Politically economical - Krivenko K.T.

5.4.3. Functionality of commodity vibrobitvtva i yogo zakony.

Funktsіonuvannya commodity Gospodarstwa organіchno pov'yazane s Private vlasnіstyu on resources and takozh s vikoristannyam Sistemi rinkіv i tsіn for koordinatsії ekonomіchnoї dіyalnostі th upravlіnnya her. In takіy gospodarskіy sistemі povedіnka skin її participant motivuєtsya yogo NKVD, egoїstichnimi іnteresami: cutaneous Ekonomichna odinitsya namagaєtsya maksimіzuvati svіy dohіd on osnovі іndivіdualnogo rіshennya of acceptance. Rinok functucіonu yak mehanizm, zavdyaki yakomu іndivіdualnі rіshennya i izmenstat 'openly and coordinated.

For the commodity form, the state darling існує безліч самостійно діючих покупців і продавців dairy product і resource. Yak naslodok, ekonomichna vlada widely rozoeredzhena. Great role in the function of commodity commodity government to adhere to the laws of vibrobitvtva, obmina , yak:

The law of war;

The law of sowing and prophesying;

The law of competition;

The law of a penny.

The laws are to be interpreted in detail in the course of a half-yearly economy.

Completing the balance by those, the demand of the vote on the fact that the people before the tsikh pir did not know about the effective form of the organisa- tion of the Suspil State.

Terminological dictionary

Vartizh - ekonomichna kategoriia, yaka synthesize in the memory of the loss of potentialities in zvjazyku v vibrobitntsvom be-yakogo goods.

Vartizt lost mozlivostey - vartist goods chi resource, vid yakih vidmovilis.

Domashnaya promyslovіst - vibrobnitwo in the countryside government of ready products for a special and vibrobnicheskogo spozhivannya.

The other great saspilny podil prači - vіddіlennya crafts in the Silesian state.

Zagalny law vartostі: Yakscho chinniki virobnitstva vikoristovuyutsya optimally schodo platospromozhnih potreb suspіlstva, zabezpechuyut obsyag Key infrastructure tovarіv on mezhі virobnichih mozhlivostey suspіlnogo virobnitstva then vartіst kіntsevogo product bude naynizhchoyu s usіh mozhlivih varіantіv organіzatsії virobnichogo processes.

Мінова вартість - кількісне відношення або або пропорція, in one of the products I will exchange for the rest.

Naturally, virbitnism is a type of statehood, in a kind of vibro- mattian cynthia without a middle age to satisfy the needs of the needs of the virus.

The first great Suspilny subpil of praec - the worship of the Tvarinnitsa tribes of the tribes, they have borrowed heavily through the earthquake.

Simply merchandise vibroitelstvo - merchandise gosartarstvo, in a comrade I vibrolyayutsya dribnimi viborkami - remisnikami, handicraftsmen, peasants tochno.

Rozvinena form of commodity virobnitstva - Commodity Gospodarstwa Where Money Does mayzhe all viroblyaєtsya not for themselves, but on rinok i Where Money Does Masov item staє robochem force Helsinki Human (Prace).

The product is a product, it is not for vibrolyatsya not for a special spozhivannya, but for obminu on gros.

Mercantile virobnitstvo - organіzatsіyna form suspіlnogo virobnitstva for yakoї produkti viroblyayutsya not Vlasnyi spozhivannya and obmіnu for purchase through sales at the market.

Tovarnі ekonomіchnі vіdnosini - System i zv'yazkіv vіdnosin mіzh people SSMSC pov'yazanі s virobnitstvom tovarіv that їh obmіnom on market analysis.

Supervision of supply and naval operations

1. What time did the basic form of organisation for the vibrobitvita booleau naturally vibrate?

2. In the case of a polygon, the vernacular of a commodity vibrobitva is that yogo of historical value?

3. Vikoristovoychi graphenik vibromichih mozlivostej, to explain sutnist vartostі vtratscheni mozlivostej.

4. Obruktuyte, yakіy teorії varostyі vіddaєte perevagu.

5. Do chomu polyagaet sutnist zagalnogo law vartostі?

6. Chi can vidnosna pidkist goods bouti vartisno stnovyuchim chinnikom?

7. De і in yakih umowah on the ear of the XXI century. Is not it easy for a virgin to work?

8. What are the basic riches of a simple commodity vibrobitztva to you?

9. To name the main signs of the commodity form of the commodity vibrobitvtva.

10. Pідготуйте домашнє завдання on the topic: спільні риси вартості товару і його мінової вартості.