Політична економія - Bєляєв О.О.

Розділ 3 Sub'єкти ринкової економіки

Theme 9 of the Household in the System of the Economical Cycle

When vivchennyh danoї those importantly zoserediti respect on such pitannja: iznacheni dopomodopodstv yak sub'ekta ekonomichnih vidosin; Їх двоїстій ролі в економіці; Budgetі сім'ї, джерелах її доходів і структурі їх використання.

Characteristically osoblivіstyu danoї those Yea those scho yak domogospodarstvo samostіyna The Teaching problem ranіshe not vivchalasya, that i do not znayshla bіlsh-Mensch Povny vіdobrazhennya in іsnuyuchіy navchalnіy lіteraturі.

§ 1. Home Rule of the Sub-ect of Economical Inventions

Серед безлічі учасників годарювання сучасна економічна теорія виокремлює three basic grupi sub'єktіv економічних відносн :

  • Home (сімейні) state;
  • Підприємства (фірми) різних видів, forms і господарської спеціалізації;
  • The power of the fire-extinguishing machine is controlled by that enemy.

Understanding "Domochodarstvo"

The first (base) sub'ektom ekonomichnih vidosnon є domestery gosartarstvo. In the economical plan of writing a book, the group of people, yaki, and the relatives of women are to lead the spiln state for a family co-existence. Tom sama ponyattya "domogospodarstvo" blizke to ponyattya sіmeyne Gospodarstwa have traditsіynomu rozumіnnі: sіm'ya - tse people pov'yazanі Rodin zv'yazkami, toil spіlnі Income i spіlno їh vikoristovuyut (sіm'ya skladatis Mauger i s odnієї Helsinki Human).

Otzhe, domashnє Gospodarstwa - tse okrema gospodaryuyucha odinitsya scho skladaєtsya s odnієї abo groupies osіb, ob'єdnanih mіstsem of residing i spіlnim budget yak Yea i vlasnikom postachalnikom resursіv in ekonomіku that oderzhuє natomіst Costa for pridbannya neobhіdnih benefits s metoyu zabezpechennya svoєї zhittє-dіyalnostі .

Domashnі Gospodarstwa postachayut pіdpriєmstvam nezamіnnі virobnichі resources: Operating force pіdpriєmnitskі zdіbnostі and takozh kapіtal, land toscho. Formuvaniya in the home gospodarstvovi spozhivchogogo popita - neobhddna ura stimuljuvannya rozvitku be-yakogo ekonomiki.

Domashnє Gospodarstwa Yea one s nayaktivnіshih sub'єktіv ekonomіchnih vіdnosin suspіlstva, oskіlki sama in nomu vinikayut pervinnі ekonomіchnі require formuyutsya pervinnі ekonomіchnі Interests, SSMSC stimulyuyut rozvitok suspіlnogo virobnitstva. Termіn "domogospodarstvo" ob'єdnuє vsіh spozhivachіv: Naiman pratsіvnikіv, pіdpriєmtsіv, vlasnikіv kapіtalіv, natural resursіv, osіb scho zaynyatі i nezaynyatі in suspіlnomu virobnitstvі.

Evolution of the Role of Domestic Relations

In the course of the evolutionary evolu- tion, the domestication proclaimed suttievi zmin. The prototype of the tysyacholit Vono Boole is baptized on the vedennya natural siemeynogo vibrobitvtva. Everything needed for the satisfaction of the material needs was received, and the members of the motherland were vibrated. Neodminnye suhutnikami natural siemeynogo vibrobitvtva buli nerozvinutіst, obmezhenst user. Otzhe, domomodorstvo yak ekonomichny sub'ekt boolo zakknenim. Vano did not take the Mayzhe did not take part in the discussion, practically all practical problems were sorely used, it was settled on the world. For such minds, domomodorstvo practice is not a little zalishkіv produktsії for sale, but відповідно - коштів for "broad" припбання потрібних промислових товарів. Vano actually did not creep in, nor did he crochet with goods, the services of his vibroblancs.

In the process of submission, the productive forces of the susceptibility and the financial services of the region were affected by the economic functions of the home economy. Postupovo ekonomichny progress progressively, before doing so, to the home societies buglo vigidnishe vidmovlyaetsya (for unknown vinyatkami) vіd vedennya natural vibrobitvtva. For them efektivnіshoyu vyyavilya fate of rozgaluzheny sistem sushpilnogo podilu praţi ta її kooperuvanny, nizh samozabezpechennya navit first consumption (in іzhі, odyagu, zhіtli), in that number of maloproduktivnії pracіі from the traditional pіdobnomu gospodstvі. It is very easy to secure an economically safe network. For example, 80 percent of homelandships vibrobyuyut less than 4 percent of GNP, but have a 70 percent interest in the yogic oath. Tse dozvolyayє dіyt visnovku about those, sho sіm'ya vystupaet vzaimolivim spozhivachhem. At the same time, there is a won - a basic priority for the Sispin Zhitty. In the nyi vіdbuvaetsya rozvitok samoy people, formetsya її індивідуальність.
Tom did not hesitate to vvazhat law-and-process, one iz pa-radoksiv postradyansky period, if the proclamations rush to the rink in the SNM, including the Ukraine, the most important world has been re-created for voidness: back to natural vibrobitvita.

" Renaissance" of homeownership in Ukraine

Gliboka ekonomichna kriza, scho hunted Ukraine to the cob of the 90th rock, interrupted the process of the post-pinched pivot of the village of the living of our population. Rozkradannya podgromadzhenogo suspilnogo bagatstva, znetsinennya contribution to the population, Masov (yavne і prihovane), without any shame, shvidko were beaten by bodnimi and zhebrakami mіljoni people yak na selі, i і in misty. Tom, abi vizhiti, people rushed to dunk poryatunku vlasynim forces. Багато сімей, нещодавніх вихідців із села, які often lingered in the streets of the domed gutto-vests, having botched the robot, they decided to turn to the village. Economical and zanepad sylskogospodarskih pidpriemstv, bagatomysyachny zatrimki z vyplatoyu zabobitnoi payi ta pensi zmusili sil'skih domochodsarstva Mayzha pohnistyu go to self-avoidance. Naturally, the virbitnitsu on the village became a householder.

For giving a statistical obstezhennya budgeting in the Ukraine in the course of 1997, the payment part was paid in mid-soup income, paid from 1990. Went 1.5 times faster, and the part of the upper part of the special privodibnogo gosudarstva zrosla approx. 3 times. Сільські сім'ї майже всі своії consumers in харчуванні забезпечимть за рахунок надходження продуків з особистих підсобних годарств, in some napriksінці 90-х росів вироблялось більше половини всієї сільськогосподарської продукції в Україні. Zapchinu part otdzhito kartoply, close to half of vegetables and bogatannih, fruit, yagid that grape, bolshe chverti yayets, kozhny shostiy klogram m'yasa i m'yasoproduktiv that eight milk and milk products mіsіk sіm'ї отримутть з pідсобних годарств та від родичів, які Meshkayut at sіls'kі місцевості.

This rank, kraineh zavdyaky efektivnomu kooperuvannu so takii domospodarstva chitko zorієntovanі na rascone, and not virginne virbnmaje 10 rockiv perehiodnogo periodu rinku vitschiznyannі sіlsskih domohodarstva strained not to ynogo, and vidnogo. In usіh rozvinutih ittvo.