Розіщення продуктивних сил України - Дорогунцов С.І.


The flood-energetic balance (PEB) is stored in pributkovoy and vitratnoy parts. In pributkovіy chastinі balance zafіksovanі takі pokazniki, yak vidobutok natural Fuel type - vugіllya, gas, naphtha, peat, wood (prirodnі resources) i virobnitstvo natural energetichnih resursіv, SSMSC vklyuchayut virobnitstvo elektro- i teploenergії on thermal (TEN) i atomic elektrostantsіyah (AEC) . Krіm order to tsієї Chastain balance vіdnosyat netraditsіynі prirodnі energetichnі resources (energіya vіtru, sun, sun, geothermal, heat nizkopotentsіalne that іn.), And takozh s vіdbіr gas pіdzemnih skhovisch gas іmport energoresursіv that zalishok resursіv on the cob rock.

The other part of the balance (vitratna) includes the sparing of energy resources and storage of such articles:

  • Perestvorennya in інші вини енергії - електро-і теплоенергію, стснене повітря і domain duttya;
  • Vibronichno-tehnologichesky consumption, including vtrati at zberezhenny, transportovanni i formvannyi derzhrezervu;
  • Pumping natural gas into the gas shovel;
  • Export;
  • The embankment in the posts and those on the rock.

In the structures of the vibrobnitsva (vidobutka), the paliva in Ukraine is perevazhaє woogill. Pitoma waga vugylly become 60%, then yak on naphtha is close to 7%, for natural gas - 25%. At the same time, the natural gas plays a role in the spill-over of the raw and energetic resources. Pitoma of the natural gas in the spongy, disputable boiler-and-stove is about 54%, that of the Vughillya is 24%, and of the heavy fuel oil - 6%.

This rank, yakshcho in the structures of vibrobnitsva vlasnyh energergichnyh resources perevazhaet vugillya, then in the structure spozhivannya provіdna role to nalezhit natural gas.

Розрив господарських зв'язків з респубіками колишнього СРСР, який in the main і привів до енергетичної кризи в Україні, посилює negative vplyv on zabezpechennja kraїni with the tundish energy resources. The loss of consumption of Ukraine from natural gas and nafti for rakhunok of virgin vibrobitva is very low. In the main, the entire demand in the types of energy-intensive resources is to be secured for the rakhunok post-office for the sake of inter-Ukraine (it is important for Russia to Turkmenistan). At the same time, the visibility of foreign currencies to purchase the necessary quantities of goods is limited to the amount of resources available in the economy. For the cynicism of the minds of the above-mentioned people's food and energy-consuming resources, it is the most important feature of the economic function of the economy of Ukraine. That conception of the formulation of the palyno-energetic balance of Ukraine on the dovgostrokov prospect is guilty of the vipliwati from the need for self-determination. Until then, vrahovuyuchi in tsіlomu Slabko zabezpechenіst Ukraine virobnitstvom Vlasnyi palivnih resursіv, neobhіdno provoditi tsіlespryamovanu i systematically robot perebudovі structuring virobnitstva s metoyu digit zmenshennya pitomoї crowbars energomіstkoї produktsії, vprovadzhennyu energozberіgayuchih tehnologіy that іnshih dosyagnen NAUKOVO-tehnіchnogo Progreso. Zasnachene stosuyutsya nasampered such a galuse, yak chorna metulurgiya, machinobudivna i khimichna promyslovist. Structurally perebudova vibrobnitsva і naukovo-tehnicheskii progressov guilty to lead up to істотного зменшення питомих norms vitrat energergeticheskikh resursіv on oditnitsu productions and сприти зменшенню обсягів їх споживання в країні. Vihodachi z otsinki stocks vygіllya in Ukraіnі, the main role in the demand of the people of the people's state in the past is guilty of lying on the verge.

