.D. Project management (foreign experience). - St. Petersburg: "Two Three", 1996. - 610s.

Питання для перевірки knowledge:

  1. Describe the transitions of those non-payments contracts with a firm price.
  2. Describe the transitions of those non-commercial contracts in the form of embroideries.
  3. Yak zdіysnyuetsya efektivna organizatsiyu materialno-tehnichnogo zabezpechennya proektiv?
  4. What is the role of the head of the calendar in the managerial budivnitsvom?
  5. Які розділи повина містити Budivelna part of the Headline calendar project?
  6. SHCHO means residual (technical) project?
  7. Які functції щодо реалізації проект виконує the manager on будівництву?
  8. Describe the basic methods of organi zation of everyday life.
  9. Describe the duration of the contracts, which is especially important in the future.
  10. In the course of the field, is the credit line guaranteed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine?
  11. Як здійснюється державна експертиза проеків, для реалізації яких залучаються іноземні кредити під гарантії Do you have any questions about Кабінету Міністів України?
  12. Describe the functions of the body that organizes, take the fate in the state expert projects and projects.
  13. Які зобов'язання несе почальник loan for a voucher під гарантії уряду?
  14. Describe the essence of the subject of the concession in Ukraine.
  15. In chomu poleagayut transitions kontsessії in portіvnyannі z іnshimi forms lending of sub'єktіv gospodarjuvannya?