Groshi that credit - Pakhomov V. І.

Topic 9. Services of commercial banks

The student is guilty of acquiring the recognition of commercial banks in the minds of the Rinkoviks. Until rozuminya їх ролі в економіці можна підійти, разглянувши функції, які вонинують в економіці, those services, які вони надають іншим суб'єктам господаювання. To that nasampered slid osyaggnati zmist їхніх basic functions:

• the receipt of the young grotesque koshtiv;

• Effective rozpodil zaluchennyh vinnyh groshovih kostyv in prodigious operations;

• the role of the mediator among the grotesque rozrawns;

• deposit amount.

Potim slіd zrozumіti ta strike the essence of active and passive operations banks.

Practically all the sube-dictions of the state dignitaries are corrupted by the bank's servants, then they have a problem with the vibor bank for servicing. With virіshennі tієї problemi neobhіdna taka іnformatsіya.

• View of the bank (unlimited versal specializations).

• Перелік і вартість його послуг.

• Pokazniki otjagu kapitalu, pributku, profitability and інші показники діяльності банку.

• Оцінка надійності банків фахівцями (експертами). Джерелами цієї інформації є:

1) contact with bank employees;

2) contact with clients;

3) spetsializovany zasobi іnformatsії.

Експерти банківської діяльності використовуть різні системи рейтингових оцінок, оцінимичи bank як надійний, добрий, задовільний. Naybіlsh відомою системою є rating system оцінки САМЕЬ.

At perebigu vivchennia those students pobtrynno zasvoti, scho bankivskih ambassador bagato, і tom їх rozpodoljajut on so-so:

1) rozraunkukovo-kasovo obesluzhovuvannya;

2) credit services;

3) deposit;

4) Investment;

5) the ambassadors, those charged with the call-up of the economy, the exchange of services;

6) trusts;

7) depositary;

8) consultancy;

9) credit cards.

Practically all bank loans require a rozraunka-kasovogo obesgovovuvannya, yake perebacha vidkrtya rahunkiv at the bank and nadannya mozhnosty klієntov zdіysnyuvati bezgotivkovі rozraunki, zazvaty ta otrimuvatii gotivku.

Znachnu uvalu slid pridiliti vivchennyu credit services bankov. In the case of a very important zrozumi, such a system is the mechanism of bank lending, vivchiti classifiatsii and the function of bank loans, signified by zmistom credit agreements, that suttyu okremih vidiv bankovskogo credit.

Bankruptcy types of bank loans are: • a credit card; Pawnshop credit; Mortgage loan; Rollover credit; Revolver credit; Credit line; Consortium loan. Prior to credit, the service should be leasing, factoring and forfeiting.
Ocremoї reveres of the student merit vivčnnia sutі bankіvskih operatsіy with promissory notes: Region Vekselіv; Pose for special rahunku, bills of exchange; Інкасування векселів; House of letters; Credit acceptance.

Naoostok studentov slіd izbybratis zі zmistom depository, depositary, trust, investment consultancy and bank services.

Literature: 7-9; 15; 16; 18; 33; 43.

Basic understanding of those

Functional banking; Rozryunkovo-kasovo obesgovovuvannya; Credit services; Deposit accounts; Інвестиційні послуги; Hotel, pov'yazanі s zovnіshnoekonomіchnoyu dіyalnіstyu (valyutnі Hotel); Trusts and servants; Depositary services; Advisory services; The system is the mechanism of bank lending; Countercurrent loan; Pawnshop credit; Mortgage loan; Rollover credit; Revolver credit; Credit line; Consortium loan; Leasing; Factoring; Forfeiting .

Feeding up for testing for self-control

1.Yak nazivayetsya credit, scho nadaetsya grupoju bankov:

A) Ignorant?

B) contokortorientiy?

C) consortium?

D) non-standard?

2. Yak nazivayetsya credit, nadannya I nakogda povyazane v svidkrittyam bank especial rahunka, scho vikonuє takozh the role of the flow and credit:

A) consortium?

B) contokortorientiy?

C) Lombardy?

D) payment?

Z. Yak nazivaetsya credit, scho nadaetsya shloyk write-off koshtiv z rahunka ponad pile:

A) credit line?

B) an overdraft?

C) Blanco?

D) guarantees?

4. Factoring vikoristovuyutsya pіdpriimstvami:

A) yakshcho nemayo nayіri otrimati payment in the rows?

(B) Is there a need for shvidim otrimanni pennies?

C) why do I teach the contract to the prisoners?

Г) усі відповіді не вірні.

5. Credit, I force for a certain - non-commerce mayno, nazivaetsya:

A) credit line?

B) an overdraft?

C) Is it insecure?

D) Blanking?

6. Yak nazivayutsya kredituvannya eksportu shlyom kupіvli bank vekselіv:

A) factoring?

B) an overdraft?

C) Forfeit?

D) leasing?

7. A loan, which is not unprotected, is called:

А) відкрита лінія?

B) factoring?

C) Blanco?

D) On-line?

8. Type of loan, but guilty of turning around for the first time, nazivaetsya:

A) point-by-point?

B) On-line?

C) Blanket?

D) commercial?

9. Advance of purchase of sellers і різновидом:

A) on-call loan?

B) a financial loan?

C) commercial loan?

D) factoring?

10. Commercial loan є:

A) be a kind of loan?

B) a loan from a bankruptcy institution?

C) credit to sellers?

Г) усі відповіді не вірні.

11. Commercial banks, іхні вид тата функції.

12. The system of bank loans is stored in such items.

13. The Mechanism of Banking Credit ...

14. Yak zdіsniti vibir bank for obesgovovuvannya?

15. The essence of credit institutions is banking.

16. Characterize okremi seeing bankovskogo credit: kontokortentnogo, pawnshop, mortgage, rollover; Revolver; Con-sotsitsiumnogo; Credit lines.

17.This takie leasing, factoring, forfeiting?

18. Roskrite zmist rozraunkkovo-kasovogo obeslugovuvannya.

19. Перелічіть view of transactions with promissory notes.

20. Describe the deposit, advisory, depository and trust services of banks.