Rhetoric - Gritsenko TB

In the afternoon,

The Epoch of Masovia komunikatsii naklala svіy vidribetok on the theme і style vіstіv oratorіv. Suhasna masova culture і prichestvennoe ne neororatske misterstvo znachnomu mirou pragut shiro chi chi shiro, alle dopomogti ludinі v poshukah shlyah uverdzhennya svoie sobistostosti. The goal is the folding of the wings, and the wrecking of the wreaths in the formations of the pinnacle of the glorious orignation, then the authoritative apostle of the hour-long red-handedness in the Pershu cherng is invested with the vignette of the ori- entry yak of the head, perekonat svoego sluchachi u ikh zaprestblivosti i nezaperechnyy perchosty.

Scho want to pocuti people in quiet, hto vystupaet before them from the tribune? More often, yak viznachity svoє mіsce in ts'omu mіnlivomu svіtі? In another way, yaku postaviti sobіmetu in zhitti? On-tretє, yak dovyagti rights to those, shobo posisti be-yake, navivit nayvische, misse v sushpilstvі? In the fourth place, people were visibly grumbled in the lives of people who knew the strength of the world, but not in a rush, I know, but not the bullet has been sheltered by zbiti meni? On-п'яте, чому одні з моїх однокашників здійнялися вгору, хоча i did not intend to go to school.
Oratori, yakі bazhayut dosyagti uspіhu na nivі krasnomovstva, povinni spiratis beside svoyїh vyhodakh na dosvіd zaschichnii vische i znaniye s sushpіlstvі people (scho ti oratori i rabblyat).

NaiBilshogo uspehu on the theories of the Red Army of the past twentieth of the table were honored by the oratorio-propaganda of the American way of life and vision, the yoke spiriatsya on the principle of philosophical pragmatism and positivism. Sereda of such a name was Dale Carnegie (1888-1955), Napoleon Hilla (1883-1968), Paul Soper.

D. Carnegie in his own countrys, navchav yak stati komunikabelnoyu man, yak znadityi sobi druziv, yak analizuvati i virishuvati problemy, zborati fact for vystupu, zapusuvati їh i analizuvati.

Napoleon Khill u knizi " Think and zbagachuyusya " zvernuv respect for those who have pologa izmerkih uspih and privaplyvist. Хілл стверджує, scho lyudina is guilty firmly to the nobility, chogo vona hoche досягти. Krokami to uspіhu є бажання, віра, самонавіювання, спеціальні знання (освіта), уява, планування, рішення.

The author will describe the primarch of fear, navchae, yak pozbutisya nervyshuchosti, sumnivyv, pokachu.

Criticism, zauvazhuet N. Hill, potrybno sprimati yak kind servisu. Цікаву, що у людей, які бояться критики, наявні Symptoms сором'язливості, неврівноваженості, слабохарактерності, комплексу неповноцінності, екстравагантності, безініцітивності, відсутності самолюбства.

L. Khill points out the symptoms of fear of hawk, the middle of such: self-reliance, incompetence, mischief, perversity, nestrimannost, turbot toscha.

Усі ці porі dokomagayut kozhnі lyudinі і о orators of the zokrem.