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6.1.1. Світоглядні основи доби Відродження. Renaissance humanism, yogo evolyutsіya th characteristic signs

The main reason for that, viznachennya Vidrodzhennya, is to broaden the entire culture of the XV century. Th part of the XVI century, polygas at the same time, spoiled the bullets of the internal tendencies of the cultural process. At tse an hour all over the width of the new humanism svitosprinyattya y zrostaє samousvidomlennya sobistostosti. Svitoglyad Vіdrozhlenya buv passions bezmezhnoi vriyu in garmonіy svitu, at the strength and will of the people-hero, in those, ucho lyudina - the world of all speeches.

Ідейне забавлення ренесансній культурі надавав гуманізм.

Humanism Відродження - це, у першу чергу, нове світосприйняття, усвідомлення всієї повноти величі людини, її building up oаnagnuti обернути собі на благо все батство и різноманітність nature. Renaissance humanism - tse takozhe novene vchennya about mnenu, noveta ėtika, Šoco played a leading role in the sphere of humanistic knowledge, a new scientific method, which was inserted into the development of natural sciences. The term "humanism" is like a Latin " humanus" - people, people . The new complex of humanistic sciences is called studia humanitatis. Krim gramatiki i rhetoriki, scho traditsionno vivchalsya y serednjovіchny sistem osvіti, tsei complex uvіbrav novyi disci pliny: istoriyu, ietku, fіlofіyu, poetiku, pedagogiku. Tsimi galuzami know how to professionally engage in new heirlooms Інтелігенції - гуманісти. Tseli boules poeti i fіlosofi, fіlologi i історики, світські individuals and church services. Humanism vidknuv usi zovnіshnі authority. Він протиставив їм самовизначення самодостатньоої особистостіі. The ideological basis of the new artistic svitospriinyattya was the concept of absolute freedom of bogorivnya sobistostosti.

For humanism, the boule is characteristic of the pious pragnenia before the virility of new socially-esthetic people. His gulp of humanity exhausted the gentility, not for the march, but for the teletelecom. Wongs shanuvali special merit, and not noble titles. It is clear to Humanism that the Boolo is critical of stavlenia before the Catholic Church, and especially, viznannya illegitimacy of the monopoly in the intelligentsia diilnosti suspilstva. Humanism categorically does not zareperchuvav church. Він стверджував prооритет розуму по відношенню до авторитету віри. Otzhe, characteristically familiar with humanism - pragnennya to ljudyanosti, goodwill of good minds zhittya. Humanism pochinayutsya Todi, coda lyudina pochinaє rozdumuvati about his role with sviti, about the sake of his mettle zhittya.

Zapitannia і zavdannya for self-control

1. Viznachte chronologichnyi interi epokhi Vidrodzhennya i Reformatsії?

2. Explain, what is the essence of understanding Vidrodzhennya, Reformatsiya.

3. Чому термін Відродження поширюється на all європейську XV culture? Cob of the XVI century?

4. Explain the meaning of the term "humanism" from the point of view of the philosopher's eyes.

5. To the people of the epoch Vidrodzhennya vvazhali epohu serednyovichchya "barbarian" and "wild"?

6. In the course of which the Renaissance humanism?

7. Rozkazhіt about еволюцію гуманізму.

8. What is new rice to humanism? At chomu vona polagala?

9. Yaike spіvvіdnosnya mіzh humanism and antichnistyu?

10. Pidgotuite povidomlennya "Humanism and Renaissance."