Історія економічних учень - Korniychuk L.Ya.

1. Історичні передумови виникнення кейнсіанства

Already to the 30th rock of the twentieth century. The students, the economists, the students dumbed, the dome, for the sake of the mechanics of the capital, the economy, automatically, straight to rivnivagi - if the suupin drank the dorivnyu sykupnіy propositions. Дійсність простовала ілюзії неокласиків щодо здатності ринкового мехаізму automatically забезпечувати рівновагу на ринку товаів, so itself як і на ринку праці й капіталу. Naybіlsh наочним свідченням цього був cycleічний nature of the development of capitalist economy. Constantly repeated by the force of the crisis, they were imposed by the zoning of the river of virbitntsva, investments, hired, paid for, by serious difficulties in the possession of goods, by the bottleneck of the eco-economic mechannism. The economical duma of that period was vividly portrayed by an unreported date zavodilne zasimnlya zim yavishcham, and Tim bіlshe vkazati way prioblanya crisis. Bagato economists called for the onset of the crisis and oncoming pidnesen in the spirit of optimism and pesimism in business. Існували теорії, які clarified the crises to the handicaps of proportionality of the gauges of the state, to be imposed by the bank's percentage policy.

In the wake of the capitalism, the shvidko collapsed into mechanical self-regulating self-regulation. At the turn of XX century. Monopoly remained vilified vylnu competitor yak regulator kapitalalistichnogo gospodarstva. Вільне переливання капіталу та робочої сили, вирівнювання витрат виробництва, цін та normi прибутку стають тепер неможливими.

Ale naiibilsh gostro nezdatnіst kapitalnistichnoi ekonomiki before planirovkog rozvitku manifested itself in the rock of the social and economic crises of 1929-1933. The onset of the depressions of the 30th rock. 1933 р. In the capitalistic areas 33 million unemployed, in the United States there were 16 million, and it became one-third of all robots. In the United States, the vibrochnichi volatility functioned more than 50%, while in England it was smaller. Until 1933 p. Промислове виробництво та національний дохід США занизилися більше ніж на половину. Інвестиційна діяльність у деякі роки кризи поністю припинялася. Вихід з кризи був настільки тривалим та болісним, що навіть у 1938 р. Рівень виробництва в багатох країнах не догаг показы-ків 1929 р.

Economical crisis of 1929-33. She demonstrated the obvious disagreement between the high river and the development of the productive forces, that is, the growth of the rhinochek processes. The high rush of usuppilennya and the servitude of the Gospodarh Mekhanism demanded planar regulation of the economy on a strictly national scale, toto strengthening the role of the state in economics.

Pershi kroki at the center of the clock was bunched at the USA by the New Deal of President F. Roosevelt.

At first, the country's possessions in vain in economics are explained in a practical way by micro-countries without a theoretical basis. Having published 1936 р. The book "Zagalna teorіya zaynatosty, percent of that penny", English economist JM Keynes, having created a theoretical platform and becoming an ideologist of a new one, is strained by bourgeois economical science, cotrian ogrupnovuyu is the inconvenience of self-regulation of capitalist economics on macroeconomic management of sovereign wealth in economic processes.