Culturology - Gritsenko TB

3.2. Culture of Mesopotamia, її основні досягнення

To hunt for the hour 3200 - 539 rubles. Up to ne, von ma svyatove znachennya, oskilki gave the first posthtah cultural processes, yaki buli rozvinuti bynishim peoples. Mesopotamia (the Greek name Mezhirichchia ) is a tse- titoria in the middle of the lower ranks of the tigers. Tigris and Єvfrat - coli svitovoi tsivilizatsii. In IV-III tisyacholіtti there were formulated so-cultural-politichnі utovorennya, yak Sumer, Akad, Babylon, Assyrian Empire, Novo-Vavilonska Power . Vivchayuchi tsey material, varto rozglyadati їh, yak chotiri hvilі tsivіlіzatії.

Persha is angry. Досягнення шумерів (IV - кінець III тис., До.е.) in the різноманітних галузях культури були винятково високі. The stink of the wheel and the potter's wheel, indulged the Persian at the St. Stephen Piramidu, created the naidavnishi kalendarnyi sistemi (sonyachnu i misyachnu), the prescription dovіdnik folded that catalog. Schumeri rassobili cuneiform system of letters, z obyavnivsya fіnіkіysky, and potyim davnogretsky alphabet - the basis of bіlshostі alphabetical systems svіtu. Naprikinets ІІІ tis. To. Ursi boule laid the first of the juridical code of the king of Ur-Nammu. Shumeri vinikaє spravzhnya literatura, is represented by the redirection of the found in the ephemeral poem "The Legend of the Gilgamesh" ("One, sho o piznav usee"), de mіstitsya naydavnіshy of the description of the all-sowing flood - podi, sho became an element of the biblical ehhatologii - rlіgіynogo vchennya about kynets svtu.

Friend hvilya. Nova hvilya relocated-elamitiv, scho descended from the Elamish Gyr Persia-Iran, called before the establishment of the may-be Vavilonskoye Power, yaka pierced the cob of the second yew. Up to 539 rubles. To. At the hour of the day, the region of Shumeru and Akadu was subdivided into a culture of the old Sumerians. The capital of the kingdom is the Babylon. Especially for the tsar Hammurabi, which was agreed by the author of another code of law, the principle of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth," was not abrogated, and the turbulence of a turbine was doubled. The Babylonian state was a theocracy, although here it was not the god of the raft, yak of the Egyptian, but the yogo intercessor on the earth - the king. Ієррхічна structure suspilstva znachit visvіtlіnya u Vavilonskikh уявленнені про світ, що втілюєється у пам'ятках мистецтва: temples, пірамідах-зіккуратах, на стінах з рельєфами и писми.

Tryya hvilya. Orієntatsіya na zemnі tsinostі shche bіshe manifested itself in the cultures of the Assyria (14-9 stoіttya up to ne), scho multifaceted Mesopotamia, and in 605 р. To. The bula is permanently bogged down by Babylon. The main theme of the Assyrian mystery - polivannya, battles, rozpravy over the tops of the vtileni z vidrazlivim naturalism, ali vikonanі із вражаючим лаконізмом и виразністю. At the capital Assyria Ninevich Tsar Ashshurbanipal bulo zibrano grandiosity of the collection of manuscripts, Yaka was exaggerated in ordering order. Napriklad, Boulev clay catalog, scho mistiv perelik usіh text, then the number of "Enuma Elish" ("... Koli vgori ..."). Greatness knigoshovische umtrimuvalosya at zrazkovomu zagadka about vsesvitnіy flood, scho becoming vasledidok gnivu bogiv.

Fourth of a hell. Novo-Vavilonske kingdom abo Khaldeiskaya power declined Assyro-Babylonian culture. In the VI century. To. Babylon is the yogo capital. At that time, vvn vvazhavsya great city, de mashkalo close to 1 million residents. Vysnachnimi arhitekturnimi sporudami buli stіni Babylon, Visyachi sadi, Vavilonska vezha. The Babylonians presented the holy cultures with a positional system of numbers, the exact system of time for the hour. They strewed the goddess 60 hvilin, and the hvilin - 60 seconds, the vymiryuvati ploshchu geometric figur, vidriznyati zirki vid planets, formulated seven-seasons, priestsvyatysya kozhny day prerevozmuyu deity * 7. In 301 r. BC, pislya zavoyuvannya Babylon viskiskami Oleksandr Makhedonsky, Babylon reminiscent of zaluchaetsya to ellinisticheskoy culture.

* 7: {In the English language, Sunday, - Sunday - Day of Sonts, Monday - Day of the month - Monday, etc.}

The culture of Mesopotamia bula is not so conservative, yak єgipetska. Mesopotamska traditional svitospriinyattya was the basis of the picture of the most practical people of the Mediterranean.