Міжнародні розрахунки та валюні операції - Savluk M.І.

5.2.5. Uniform Rules for Inkaso (UPI)

Розрахунки у формі інкасо досить поширені в міжнародній торгівлі. When tsnomu iknazo vikoristovuyutsya yak at rozraunkah for the payment of non-payment, so і for rozraunkah for commercial loans.

Іnkasova form of retailing є odnієyu іnstarіshih bankіvskikh operatsіі і regulyuetsya spetsіalnim document - Unifikovaniemi rules for inokos, yakі rozrobila Міжнародна торговельна палата, стрені на початку ХХ ст. In Paris.

UPI regulate the basic law and obovyazyka uchasnikіv іnkaso. At the end of the edition of the Rules of 1978, the draft law was introduced on 01/01/1979. The rules should be visible to the people, the procedure for filing documents before payment and payment, acceptance, payment for payment, acceptance of non-payment (acceptance), that is food. Prior to the Rules, banks were located in the United States, in addition to Ukraine.

Іnkasova form rozraunkіv має певні недоліки. The main reason for them is the triviality of the documents passing through the banks, in the form of payment, which can be withdrawn from the list of tizhnіv up to місяця і більше. In addition, the importer of the right to pay a fee for filing documents is not allowed to the mother to exchange the currency for the cordon. In the cich vipadkas, the exporter will carry vitrati, which are worn on zaberganni cottages, sell yogo third cars to transporters back from their land. In the case of zvojjuku at rozraunkukah for ikaso mozhut vikoristovovatis riznyi method prisokorennya i dodatkovogo zabezpechennya payment.

Self-control nutrition

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