Основы економічної теорії: політекономічний аспект

§ 2. Structure and function of the accumulation of the propensity of the oil sphere

Prior to the implementation of the oil and gas sphere, we must adhere to the principles of the individual, the vocabulary and the real friend, and so give the services. Prior to them, do not lie on bank loans, installments, pensions, insurance, voluntary funds and companies. Butt of such a pidpri-ємства може бути промислове підприємство.

Капітал підприємства waredaється з трьох частин:

1) knowing the praec, reserve syrovini, material, tochno, tobto all those nos nazivayut "zabobi vibrobnitsva";

2) ready products;

3) the grotesque of that grotesque document.

Pidpriemstvo nasampered moe advances koshti for pribannya factoriv vibrobitvtva, tobto elemenіv postevnyi ta zmіnogo ka-pitalu. For this work, you can: a) enter the markets of vibrobitztsia and enter into economical accounting with salesmen (they can be without wholesale vibrobes). B) on the market of prazi for pribannya neobhidnoy for kilkistyu and yakisty robochoyї sili.

Otzhe, for the new penitentry capitals pochinaє svyy rukh in the spheres of the yak penny, the function of the yakoy є pridbania elementіv vibropnichogo kapitalu.

For nayavnost zasobiv vibrobitvtva and robochoї sili mozhna pochina-ti vibrochnichy protsess. Kapital here vypupatime yak vibropnichesky kapital, funktsyєyu yakogo є viribnitsvo goods and dodatkovo var-tosti.

For the sustained varosty ta dodatkovo vartosty u groshovіy formi treby sell product kapitalu: deliver the goods to the secondary market, know the purchase. At ts'mu kapital nabuvae form kapitalno-kapitalu, head function iakogo є realizatsiya goods and oder-dnya dodatkovo vartosty u groshovіy formi.

Otzhe, kapital pass three stadії і nabuvaє відповідно three forms - groshovoy, виробничої і товарної. Such a succession of currents is called kapitalo kapitalu. Pripinennya Ruhu for one-third of the current cycle, to bring up the process of accumulation to the ruins. Dovga zatrimka in odnіj із functііональних forms kapitalu veda to zagibeli yogo.

The formula for the circulation of the capital is the oil sphere:

The formula of the circuit of the capital is the nefarious sphere

De G - gros; T - the goods; 3B - vyrobi vibrobitnva; RS - robocha force; В - виробництво; ... - re-engaging the process of turnover during the transition to the year of the vibrobitry and the year before the school year.

Оскільки зростання вартості in the basic "відбувається на стадії виробництва, Т 'і Г' вже містять додаткову вартість, тобто розклада-ються відповідно на Т + т і Г + g.

At the honeymoon moment for the capital, hunted in the virgin sphere of the virgin, is characterized by the singing of the functions of their forms of yogi. Absolutnyy otsyag kapitalu pіdpriєmstva vі-oschachaetsya nasampered optimal rozmіrom pіdpriєmstva tsієї si-ri, and otzhe, the size of the vibrotic capitals. So, for rozdіbnії torііvіlі nоtobotovіh, the ambassador of the great capіtalу is not potrebno, тоді як, наприклад, машибудування need to have significant drops, аге the optimal rozmіr підприємства here is meaningfully більший. Chim triva-lishshy process vibrobitnitsva product, Tim bilshim moe bouti virob-nichy kapital.

Hocha sama vibropnicheskii kapital stvoiord dodatkovu vartit, znachna partiala kapitalu fіksuyatsya u groshivіy formi. Motives, which characterize the behavior of writers, yakі trimayut singing part ka-pitalu u tsіy formi, formuljavav JM Keynes:

1) transactional - the demand in the pennies for the safe-keeping of the circulation of the circulation;

2) overdrafts - the mother's dowry to the part of the capit alu in the naylіkvіdnі-shіy form on the vipadok neperdbachecheniy podiy;

3) speculative - bazhannya mati singing reserve, which can be used when you are allowed to enter the Oblast for a Shvidko otrymana pributku (ku-pivlya-sales of foreign currency in foreign currency);

4) Economies - Visoka tsіna to the credit of the spouse of people who are in need of vikorovuvuvati vladsny kapital, and not to the brother posing in the bank. "

The main factors that can be added to the rozmіr capitall pіd-приімства, і розмір виробничого капіталу (і змовлений цим обсяг господарських операцій), відсоток за кредині ресурси та інфля-ційні очікування (the rest factor is the reduction of the rosemary of the thunderstorm).