In rezultatі digit vicherpannya zapasіv Nafti i gas at the main rodovischah Ukraine, introduced in ekspluatatsіyu perevazhno drіbnih rodovisch and takozh vnaslіdok іnshih negatively faktorіv vinikaє seryozna problem schodo zbіlshennya obsyagіv vidobutku Tsikh naybіlsh Progressive palivnih resursіv i, yak naslіdok - neobhіdnіst їh imported into up Ukraine have Postnoy zrostayuchih scales. The purpose of the work is to economize the situation and the vimage of a number of hard times (political, economical, technical), without securing the singing of nafti and gas, you can not formulate a firing-and-energetic balance.

For pіdvischennya nadіynostі palivo- i energozabezpechenostі national Gospodarstwa Ukraine (zvazhayuchi on znachnі delivery Nafti i gas in up Ukraine) dotsіlno i neobhіdno rozshiriti Quantity Jerel postachannya Nafti i gas s tim, dwellers zalezhnіst od postachannya for cutaneous palivnomu resource s one dzherela not perevischuvala 30% ( Z urahuvannya zagalnyh obshyagіv postachannya).

Виробництво електро- і теплоенергії повино збільшуватися за рахунок використання firm палива (вугілля), що вимагає будівництва і розширення мережі електростанцій order of realizatsiyu zakodіv shodo zhoryroni nakkolishnogo sredovischa. In addition, potrobno zbilshuvati potouzhnist nuclear power plants.

In the minds of znachnih, keeping in mind the demand of the people's state of Ukraine in the raw and energetic resources is especially topical ─ vikoristan in the bosom of the higher levies of the unconventional ventilation of the dzherel ер energia (winds, sunsets, warmth of the earth інших виівів).

The main strategically important tensions are the structure of the palynoenergetic balance of Ukraine, and that of the newest problems in the sphere of affairs:

  • Concentration of folk dopolzyskih zusil on vsebіchnomu prisokrennі spent енергозберігаючої політики. Tse nayvazhlivysh naprim vimagaє, krіm soderzhanі rіznomanіchnikh zahodіv schodo pіvіschennіa ефективності використання палива і енергії, вскосколенлення self-structuring of the people's government with a prorotitnym rozvitkom mensh енергомістких виробництв;
  • Vneskonalennya structurally balanced in the energy sector of the Ukrainian vicinities. Predbachaetsya zbіlshennya pitomoї vagi електроенергії і тепло at зниженні частики моторного палива і котельно-пічного палива безпосереднього використання. It is important zbylshitsya takozh a part of the co-existence of natural energy resources yak sirovini, and takozh for the other non-spilled consumption.

The general development of electric power engineering in the world is the tenth generation - the role of the nuclear power industry.

In balance енергоносіїв кінцевого використання it is farther farther away збільшення of a part of the breakaway and obnarodzhenyh sight of the paliva from the peninsula yak anchorі, so the рівня partitions of the original sirovini. Especially in the case of vidnoshennі є rozvitok naftoferebroki iz zrostan'yam pozhuzhnost 'on the secondary processes і skorozhennyam spozhivannya mazutu yak kotelno-pіchnogo paliva. Zrostannya costs vidobutok Nafti obumovlyuє ekonomіchnu dotsіlnіst perevischennya obsyagіv virobnitstva Engine Fuel type that іnshih svіtlih naftoproduktіv for rakhunok zbіlshennya Glibin pererobki Nafti zamіst otrimannya Tsikh produktіv for rakhunok dodatkovogo vidobuvannya Nafti at nezmіnnіy glibinі pererobki.

In the form of a structurally structured peer-and-energetic balance of a particular value, there is a request for energy security at areas in the regions where energy is scarce, and such non-traditional dzherel paliva (energy). Ці go in stvojayut mozhlіst gorodchennya transportnie vitrat for the delivery of energy resources in the smallest districts, sho zabezpechuє suttieviy efekt, especially for the zones that are located in the energy bases.