The economics of agrarian applications - Andriychuk V.G.

15.3. Методи зіставлення інвестицій у часі

Аналіз ефективності капіталовкладень ґрунтується на оцінці грошей у часі. The rightful point of such an agreement is absolutely brought up, that is, one hryvnia, is awarded to the phisical chi by a legal special holiday, і ціннішою, вагомішою, дорожчою за гривню, яка буде отримана у майбутньому. Існують кілька обставин, що змовлюють вищу цінність odnієї thіеї ж sumi grosy сьогодні порівняно з наступним періодом. In the minds of the unstable economy, the seriousness of the situation is і інфляція, під дією якої groovі знецінимться з швидкістю, раpаrісійною її темпу. Tom is not vypadka in the minds of the inflation interest rates for the loan, it's meaningless to look and see yak zahid, scho protydіe ztennenennyu vidanoy in credit sumi penny, oskilki ostanni poverataetsya lender in bolshomu rozmіrі. To tell skazati, scho in Ukraine through hyperinflation, yak rozvinulasya in 1992-1993 rr., Interest rates for short-term loans reached 360%, and proponuvannya dovgostrokovyh loans in fact boolo zvedennoe to zero.

The value of the nonsense grosses is ruled from the tomorrow's past through the objectively the expense of the economical vigod at the non-conscientious state. Yaksho, napriklad, the author of the groschen virishiv poschichi ich on the trivalous hour of the present, I shall take care of myself, but the remainder of the turn is the same as sumo, tse means, scho the lender of his own koshti. Ajer vin mіg ikh to contribute to the singer right then to get the zwiad ch'iu dodatkovy dohіd for the advancements kapital. Do girshomu varіantі vіn mіg bi to keep dodatkovy pributok u vygljadі percentage, simply having put your own money in the bank for zberigannya. Potrbno vrahovuvaty i tuyu nemilovazhnu obstavnu, scho lending zarzhdi rizikuyut tim, scho їh borzhniki for pivnikh obstavin mozut not turn nadaniy im credit. That interest for a loan is rightly foresight and for a fee for a ricocle, for a savage imposition of a penny.

Інвестиції по'язані, з one боку, з contributions of коштів on тривалий of lines, and з іншого - з різною віддачею від них у часі. You can not, napriklad, stverdzhuvati, but two projects of innovation are one for efektivnistyu, yakshso stink moyut novyyvyy otsyag, ale one of them zabezpechuyu dohіd stretch of the first tryokh rockiv 30 yew. UAH at the pic, and the other - takozh 90 tis. UAH, ale for the third party of the yogi. Щоб зіставити цих two projects from the point of view of economical vigod, potrybno otsіniti oderzhuvanі доходи з урахуванням фактор to hour. Taka otsnka potrybna і for umovi, if koshti in the project ukladayutsya stretching trivalogo periodu.

Існують two methods остставлення інвестицій у часі - the method of folding interest rates and discounting . The first can be found in the Maybutni. Кількісно ця оцінка to deposit in the two factors - interest rates and period, for which you draw a rosraunok. Bezsedredno viznachit Maybutny vartit pennies (MVG) is possible for the formula:

MVG = PVG (1 + i) n, (15.1)

De PVG -potchnaya vartit groshe; I - interest rate for the first period (month, quarter, рік); N is the number of perіодів (місяців, кварталів, років).

Yaksho, napriklad, pidpriemstvo poured into the bank 100 yew. UAH at 15% banking stavtsi, through chotiri roki na yogo rahunku bude 100 (1 + 0,15) 4 = 174,9 yew. UAH Якби ці гроші не були покладені в банк, а були, скажімо, інвестовані в купівлю матеріалів for майбутнього будівництва, їх ватість not зменшилася б, але вони did not bring in additional income. ALE yakshchoo uyaviti, sho osnachena suma koshtiv not bula pokladen in the bank and not izvestvuvalasya, through choti roki, vrahovoychi іnflyatsіynі protsessi, vartit cich grosz pozitsіy їх krupіvelnogo prodomostnostі zmenensya proportional iznpu інфляції. An information is imposed on the supernumerary for pidpriemstv, oskilki daet zmogu zrobiti regular vibri in the case of innocent koshtiv abo prinyatitti rishen, povyazyanykh z vikoristannyam gotivki.

In order to rebuild itself into a world, such an butt can be put in place. On the basis of the diagnostics of the hourroom, the ґruntoobrobno technics of the specialty of the device come to the door, but through three rocks її it is necessary to replace the car with a complex of machines orientovuyu vartіstyu 200 tis. UAH Specialists of the political elite, chi budet pidpriyatstvo mati dostatno vlasnih koshtiv for such purchases, chi mozhlivo, yomu to get married to the singer suma loan, if vidomo, scho on the ear of the vertex periodum pidloto on the deposit 60 thousand. Грн під 15% річних і даі щорічно воно в змозі виділяти по 20 тис. Hryvna clasti їх bank pід instructions відсоток.

Yak bachimo, here ydetsya about vyznachennya majbutnyo varostyi grosz, ozhe, існує необхідність at the ossified form 15.1. When it is important to properly decorate the periode of zernigannya groschen at the bank. Obviously, for pennies, pokrateny on the ear of rock, n = 3 rock, for pennies, I will pokladeni on deposit on the cob of another rock, n = 2 і on the back of the third - n = 1. Todi majbutnia vartit pennies, pobladenih on the backside Zvitnogo rock, stanovitime 60 (1 + 0,15) 3 = 91 yew. UAH, on the cob of another - 20 (1 + 0,15) 2 = 26,4 thousand. Hryvnia і on the back of a third - 20? 1,15 = 23 yew. UAH Otzhe, on kynets third rock pidpriemstvo matimo vinyh gros 140.4 thousand yew. UAH (91 + 26.4 +23). Now, it is obvious, for purchasing a ґrunto-robbery technology, you will need a loan for a sum of 60 thousand yen. UAH (200-140).

The method of discounting is dulled in that way, if necessary, the yaku sumu kostyv potrebnoy vybasti v daniy hour, so otrimati neobhdnu sumu penny at maybutnyu. In other words, for yogo dopomogo viznachaetsya flowing the value of a penny, if vidom їh maybutnya tsinnі:

PVG = MBG: (1 + i) n. (15.2)

Yaksho skoristatis give give the rifle butt and pistatsti-yh I put the formula, obsessively 174.9: (1 + 0.15) 4 = 100 yew. UAH