The rozmіr of commodity kapitalu obomovleniye договірними and the credit of them зobov'janannami vorobnik, and takozh speculative moments - бажанням to sell more expensive, притримавши the goods. The head factors are here - the vibrobitvtva ovsyag, the zinku mill, the enf-cyni ochikuvannya (in which vipadku vіdmіnu vіd penny kapіta-lu vonyi vpostyayut vidnosnomu zrostannu kapitalo kapitalu), org-ganizatsiya zbutu tochno.

The formula for the circuit of the capital G - T ... In ... T '- G' is described as a rupture of the promiscuous capital, the function of the yako - viroblennya vartosty dodatkovoy vartosty. However, the real reality is that the ranks of the fictitious capitals are the same as those of the richest man's paupers (CPs). Skazhimo, yakshcho pevne pidpriemstvo, real kapital so I will set 2060 yew. G., Vizvat in obyg aktsії nominolnoy vartіstyu, sho stanovitime approximately 50 vidsootkiv vartosty real capital, toto 1000 tis. Y., Yakі vіdpovodatimut vartosty basic kapitalu z urahuuvannam amortizatsii, i vsyo tsі aktsії prodvatimutsya zgіdno zrin-kovoyu tsinoyu for 3000 yew. Mr. O., then the capitals of consumption of roses are two-fold; One yogo part (real capitall) is functional, the whole hour is described by the circuit GT ... B ... T '- G', and the subscription is in the hands of the registrar, you have to rush in the sphere of the common paperns for the formula G - CP-G '. For the songwriters, the structure of the film is the fictitiousness of the capital, which is deposited in the money: yakschoo pidpriemstvo sta bankrutom, yogo kapital, what kind of real vartism, you can sell for the bogs, then you do not have kupuvati-me, and they have investments in them To be acquainted with. Ілюзорність вартості фіктивного капіталу змовлена ​​тим, що вона визначається не ве-личиною суспільне необхідної праці, уречевленої в певних goods, and the amount of income, шо припадє на цінні папери підприємства.

About the self-esteem of the real and the fictitious capitalists: the day of unprecedented actual economic life: the hour of the unprecedented-no-day birzhovoi crisi zhovtnya, 1987 p. Сумарна вартість цінних папе-рів набільших американських корпорацій зменшилася на 30 від-сотків, тоді як real capital on зі досить різкі зміни майже ніяк не зреагував. For naybіshih promyslovy korporatsіy spіvvіdno-shennya mіzh real kapitalom (assets) that nominalnogo vartis-tju kacionalnogo kapitalu became on 1989 r. Z: 1. Taka rozbizh-nist dye zmogu dosutsya small companies to conduct agressivnu fіnansovuyu polіtiku, skupovuyuchi kontrolnyi packets of actions to dot the great companies, and potim rozproduvati їh activists, off the cynic of speculative operations chimaliy zisk.

Оскільки капітал постійно знатьсяться русі, всі його three частини (грошова, виробнича і товарна) здійснють кругообіг. Uninterrupted rush kapitalu in the spheres of virobnitstva i obigu, after the repetition of a hundred-second cycle, peredvoyuyut yogo in turn kapitalu. One person vimiru one turn, tobto periodu, for a pre-pidpriemstva povertaetsya advance vartіst, є day. Показником кількості оборотів за пвний проміжок hour вимірюється швидкість обороту капіталу:

Shvidkist turnover kapitalu

Де п - кількість оборотів, за рік; 360 - кількість днів у році; O - trivalist one turnover, dniv.

Otzhe, yakshchoo kapital obertaetsya once for 8 months, then shvidkist yogo turnover stanovitime 1,5 turnover per rik. Vaughn to lie down in order, yak shvidko wrapped partially kapitalu.

