Politically economical - Krivenko K.T.

20.1.2. Functionality gospodarskogo mehanizmu.

Sutnist gospodarskogo mehanizmu manifested through yogo funktsії. Prior to the main of them in the politico-economic system, there are the following: realizatsii vidosinin panyuchogo type vlasnosti; Spoluchennia і vzaimodії productive forces і vibronic vednesin in ekonomichnі structures суспільства; Uzgozhennya z zabezpechenniya ruhu ekonomichnih Іnteresіv; Rozv'yana supersichnosti; Formuvaniya "field" vzaimodії mіzh mekhanizmom dії i mekhanizmom vikoristannya ekonomichnikh lawov.

Realіzatsіya Tsikh funktsіy in ekonomіchnіy praktitsі vіdbuvaєtsya osnovі on such basic printsipіv formuvannya i funktsіonuvannya gospodarskogo mehanіzmu, yak: efektivnіst, zbalansovanіst, sistemnіst, sotsіalna spryamovanіst.

Dialektika mehanizmu gospodarjuvannya polagaye in that, shkob raskriti yogo suttieviy zmist and videoovodno to chyogo vpaskonaljuvati form yogo I shall show.

Otzhe, mehanіzmu gospodaryuvannya structure zumovlena yogo ob'єktivnoyu by nature i virobnichimi vіdnosinami s їh Glibin sutnіstyu - panuyuchim type vlasnostі th adequacy ekonomіchnimi laws. Domіnantoyu vivedennya structuring mehanіzmu gospodaryuvannya Je ekonomіchnі laws, FORMS Wink yakih i utvoryuyut yogo s Elements їh vzaєmozv'yazkami i vzaєmoobumovlenіstyu.

Organizational and economic forms are subject to identification and control. Viznachayuchis its own objective nature, stink in that very hour - the result of sub-ectivity. From the point of view of the organisation-economical form, one should act and form the form of the economical laws.

20.1.3. Structure gospodarskogo mehanizmu.

Mehanіzm gospodaryuvannya yak system organіzatsіyno-ekonomіchnih forms vklyuchaє takі structurally funktsіonalnі pіdsistemi: planuvannya, stimulyuvannya, organіzatsіya, regulyuvannya. S Tsikh cutaneous forms have their Cherga, vistupaє in bezlіchі іnshih forms scho vikonuyut svoї funktsії i in svoїh vzaєmozv'yazkah stvoryuyut vіdpovіdnі pіdsistemi mehanіzmu gospodaryuvannya. The system of planning includes prognostication, dovgostrokov, srednjostrokove and streamline planning, directive and non-indicative planning; Pidsistema stimuljuvannya - ekonomichny vazheli i stimul ekonomichnoi diyalnosti, prikorennya naukovo-tehnichnogo progress, the credit and financial system; Pідсистема оргаізації - the form of the organization and management of the vibrobitniy in accordance with the regulations on the rights and obovozyakіv ekonomichnyh sub'ektiv.

This is the rank, which can be dated to the times of the Lord's Mehanism.

Gospodarsky mehanіzm - tse system basically forms metodіv i vazhelіv vikoristannya zakonіv, rozv'yazannya superechnostey suspіlnogo method of virobnitstva, realіzatsії vlasnostі and takozh vsebіchnogo rozvitku Helsinki Human, formuvannya її require stvorennya Sistemi stimulіv i uzgodzhennya ekonomіchnih іnteresіv mainly klasіv, sotsіalnih group.