Culturology - Gritsenko TB


The Culture of the Old-Time One - one of the most popular stages of the history of the people. Same here to the ocean of primary cultures, to begin with, to formulate the so-called specific elements of the culture, yak literature, law, morality, mystery. Immediately zarodzhuvalasya ancient culture on the great teritorіyah, roztashovanih in Pіvnіchno-Shіdnіy Afritsі, Perednіy, Pіvdennіy that Shіdnіy Azії, ale Tsey processes vіdbuvavsya duzhe povіlnimi pace tіlki in rodyuchih valleys Nіlu Year, Tiger, Єvfratu, Іndu, Ganga is the Huang Ho. A prudent nature is already in the fourth century. To. Zaporoktivali rozvitok shiroborskogo gospodarstva, zasnovanogo on piece zroshennі. However, the buli valleys were foolish by oases, on the contrary, there were virulent viruses stihi culturally vistalih kochovikh narodiv

3.1. The Culture of the Old-Time One

For vivchennya rozdіlu neobhіdіnu zvernuti respect on trivale zberezhennja v kulturyі narodіv Starodavnyogo Skhodu zalishkіv періісного суспільства. At the same time, the population of the populace is known - slavlasniki that rabi, it is customary to have such a special form of sovereignty, despotism, all the sovereignty of Zoserezhuvalas was in the hands of the Tsar, and the land was vvazhalas vlastnistyu power. Tsivіlіzatsіya - tse Taqiy stupіn rozvitku that uporyadkovanostі suspіlstva de vinikaє pisemnіst, utvoryuyutsya Mista, buduyutsya monumentalnі sporudi, formuєtsya sotsіalno-klasovy podіl suspіlstva that power. Role і znachennya old age tsivілізацій for rozvitku of people дуже is great. Peredusіm slіd zaznachiti, scho not directly yavlyayuchis naschadkami Tsikh tsivіlіzatsіy, mi bagato zapozichili od Perche tsivіlіzatsіy, nasampered, power yak form lyudskogo spіvіsnuvannya, the law scho regulyuyut vzaєmovіdnosini mіzh people; Letters, the letters, the system, the wheel, the phylosophy, the science of practical knowledge, the mystery and the handicraft. Predstavniki Perche tsivіlіzatsіy not mayuchi zasobіv suchasnoї tehnіki, target velicheznі kam'yanі monument SSMSC E, volodіyuchi them, we can not zrushiti s Georeferencing, the stench could have bachiti temryavі, vіdchuvati kolіr Glibin sharіv stone, stvoryuvati on zemlі still images SSMSC spriymayutsya deprivation h Of high visibility.

In particular, the meaning of podalshom rozvitku popula- tion of man is letters. Close to 6 yew. Rockyv that von z'yavilas yak cuneiform in Mesopotamia and ієрогліфи in the Old Hagitti .

Перші цивілізації, що rastochali svoі існування у IV тисячоліті до н., in the geographic and geographic aspects об'єднує термін "Стародавній Схід". Vіn i doteper vzhivaєtsya vіdpovіdno to antichnoї traditsії - so nazivalisya teritorії on Skhid od Rome de peoples lived neantichnogo pohodzhennya, scho boule vtyagnutі in seredzemnomorsky's World cultures for chasіv rozkvіtu davnorimskoї powers - Schumer, Єgipet Babylon, Palestine.

In sotsіalno-polіtichnomu planі vіdmіnnimi risami Perche tsivіlіzatsіy boule: oppressive nature pravlіnnya, zhorstoka monopolіzatsіya th tsentralіzatsіya Vladi, personіfіkatsіya Vlady osobі monarch (king abo Pharaoh) pіdporyadkuvannya usіh forms suspіlnogo Zhittya relіgіynim standards Povny domіnatsіya powers over osobistіstyu. Such an order of organisation of the Suspension in favor of the functioning of vital issues of vital systems, that of the public and the protection of the active zavoyovnitskiy polity.