Різні частини капіталу обертаються з різною швидкістю. So, urechevana partial kapitalu (primischennya, vibrochnichi budivlyi) funct-tsionuє bahato rockov, otzhe, oberataetsya dosit nablyu. Turnover kapitalu, contributed in the main technologic zadnannya, takozh koplyuet kilka rockiv. The purpose of the task is to perform special functions of the function-tsionuvannya zadobiv pravitsi: vony functional in the process of vibrobitv-vvprodovzh kilkok vibropnichikh kolekіv і transfer their vart-tist on the product at the world vtrati vosnozhivnogo vartostі. Yaksho pevne obladnannya mozhe fizichno funktsionuvati 10 rockiv, then kozh-noy rock volo bude priednuvati to the product 1/10 of the part svoeї vartosty. Part of the transferred work is turned back at real-time production. In the course of the retreat, the praty svoye vartosty in the process of virbitntsya nazivayut amortization, and the accumulation of zavdyaki tsiomu penny fund pidpriemstva, scho of recognition for zmіeni znosheni znjaryad pratsi tam repair їh, - depreciation background. If you take care of your vibrobitvita, transfer your varti to pre-meter praci povnistju, stink vvazhayutsya ponynstyu zamortizovaniemi і mozhut bouti novinami. Prote Taka zamіna mozhe vidbuvatisya nabagato rannishe. The norm (the upper boundary) of the amortization is to install the power organizations.

Відношення перенесеної за рік вартості знарядь праці до їхньої первісної витості nazivayut norm of depreciation:

Rate of depreciation

Де А - річна сума амортизації; Пв - первісна вартість знарядь праці.

Зношування засобів праці відбувається під впливом дх факто-рів: виробничого використання і технічного прогресу. The first zoumovleniya vstratoy spozhivnosti vartosti, others - the appearance of cheap-oh-oh-doskonalischih zasobiv pratsi. Відповідно розрізняють знос - фізичний і Morality. For brains, the acceleration of the technological advancement itself, the moral obsolescence, becomes the most important factor in amortization, consolidation, and upbringing to the extent of the redistribution of forms during the acceleration of depreciation. Methodology ostavnogo gayuslivost listvu-vati bilshu partnu vartosty ustatkuvannya vzhe percheroki yogo funktsionuvannya. Zavshyaki tsiomu without osobliviks dodatkovyh vitrat mozhna pidtrymuvati riven ponovlenya main kapitalu, scho moe silylive znachennya for brains zhorstkoї rivalry on zinku productu.

Partina kapitalu, vtіlena u sirovinі, materіalakh, komplektu-chih virobah, zabotіnnі pli pratsyuyuchih, advance pіdpriєm-stvom for the cutaneous new virobnichogo cycle і ponnistyu pver-taєtsya back vartіstyu kozhnoї partnerі realizіїnoї produktsії. Hocha z poglyadu vibrobnitsva dodatkovo vartosty the role of warehouses tsієї hour-tiny kapitalu dorokinno vidriznyaetsya (robocha force stlyovoru novu i dodatkovu vartit), schodo turn von nichim not vidriznyayutsya.

Partly kapitalu u viglyadі znaryad pratsi, scho zberigaje his own way of life vartіst simplification of the cycles of vibrobnitsva, transferring to the product in parts, in the world znosu, yaka takozh in parts pover-taitsya і utloryo grosovyi fund amortizatsii, nazivayut bash-him kapital. That part of the capital is represented by the objects that are cut off by the plateau, vtrachae its sporzhivnu vartizh for one vibronichesky cycle, vartchist vakosti povnistju vklyuetsya at vart-tist product and turn to pidpriemstvo povnistyu at once in realizing the skinny partiie produktsii, imenyuyut vernalnym kapital.

Chim vishche spivvidnoshennya mizh basic and turnaround on the corridor ostannogo, chim short vibrochnichi cycle, tim shvidshe mozhe overtatisya kapital. Zvidsy sto zrozumіlim, chomu kapitali, neznichnі for rozmіrom, pochinayut svoe functііonuvannya in the quiet spheres, de efektivny rozmіr pіdpriemstva do not need a great ка-піталу (especially the reverse one), and the advance vartіst svidko to turn back: chim trivalvaly perіod turn kapitalu, tim A larger treasury of advances to werewolves, but an annuity, and all of it.

Pідприємець is guilty of controlling the zagalny turnover of its capital, toto the turnover in advance of it, and the turn of the capital stock to the vihidnoi form - groshovoi.